
Dual ATMega328P Computer AVR NC V1

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AVR NC V1, or AVR Nano Computer, is a project to demonstrate a basic computer with keyboard input, composite video output, and tons of other goodies. The point of this project is to create a standalone computer to eventually run an interpretive programming language such as python.

As the project progresses I would like to have added additional EEPROM for self created program RAM and an SD Card slot to store programs. Along with the possibility of WIFI using the ESP8266( $5 Wifi Module to save programs online.

Current Features (Planned, boards on there way)

Input: PS/2 Keyboard

Output: Composite Video Out

CPU: ATMega328P

GPU: ATMega328P

Future Features (Planned, will be in V2):

Storage: SD Card Slot

OS/Software: Interpreted Programming Envirmoment

Changes: Surface mounted components

Connectivity: Wireless 802.11

  • Designed, and sent off to the presses.

    Jeremy Sayers09/16/2014 at 23:06 1 comment

    The boards for the AVR NC V1 have been finished and sent out to OSHPark to get created. To start off with I'll just be displaying the typed text on to the screen. But after the initial hardware is finished, I'll be working on a custom OS called JGAMES for running home built games. Here is the render OSHPark gave me of the board:

    To answer some questions that i've been asked, the biggest one, why two AVRs?

    Well that one is simple actually. With this project I didn't want to focus on the video output programming and being able to still have game logic running while keeping up with a refresh rate. So I decided I would dedicate an AVR to the GPU and it will take serial commands from the CPU on what to draw. That way I'm not bounded at all for what kind of games I might be able to create for it.

    The next question that some people have picked up on, why are there fan headers on the board?

    The answer to that one is a lot stupider. Honestly I wanted to be able to cool it. I had toyed with the idea of putting a 40 MHz crystal with the ATMega, and based on what I've read you can do it very easily with a little bit of cooling. So the end result might use a 40 MHz crystal in which I'd want to be able to stick a 120mm fan and just cover the entire board with air.

    The boards were sent out on 9/13/14 and I should be getting them around 9/25/14, so I'll post more once I have the boards.

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Tamsin Heineman wrote 05/19/2019 at 01:35 point

Is this dead?

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Mars wrote 02/08/2019 at 23:36 point

Are you still working on this?  This project looks cool.

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Ivan Kuzmenko wrote 03/22/2016 at 06:08 point

Good work, but why not use SMD AVR?

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flaviu.ionutz wrote 04/28/2015 at 09:20 point

word of advice. use decoupling capacitors, place the crystal as close as possible to the microcontroller

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 09/17/2014 at 22:24 point
Hey Jeremy, I've added your project to the list. Can you add more details so Mike doesn't ask me to remove it :)

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Jeremy Sayers wrote 09/17/2014 at 22:52 point
Thank you so much Jasmine, put in a few details already and will post more when I have it, thanks!

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davedarko wrote 09/17/2014 at 10:28 point
Good luck with the boards, they look a bit "wild" :)

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Jeremy Sayers wrote 09/17/2014 at 21:08 point
Trust me they are very wild! The point of these boards were proof of concept and they were rushed. The next version I hope to use surface mounted ATMega328s to avoid a lot of the routing issues.

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