
Kitchen Timer

A Project using Raspberry Pi acts as a host which controls the gen4-uLCD-35DT.

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In this project the Raspberry Pi acts as a host which controls the gen4-uLCD-35DT. The gen4 HMI module was programmed with different forms and widgets, which are then controlled depending on the commands sent by the Raspberry Pi host and vice versa.

This program is tested on Raspberry Pi 2 with Pixel image. It can also run on other Raspberry Pi variants. But, if you are using Raspberry Pi 3, make sure that you first visit this link: to configure the UART of Raspberry Pi 3.

This demo was tested on a Raspberry Pi 2 running Raspbian with PIXEL. It can also run on other Raspberry Pi variants. However, if you are using the Raspberry Pi 3, make sure to visit this link first to properly configure the UART port:

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  • 1 × gen4-uLCD-35DT Includes gen4-PA and a 30way FFC Cable
  • 1 × gen4-uLCD-35DT Includes gen4-PA and a 30way FFC Cable
  • 1 × Rasperry Pi B
  • 1 × Rasperry Pi B
  • 1 × Raspberry Pi Adaptor

View all 12 components

  • 1
    Setup the Display

    The widgets on the gen4 Display were created using the ViSi-Genie environment in Workshop4. ViSi-Genie is an environment that allows users to create GUIs (Graphical User Interface) by drag-and-drop method. The ViSi-Genie project file for this demo can be found inside the attached zip file 

  • 2
    Download and Install Workshop4
    • To get started, download and install the Worskhop4 IDE from the 4D Systems website, then open the attached project.
    • Extract the attached zip file to a folder then open the ViSi-Genie project “demo1”, as shown below.

    • Download the project here.
    • You can edit the widgets in each form by using the Object Inspector.

  • 3
    Check the Project Settings
    • After opening the project file, go to the Project menu and make sure that the Comms Speed and Display parameters are correct as shown below.

    Connect gen4-uLCD-35DT to the PC

    • Use gen4-interface board and uUSB PA-5 to connect the display to the PC as shown in the image below.

    • Or if you have gen4-PA board, connect the display to the PC as shown in the image below. You can also use the gen4-PA board if you want to use its GPIO pins.

    • Now go to the Comms Menu and select the correct COM port for the uUSB-PA5, then click on the red button, as shown below.
    • If the gen4 Display is properly connected to the PC, the red button should now turn blue and the name of the display module should be displayed, as shown below.

View all 7 instructions

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