1Step 1
Camera Modifications
- Remove film reel and film frame plastic
- Cut down plastic tabs to make room inside
- Remove foam
- Disassemble shutter housing
- Remove shutter mechanism
- Remove plastic lens, put other parts back, this gives enough room for pi camera to look through lens hole
- Line up and drill holes to mount Pi camera
- Remove film advance knob
- Drill holes in top hollow area for wires for DC-DC converter
2Step 2
Camera Mounting
- Screw Pi camera in place so it looks through shutter hole
- Create a replacement shutter button using perfboard and a button
- Feed camera ribbon cable and button wires through middle square hole
7Step 7
Software Steps
The following assumes you have installed Rasbpian and enabled the Raspberry Pi camera using raspi-config.
I also setup WiFi in/etc/wpa_supplicant/wpa_supplicant.confto connect to my local network and my phone's wifi sharing.
Bootup Changes
Switch to systemd to speed up boot, just doing this went from 25 to 14 seconds boot.
sudo systemctl start serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service sudo ln -sf /lib/systemd/system/serial-getty@.service /etc/systemd/system/getty.target.wants//serial-getty@ttyAMA0.service
Disable unneeded services:
sudo update-rc.d lightdm disable sudo update-rc.d triggerhappy disable
Disable sound modules by commenting out snd-bcm2835 in /etc/modules and by blacklisting others:
lsmod | grep ^snd | awk '{print "blacklist "$1}' | sudo sh -c 'cat > /etc/modprobe.d/snd-blacklist.conf`
Disable IPV6 by uncommenting “blacklist ipv6” in/etc/modprobe.d/ipv6.conf
Install rpi_holga software
Install software prerequisites:
apt-get install python-picamera imagemagick python-pip python-numpy python-imaging python-flask libffi-dev libjpeg8-dev
Install wiringPi and Python-WiringPi2 from Git source.
Install jpegtran-cffi:
pip install cffi jpegtran-cffi
Clone software:
git clone git@github.com:omwah/rpi_holga.git /home/pi/rpi_holga
Enable at boot up as soon as possible. Create /etc/systemd/system/holga-camera.service:
[Unit] Description=Holga Camera Application DefaultDependencies=no After=sysinit.target local-fs.target Before=basic.target [Service] ExecStart=/usr/bin/python /home/pi/rpi_holga/camera.py [Install] WantedBy=basic.target
Enable at startup:
sudo systemctl enable holga-camera.service
Webserver Setup
Installnginxto serve custom thumbnail software:
apt-get install nginx uwsgi uwsgi-plugin-python
Enable the site using the config included in therpi_holgadistribution:
rm /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/default ln -s /home/pi/rpi_holga/preview/server/nginx_site /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/preview ln -s /home/pi/rpi_holga/preview/server/uwsgi.ini /etc/uwsgi/apps-enabled/preview.ini
Create a thumbnail directory for the software and make it writable by nginx:
mkdir /home/pi/pictures/thumbnail chgrp www-data /home/pi/pictures/thumbnail chmod g+w /home/pi/pictures/thumbnail
Restart nginx and the preview software should be available at your camera's IP address.
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