
Machine movement basics

A project log for SMT50 pick-and-place

Describes my experiences buying, setting up, and using the SMT50 pick and place machine

tim-wilkinsonTim Wilkinson 11/21/2014 at 22:021 Comment

Eventually I'll get transcripts done for the instructional videos; but in the meantime it can be tricky working out how to do things. Take just moving things around. When you open the software, there's a big "Connect" button on the bottom(ish) left. Press this and the software will connect to the machine. Once connected it's time to make sure everything works. The machine has 4 different controls for the pick and place head:

The machine places South at the front of the machine, North at the back, West to the left, and East to the right. Also, North/South is the Y-axis, East/West is the X-axis, Up/Down is the Z-axis. and Rotate is the A-axis. The different axis names and compass points come up frequently in the software.

You can move the machine along these various access using the on-screen buttons on the middle/left of the window. The labels and what they do are mostly obvious. There are also keyboard shortcuts to manipulate the machine. You can glean these by watching the videos (several times in my case) or just read my list here:

Initially I missed that none of these key will do anything unless you also hold down the ALT key at the same time. You can also make more fine adjustments by holding down the ALT and SHIFT keys.


fikret duru wrote 02/02/2019 at 21:34 point

dear friend please oursmt software send to me. i have oursmt. but my oursmt bad english launguge and config. please send. thank you

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