
TV Remote Control via Offline Speech Recognition

A low cost, open-source, universal-like remote control system that translates the user's spoken words into commands to electronic devices.

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This project presents an open-source, low cost universal remote control system that translates user’s speech into commands to electronic devices. The system works well in both English and Brazilian Portuguese languages. Although cloud speech recognition systems are getting really usual, the good thing about the project is that it uses a local, offline speech recognition system, which doesn't require a connection to the Internet. Plus, controlling things via speech would certainly be a viable option to people whose upper limbs are compromised.

As stated by the World Health Organization (WHO) on its book [WHO Global Disability Action Plan 2014-2021], approximately 15% of the whole population of the globe has some kind of disability. This number really speaks volumes, since it reveals that in a population of 7.6 billion people, around one out of seven (1 billion people) is a disabled person. WHO also affirms that 80% of people with disabilities lived in sub-developed countries in 2013, which suggests that the disability condition is pretty much related to the economic situation of the country of residence.

It is well known that the automatic speech recognition (ASR) technology not only improves the human-computer interaction, making it easier for most people; but also acts as an assistive technology for both social and digital inclusion of specially people with upper-limb motor disability, who have all sort of difficulties at using their hands — or even cannot use them at all — to perform mainstream, day-to-day activities that seem trivial for non-disabled people.

Recently, companies have invested in speech recognition systems running on cloud platforms. Commercial devices such as Google Home and Amazon Echo then started to show up as personal assistants. Software-based virtual assistants also have become present on people's lives, such as Google Assistant and Apple's Siri. As Internet accesses continue to grow, these kind of services tend to become more and more common — at least to the ones who can afford.

However, despite some people's privacy concerns 1,2 (not everyone likes a device that is “listening” all the time, gathering audio data and sending to someone else's server), the devices still require a reasonably good Internet connection to provide a real-time speech interface for the users. Although the number of people with access to Internet is close to 3.4 billion today, according to ITU's website, approximately 54.21% of the world's population (4 bi) is still offline. Furthermore, as the disability condition is more frequent in sub-developed countries, it is likely that most people who are impaired might not be able to benefit from cloud services' advantages.

Therefore, this project aims at developing a low-cost, universal remote control system based on an embedded platform, the Next Thing Co.'s single board computer (SBC) called C.H.I.P., which was configured as a centralized hub at home environment in order to control some electronic devices. Since C.H.I.P. runs a Debian OS (Linux-based), the system is able to offline recognize speech in real time through the PocketSphinx package. As an alternative, PocketSphinx could be replaced by Google's android.speech API on Android-based OS, which would process speech signals and send just the recognized text to the hub via Bluetooth. The connection between the smartphone and the SBC would be handled by android.bluetooth and BlueZ APIs, respectively. An overall schematic of the system is shown below as a “flowchart”.

The system could then provide an alternative interface of control for people with upper-limb motor disabilities. This is expected to give them more independence and autonomy, since traditional remote control devices impose a giant barrier by forcing the use of hands and fingers by the user. It's important to note that both software and hardware used and built to create the proposed system are mostly open-source and open-hardware. PocketSphinx is a speech recognition toolkit freely available under the Berkeley Software Distribution (BSD) 2-Clause3,4. Next Thing's C.H.I.P. follows the Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike (CC BY-SA) license5,6, while Debian OS and BlueZ Bluetooth stack are both open-source under the GNU Public License (GPL)7,8. About Android APIs licenses, I'm not sure, but I think it is up to the app developer. My codes are being released on GitHub anyway, so I'll publish them under an open license as well :)...

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demo of Erick's lib working to control a Samsung TV with C.H.I.P. SBC (via PWM pin). Lib is on his Github:

MPEG-4 Video - 4.55 MB - 08/26/2018 at 17:57



Preview of a speech recognition system running on a Beaglebone Black (server), which is in turn being accessed by an Android client application via local wireless network.

MPEG-4 Video - 35.68 MB - 08/22/2018 at 14:02


  • IR+PWM: C.H.I.P.2Samsung remote control

    Cassio Batista08/26/2018 at 15:01 0 comments

    I just finished the instruction to send remote commands from C.H.I.P. to the Samsung TV. I also gave some details about our journey to find a way to access C.H.I.P.'s PWM0 pin. The lib can be found on one of Erick's GitHub repository.

    -- CB.

    Edit:I found a video demonstration of the system. It's uploaded on the files section of this project. Unfortunately there isn't any logs on screen for you to see, but believe me: his code was running on C.H.I.P.

    -- CB.

  • Working on Android nougat!

    Erick campos08/24/2018 at 21:05 0 comments

    Finally working on Android nougat. Last version was working fine on KitKat, but bad things happens sometimes

  • is Next Thing Co dead?

    Cassio Batista08/22/2018 at 20:12 0 comments

    It appears that C.H.I.P.'s manufacturer has definitely closed its doors. Even the site is down now.

    -- CB.

  • Android speech recognition preview (video)

    Cassio Batista08/22/2018 at 14:12 0 comments

    I just uploaded a video of one of my previous projects where I deployed a speech recognition system (based on Julius decoder software) running on a Beaglebone Black computer, which runs a Debian-based OS. The video can be found in this project's “files” section The system was configured as a speech recognition server, which is accessed via Wi-Fi on a local network by an Android client application.

    The difference to what I'm proposing now is that the speech recognition system will run on the Android-based smartphone (thanks to Google's native API); and the communication to the single board computer (now NTC's C.H.I.P.) that sends control commands to the TV will take place via Bluetooth rather than Wi-Fi.

    -- CB.

    This video is also available on YouTube :) 

    -- CB.

  • Instruction for ASR with PocketSphinx done.

    Cassio Batista08/21/2018 at 23:52 0 comments

    Just finished the section explaining how to build an offline speech recognition system with PocketSphinx in American English and Brazilian Portuguese languages. I did not go into details of the C++ code I wrote over the API. The code is well commented and freely available on my GitHub.

    -- CB.

    I found a video of the system running on Ubuntu. Here it follows.

    -- CB.

  • getting away from imgur

    Cassio Batista08/21/2018 at 13:00 0 comments

    I just met the online platform to store pics. I actually loved it. Besides, since I've got sick of Imgur (maybe due to my lack of knowledge about how to store pics inside a specific album), I'm now moving all pics to postimg.

    -- CB.

  • Details sect. finished

    Cassio Batista08/04/2018 at 22:51 0 comments

    Just finished the Details section. I think I have made my point trying to justify why offline speech recognition has its advantages over cloud-based solutions. Part of the text extracted from the World Health Organization book was just translated from my Master Thesis, which unfortunately is entirely written in Brazilian Portuguese :(

    Anyways, here follows the link: 

    -- CB.

  • About the test on desktop

    Cassio Batista02/14/2018 at 17:37 0 comments

    I forgot a proof that the thing is working :)

    Here's a nice screenshot:

    -- CB.

  • Github repo created

    Cassio Batista02/14/2018 at 17:33 0 comments


    Just started this new project. I hope I have time to document things here.

    The github repository is now available. I've made some tests on my desktop Ubuntu and everything went fine. Hope I have good luck when moving to the ARM/embedded Linux.

    -- CB.

View all 9 project logs

  • 1
    Speech Recognition w/ PocketSphinx (Debian)

    Speech is the main input method of the system, so we'll start describing the process we followed to build an automatic speech recognition (ASR) system, whose overall architecture is shown in the figure below. To do so, we have used the CMU Sphinx software toolkit. The system is currently working for both American English (EN_US) and Brazilian Portuguese (PT_BR) languages.

    In short terms:

    • the phonetic dictionary (also called lexicon model) provides a mapping from graphemes to phonemes (G2P). Phonemes basically describe how a piece of sound is pronounced. An example can be seen at the table below.
      he HH IH ele e l i
      sees S IY Z v e
      a EY uma u˜ m a
      chair CH EH R cadeira k a d e j r a
    • the acoustic model (AM) provides a mapping from each phoneme to a sound representation extracted from audio files. Machine learning techniques are usually applied to train hidden Markov Models (HMM) and Gaussian mixture models (GMM) to be store on the AM. A very simplified example can be found at the image below, where the word “sees” is aligned to its correspondent spoken audio.
    • the language model (LM) describes the probability of occurrence of a given word based on n-1 previous words (n-gram model, with typically n=3 for the so called trigram LMs). For example, “I eat bread” would be more likely to occur than “I eat dead”. Therefore: Although LMs are necessary for training an ASR system from scratch, they might be used in production only if you are dealing with an application based on the dictation task (thousand of words on the recognition vocabulary). However, if you application is about command and control, you might be interested in context-free grammars rather than n-gram language models.
    • the front-end contains all the signal processing steps to apply on raw audio data. It is responsible for computing the Mel frequency cepstral coefficients (MFCCs), which are not really useful to be explained in this tutorial.
    • the decoder is the software that actually performs the conversion from speech to text. On this project we are using PocketSphinx for that.

    To train an acoustic model using CMU Sphinx tools, the reader is referred to this link on their official documentation. The SphinxTrain package takes care of all the AM training. For the language model, SRILM has been the state-of-the-art software package for decades. There's also a nice tutorial on CMU Sphinx official webpage that explains how to train an LM. The phonetic dictionary is often obtained though a seed lexicon (a full dictionary that is available beforehand), where just a set of words is extracted from. For well-represented languages, such as English, plenty of lexicons can be found available at the Internet. For non-mainstream ones such as Brazilian Portuguese, a G2P software is normally used to generate the dict.

    But how the heck did we do that?

    For American English:

    • AMs can be found available for download here (cmusphinx-en-us-5.2.tar.gz).
    • Since our application is a command-and-control task and we are downloading an acoustic model for American English, the LM is no longer required and can be replaced by a context-free grammar. We'll explain the details about the grammar later.
    • a phonetic dictionary can also be found available for download here.
    For Brazilian Portuguese (you might wanna check FalaBrasil Group's GitHub or web pages for further information):
    • a continuous acoustic model was trained with approximately 170 hours of recorded speech. Audio data is in an uncompressed, linear, signed PCM (WAV) format, sampled at 16 kHz with 16 bits per sample. The audio corpora used belongs to Group FalaBrasil, which we are part as well. The number of Gaussians (or densities) was set to 32 and number of senones (tied-states on Sphinx's decision tree) was set to 4,000. The mean word error rate (WER) value obtained was 9%.
    • a language model was trained with SRILM tool. CETENFolha text corpora was used as data input. The perplexity value obtained was 170. It is important to remember the LM is only used at the acoustic model training step. After that, the language model is no longer required. In other words, when using our application in production, the context-free grammar “becomes” our LM.
    • the phonetic dictionary was built with a G2P software provided by FalaBrasil Group. Graphemes were taken from the transcribed audio data itself.

    Our application is a command-and-control task with the following possible sentences:

    American English Brazilian Portuguese
    turn tv on ligar televisão
    turn tv off desligar televisão
    increase volume aumentar volume | volume mais
    decrease volume diminuir volume | volume menos
    next channel próximo canal | canal mais
    previous channel canal anterior | canal menos
    switch to portuguese mudar pro inglês
    wake up system* acordar sistema*

    Limiting the vocabulary to a few set of possibilities like that can be achieved through the construction of a context-free grammar in the JSGF format (Java speech grammar format), which is the one supported by Sphinx (see this section for details). JSGF files for both English and Portuguese languages are shown below.

    #JSGF V1.0;
    grammar gram_en_US;
    public <command> = turn tv ( on | off ) | 
                       ( increase | decrease ) volume |
                       ( previous | next ) channel | 
                       switch to portuguese ;
    #JSGF V1.0;
    grammar gram_pt_BR;
    public <command> = ( ligar | desligar ) televisão | 
                       ( aumentar | diminuir ) volume | 
                       próximo canal | canal anterior | 
                       ( volume | canal ) ( mais | menos ) |
                       mudar pro inglês ;

    The tool sphinx_jsgf2fsg then takes grammar files as input to generate the deterministic automaton in FSG format (finite state grammar). Below is a graphical representation of the FSG file that PocketSphinx understands. It is nothing but a DFA :)

    Keyword Spotting vs. Grammar

    I bet you haven't noticed the last item on the table of sentences contains an asterisk on its right side. It means that those words represent a special sentence that is not used to control any function of our TV set, but rather to activate the system before the user can speak an actual command. This is used to prevent the system to stay “listening” all the time for commands, which would certainly cause a lot of unintended actions at the TV set. Therefore, “wake up system” and “acordar sistema” are the keywords (or keyphrases, as you like :) passed to the decoder's “spot module” of recognition. The task of expecting for a single sentence is known in ASR field as keyword spotting. So, to summarize, the system only initializes the context-free grammar after the user has spoken the keyphrase, as depicted in the figure below.

    PocketSphinx accepts a threshold as input parameter, which is used to set a level of confidence to the keyword to be spotted. The API official documentation explains the switch between keyword and grammar modes at its search section. Below you can see a snippet of the code that loads both recognition modules switches between them.

    #include <pocketsphinx.h>
    ps_decoder_t *ps;     // access to the decoder engine 
    ad_rec_t     *ad;     // access to the mic device (ADC)
    cmd_ln_t     *config; // define configs
    ps_set_keyphrase(ps, "kws", "wake up system"); // define keyphrase
    ps_set_jsgf_file(ps, "jsgf", "gram.jsgf");      // load JSGF file
    ps_set_fsg(ps, "fsg", ps_get_fsg(ps, "jsgf"));  // define grammar
    ps_set_search(ps, "kws"); // switch to “keyword spotting” mode
    std::string sent = "";
    do {
        sent = ps_decode_from_mic(ps, ad); // look for keyphrase only
    } while(sent == ""); // a rejection returns “”
    ps_set_search(ps, "fsg"); // switch to “grammar” mode
    /* look for one out of the 10 possible sentences */
    sent = ps_decode_from_mic(ps, ad);
    std::cout << "sentence: " << sent << std::endl;

    The overall algorithm to translate user's spoken works to remote commands to the TV is summarized at the flowchart below. I'm not going into details about the code, since most of it is well commented and freely available on our GitHub repo. The routine to send commands to the TV via infrared (IR) light will be addressed in another instruction later.

  • 2
    Send Commands from C.H.I.P. to the TV

    The remotes usually follow a protocol that is manufacturer specific. Since we're using a Samsung TV, we just followed the S3F80KB MCU Application Notes document, which is the IC embedded into the Samsung's remote control. Take a look if you're really really curious :) In general terms, the Samsung protocol defines a sequence of 34 bits, in which the values “0” and “1” are represented by a flip on the state of the PWM pulses, whose carrier frequency is 37.9 kHz. If you know nothing about pulse width modulation, here's a nice tutorial at Arduino's official documentation: [PWM].

    We have actually already dealt with Samsung protocol before on a previous project, however we had to use an Arduino Uno to send the commands to the TV set while C.H.I.P. was kept exclusively for the image processing required by the gesture recognition module. Fortunately we made some progress (thanks to Erick, mainly) and now we could get rid of the Arduino, which means we're using C.H.I.P. for both speech input and remote control output altogether. If you're curious about how infrared-based remote controls actually work, I recommend this nice article from How Stuff Works: [How Remote Controls Work].

    At first, we thought there was no way to access C.H.I.P's PWM pin at all. Most tutorials, including (the dead) Next Thing Co's official documentation, suggested to emulate a PWM by just switching the state of a common GPIO pin. But with my experience with Beaglebone Black during my term paper development, this would be very slow and would simply not attend the PWM's relatively high frequency. Thanks to Erick's curiosity, he heard about UDOO, a not-so-cheap Mini PC with Android, Linux and Arduino together. Since UDOO's website has its own tutorial for using the board's own PWM pin, we decided to try our own luck by testing the same steps on C.H.I.P.. Surprisingly, it worked like a charm.

    The step 1 from UDOO's tutorial is about enabling features by editing Linux device tree. Apparently, PWM is not available on the kernel by default, so the programmer needs to enable it by hand, which is pretty much the same situation that occurred on C.H.I.P.. However, UDOO's device tree configuration is not the same of C.H.I.P., but God knows where we found a gist with a script that did just what we wanted on C.H.I.P.'s device tree! Now we could finally start to use the pin 18 of C.H.I.P.'s U13 header (U13_18, named PWM0).

    The process to control C.H.I.P.'s PWM pin is pretty much similar to the process of controlling a regular GPIO pin. We begin by exporting that pin, which is like telling the kernel we're gonna use it as PWM. Next, we set the duty cycle and period (inverse of the carrier frequency, i.e., 1/37,900). Now we just enable the pin and the PWM will continue to pulse until we disable and unexport that pin. All those operations are performed inside the directory /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/ as long as you have root permissions. The following snippet in bash summarizes the steps described here. As you can see, all operations are performed through Linux file system (SysFS), so we just have to overwrite values on files.

    echo  0     > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/export     # export U13_18 pin
    echo  26385 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/period     # set PWM period (ns)
    echo  13192 > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/duty_cycle # set duty cycle (50%)
    echo  1     > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/enable     # enable PWM (start)
    sleep 1
    echo  0     > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/enable     # disable PWM (stop)
    echo  0     > /sys/class/pwm/pwmchip0/unexport   # unexport U13_18 pin

    At this point all we had to do was to code Samsung's protocol using C/C++ and integrate that with PocketSphinx speech recognition API. Erick has made a lib to emulate Samsung's protcol with CHIP's PWM pin on his GitHub page. The following snippet summarizes the operation for a single 34-bit command.

    #define PERIOD 26385 // 1/37900 in nanoseconds
    void main() {
        /* Samsung's 34-bit command */
        char *stream = "1111000001110000001000000101111110";
        pwm_export();       // export pin
        pwm_period(PERIOD); // set PWM period
        pwm_start();        // turn PWM on
        for(int j=0; j<1; j++) {
            mark(4500);     // 1st half of the 1st bit 
            space(4500);    // 2nd half of the 1st bit
            for(int i=1; i<34; i++) { 
                mark(560);  // regular bit always begins high
        pwm_duty(0); // reset PWM
        pwm_stop();  // turn PWM off
    void mark(int us) {
        pwm_duty(PERIOD/3); // set duty to 1/3 of the PWM period (33%)
    void space(int us) {
        pwm_duty(PERIOD) ; // set duty to 1/1 of the PWM period (100%)

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