Downloading and Installing NodeMCU Firmware
01/07/2015 at 03:58 • 1 comment1. Wire up the ESP-01. To prepare it for firmware flashing, GPIO 00 should be connected to ground before you apply power to the ESP.
2. Visit www.nodemcu.com
3. Navigate to Github to download the firmware.4. You can download the actual firmware binaries in pre_built. However, it's even easier if you download the flasher itself because it has the firmware included in there! Get the 32bit or 64 bit version depending on your PC's OS.
5. Run it. Yeah, you'll get unsigned app warning.6. It should find your FTDI port automatically. Click Flash button and wait till you get a checkmark at bottom left.
7. Quit the flasher app.
8. Connect GPIO 00 to vcc (via 1K resistor if you have it, but I've connected it without a resistor also). Recycle power on the ESP. If you forget to do this, the next step will not work because it thinks that you're going to re-flash the firmware.9. Use some sort of a terminal program to connect to the FTDI port. I'm biased towards LUA Uploader (I wrote it :-))
10. Write a hello world lua progam.
11. Have fun!
01/06/2015 at 05:44 • 0 commentsThis is a placeholder for resources that I'm studying towards using MQTT with the ESP8266.
World record?
12/25/2014 at 13:08 • 0 commentsHow many ESP-01s can we fit on one breadboard?
Actually, this is a demo of ESPs talking to each other. However, I do have quite a few ESPs on the breadboard.
ESP8266 (2014) meets X-10 (1975)
12/16/2014 at 07:22 • 0 commentsI wanted to control A/C devices, but I didn't want to deal with high voltages. Then I remember X-10 home automation system which according to Wikipedia is 40 years old!? Probably not very practical, but it was fun!
WiFi I/O using ESP-03 and Shift Register
12/13/2014 at 20:27 • 0 comments -
Unlimited WiFi I/O pins for just a few dollars!?
12/11/2014 at 06:52 • 0 commentsHuge thanks to NodeMCU!
Code and Schematic coming soon... -
NodeMCU + NodeJS + JQuery = IoT
11/30/2014 at 05:17 • 0 comments -
NodeMCU LUA Firmware
11/29/2014 at 16:40 • 0 comments -
Talking to a remote webserver
11/27/2014 at 06:36 • 0 commentsArduino Code
Source: ESP8266 documentationAT // Returns OK
AT+RST // Returns OK
AT+CWMODE=1 // 1=Client, 2=Access Point, 3=Client & AP. Returns either "OK" or "no change"
AT+CIPMUX=0 // 0=Single Channel, 1=Multi Channel. Returns OK
AT+CIPMODE=0 // 0=Received data will be sent to serial port as +IPD,conn, len. 1=plain data stream. Returns OK
AT+CIFSR // Returns module's IP Address followed by OK
AT+CIPSTART="TCP","SERVER_IP",PORT_NUM // Connect to SERVER_IP to send data. Returns OK
AT+CIPSEND=LENGTH // Prepare to send string of LENGTH bytes. Returns ">"
Once ">" is received, send the actual data (must end with two sets of CR+LF (counted in LENGTH). Returns OK or ERROR.
AT+CIPCLOSE // Close the connection to SERVER_IP. Returns OK or ERROR