
Phone Screen fixer

An almost fully automated phone screen fixer

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A multi tool "box" capable of fixing any screen that is in it's database (and in this case a phone). This project is made by a student for the hackaday 3d repair contest. Fully open source and easy to use, the screen fix allows one to easily take a peice of tech with a screen and replace the LCD screen (along with a screen protector) almost fully by itself. The project can be made to outfit different sizes of screens, have different abilities and go into certain parameters. Student submission

About everyone has a phone.  In fact, you probably have it in your pocket.  The problem with modern phones though is the fact that it usually cracks (and even breaks( if it falls down,  and nobody likes paying or waiting to get it fixed. How is this problem solved? This is obviously by doing it yourself.  But what if you have no time or don't know how to fully? 

That's where I come in. 

The phone screen fixed allows for one to easily monitor the monitor and see how close it is to fixation. 

Brave Blorr.stl

The dimensions

Standard Tesselated Geometry - 82.80 kB - 02/15/2018 at 15:32


  • 1 × 3d printer
  • 3 × Steel sheets 12in. X 12in.
  • 30 × Wire A lot
  • 70 × Screws Also need a lot
  • 1 × Battery Any type, but a power control will be needed

View all 3 project logs

  • 1
    Take off back cover

    Take off back piece and place onto mechanism hold (with the opened side facing the top).

  • 2
    Type information into database

    Type your phone name into the database and press your phone. For this, we will be using the Samsung Galaxy Mega as an exemplary phone.

  • 3

    The fixer will now scan your phone to know its parameters.

View all 6 instructions

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