Quantity   Component name
1 × LM324 Opamp IC
1 × DIP IC Base - 14pin
2 × 2N2222A NPN Transistor
2 × White LEDs
2 × LDRs Fiber Optics / Fiber Optic Transmitters, Receivers and Transceivers
2 × Micro Vibration Motors
2 × 100k ohm Potentiometers (SMALL)
2 × 220ohm Resistor
2 × 1k ohm Resistor
1 × 15k ohm Resistor
1 × 33k ohm Resistor
4 × 47k ohm Resistor
1 × 100k ohm Resistor
2 × 1N4007 Diodes
2 × 0.1uF Capacitor (non-Electrolytic)
1 × 47uF Capacitor (Electrolytic, 16V++)
1 × Small VeroBoard/Perfboard
1 × Wire (Wrapping Wire) multiple colors, not too much needed
1 × Glue Gun Glue Sticks (to make Wheels)
1 × Electrical Tape to make the SKIRT for sensors