Added a Github Repo
12/07/2014 at 03:07 • 0 commentsEven though the code is no where near re-factored enough for public consumption.
https://github.com/pborges/TrinketWidget -
Using Serial with 3v Trinket Pro
12/07/2014 at 01:55 • 2 commentsWhile trying to use the FTDI header on the 3v Trinket Pro I noticed that all Serial.print() statements where returning garbage, random bytes even with the correct baud rates. I suspected this had something to do with the 3v's 12 mhz clock speed rather then the standard 16. Sure enough I was correct. I should have read the manual!
The easiest way to get around this is to use the Adafruit Arduino IDE from here
which contains a flavor of the IDE that has a board entry for the 3v Trinket Pro, and the correct timings for the serial port.