
ESP8266 Test Program

A Project to Test Low-Cost ESP8266 Wifi Module with Easy PC Program for Beginners

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ESP8266 inspired lots of people about Internet of Thing (IOT) like me who generally don't interested in Internet with their project.
There are lots of gubbage program for ESP8266 on Internet; quite difficult to use, generally chinese and not user friendly.

I aim to create new user friendly, easy to use ESP8266 test program.

The program will be compatible with firmware version 9.3.0.

Released V1.1!!

Last Update: 16.08.2015

Click to Download ESP8266 User Program V1.0 and V1.1!!

Dear followers this project is finished for me so it will not have any update in future because of new ESP32 wifi microcontroller.

Thanks for all feedbacks!!

Last Update: 02.10.2016

Make them ".rar."

  • 1 × ESP8266 Wifi Controller
  • 1 × Microsoft Visual Studio

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FIRAT DEVECİ wrote 12/27/2014 at 17:35 point

Dear Johnny,

Thanks for your comment. Your idea is really good. I think to add one weather example and your description pop-up to next version.


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Johnny wrote 12/27/2014 at 13:49 point

This is awesome! Thanks for your hard work! Great to get you up to speed with all the commands, and beats typing them all out. Would be cool if, as you hover your mouse over the commands, a description of the command would pop up; one of those yellow boxes.

Thanks again. Love it.


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FIRAT DEVECİ wrote 12/14/2014 at 22:34 point
Thanks for your comments :)

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ucpatnaik wrote 12/14/2014 at 10:27 point
Superb! Thanks for the effort and posting it here for making it so easy to test the module.

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jimbo wrote 12/12/2014 at 16:29 point
Hi Firat - This is great work!!! Can't wait to try it later today! SUPER!

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