I started checking the Altera CPLD boards I bought on ebay.
These are the boards -

Both boards are identical. The only difference being that one has an EPM240 chip and the other has a EPM570 chip.
Unfortunately they shouldn't be identical as the EPM570 has four less IO pins. This is because four extra pins are used for core Vcc (2 pins) and core ground (2 Pins).
There are four 0 Ohm resistors (links) missing on the back of the board. I just used wire links to replace them. R2, R3, R4, R5
C1 and R1 are for an asynchronous power up reset. I didn't bother with them as I wont be using them.
I also noticed an error on the silk screen here -
What is marked as pin 59 on the silk screen is actually pin 61 of the CPLD. Pin 59 is *not* an IO pin, pin 61 is an IO.
I then made a PCB library component to represent the board -
So now I am ready to go with making a PCB board (hopefully).
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