
Intelligent Solder Station

A Solder station with more than just PID

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This is going to be a replacement for my current soldering iron that I often call "the worst iron I have ever had".

It will be a dual solder station to save me swapping tips as frequently.

As it will have a micro-controller, I want to explore the idea of having code recognize different types of soldering and preemptively heat the tip in anticipation of a recognized thermal drain pattern.

For example, if I am repetitively desolating IC pins then I want it to be able to create a power profile for the thermal drain and apply that profile as soon as a drain is detected.

Wish me luck with this lol. If I don't achieve these expectations then I will just end up with cool dual solder station. Nothing lost.

Latest Status Update:

This project is currently on hold while I get to the point where I can make PCB's with the toner transfer method. My current iron is erroding away rappidly so I have to get back to this 'soon'.


I don't actually know anything about PID. Perhaps I will learn this in the process.

I do however have a very good understanding of math and physics so my approach may be somewhat unusual.

This project will be based on the cheap ebay clones of the HAKKO 907 / 937 irons.

The iron will be supplied with AC from a toroidal transformer with zero crossing detection and switching under control of a micro-controller.

I may use an Arduino board as a plug in module so that it easily repeatable and the code can be experimented with.

  • Software started

    Hacker40401/26/2015 at 21:28 0 comments

    Writing some software to graph the curve of NTC resistive dividers.

  • Hardware Assembly

    Hacker40412/15/2014 at 09:14 2 comments

    I will be using the 'junk box' for a lot of the bits used.

    I found a project box about the right size.

    I didn't want to have the Toroidal's mounting bold sticking out the bottom of the box so I made a false bottom by cutting up a cheap bread board from a discount store.

    Then mounted it into the box.

    I mounted enough of the mains parts so that I could move on to the low voltage stage.

    More to come.

    Just a quick update (02/01/2015) I am waiting for Type 'K' thermocouple temperature meter so that I can map out the resistance graph for the PTC in the iron.

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rawe wrote 04/14/2015 at 11:53 point

Measuring the amount of power drawn away from the soldering iron is a nice idea. Things like "there was nearly no power draw for 5 minutes, iron goes to standby at 50°C and ramps back up if there is more than a specific power necessary to hold this temp (user touches something to solder)" or "power draw is at max for 15 seconds now, user seems to solder massive ground planes, increase set temperature" etc. come to mind. Maybe "fuzzy logic" can help (?).

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Hacker404 wrote 04/14/2015 at 18:39 point

Excellent ideas!

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