Someone was faster ^^
11/26/2015 at 17:48 • 0 commentsso someone has done the most of the work using the Arduino ide, so here you go http://iot-playground.com/2-uncategorised/40-esp8266-wifi-relay-switch-arduino-ide
when i finished my other Project i will make an iOS app (and web based app) for it
04/20/2015 at 13:07 • 0 commentsIt was very quiet about my project lately and someone was faster than me :( http://www.esp8266-projects.com/2015/04/p2-wifi-web-power-switch-for-mains-mpsm.html
i decidet to change my plan a little bit, so from now on i will just use the ESP-01 Module (with nodemcu) standalone with an 230v relay and an optical coupler to check if the light is really on.
Pictures comming up soon.
Replace the RPI
12/16/2014 at 10:03 • 0 commentsIm working on a repacement with an attiny85, an ESP8266 and a simple 5V relay module (all together about 7€) and a python TCP server.
But connecting the ESP to an ATtiny seems to be a little complicated ^^
First working prototype
12/16/2014 at 10:01 • 0 commentsAt this point it works already, but only with an rasperry pi next to the switch and a very ugly PHP script.