01/16/2018 at 19:54 • 7 comments
As you've probably noticed, there hasn't been too many activity on the DSI Shield project during the past year. Many people were asking me where to buy the boards, how to set them up for a particular display and so on.Unfortunately, the amount of my spare time does not allow me to contribute to the DSI Shield enough to make it a viable product - that is manufacturing and shipping the boards, providing user support or adding new features. It's just too much for a single person doing this sort of stuff in free time (most of which is already devoted to KiCad development).
If someone of you is interested in manufacturing these boards or firmware development, let me know.
Rev 2.2a. KiCad PCB & Schematics published​
08/24/2017 at 09:51 • 4 commentsI've just pushed the full schematics/PCB design of the latest revision of the board to GitHub. It took a while to convert them to KiCad...
Rev2.0 prototypes arrived
08/18/2015 at 16:10 • 27 commentsI've received a couple of Rev 2.0 prototypes. Iphone4 display is working fine, still waiting for Optimus E980 connectors though...
Revision 2.0 & commercial availabilty of the boards.
06/21/2015 at 23:08 • 26 commentsHi all,
The prototype of Rev 2 PCB (see below) just went to production.
Some news:
- Boards will be manufactured and sold by Creotech. We are targeting $99 (+ taxes/shipping).
- Rev 2 board will support resolutions up to 1080p/48 Hz and work by default with Iphone4 and LG Optimus E980 displays. For other screen types (AMOLED Galaxy S3/S4, Iphone 5) there will be adapters (available later).
- New version will also come with a composite video input, foreseen for building FPV systems for drones/flying models.
Note that the initial V2 release firmware WILL not work as a graphics card for Arduino. Writing a graphics accelerator is a serious task and my time resources are quite limited...
Commericial availability of the boards
04/28/2015 at 08:43 • 17 commentsHi all,
We've found an industrial partner to manufacture and ship the DSI shield boards. Before we start the production, we need to know how many people would be like to purchasing the boards and which display models should be supported out-of-the-box. Feel free to fill the Doodle below if you are interested:
Galaxy S4 AMOLED screen working
04/14/2015 at 09:47 • 12 commentsWe have a working Galaxy S4 AMOLED screen, 1920 x 1080. A QHD screen from GS Note 4 is waiting to be tested soon!
First release
08/16/2014 at 00:26 • 0 commentsThe PCB design, FPGA and software sources for the first release of the DSI shield are now available on Github.
HDMI to MIPI conversion working
08/05/2014 at 17:37 • 2 commentsHDMI to MIPI conversion is finally working, here's a video showing a Raspi driving an iPhone 4 screen.
Freshest sources coming as soon as I've cleaned them up :)