12/23/2014 at 19:51 • 5 commentsSTAGE ONE - PICKING A LOGO
Stage one of the assignment was to find a logo to redesign, simple, go with my favourite website HACKADAY.
Stage two was to study the existing logo, what made it unique, what made it stand out, what elements needed to remain for a new version to still be recognized as belonging to the brand who owned the logo.
I spent some time looking over the logo and found its name, The Jolly Wrencher, I couldn't find any information on who made it or why they designed it the way they did. I would love it if HACKADAY someday wrote a piece about their logo or if someone here could contact me with any knowledge about it, I'm curious.
After finding the name of the logo, I decided it was important to keep the name and that it still made sense with the new logo, so the wrenches needed to stay. Next I looked into how the logo was used, the community often engraved, printed or added by other means the logo to their projects (on circuits or casings etc). This is easily done due to the simple flat silhouette of the design. My redesign would also need to incorporate this.
At this stage I now knew that the redesign needed to be simple, maintain the wrenches for recognition and maintain the flat silhouette appearance.
Stage three was where I figured out my design or at least the approach I would take. For this I turned to pen and a notepad (you rarely see me without my trusted notepad). Bellow are some of the pages of rough ideas and notes I jotted down during this stage.
Here is where I decided on a monkey face instead of a skull as the new logos main centre. As can be seen, at first I was considering a redesign of the skull but I quickly settled on making a friendlier looking monkey face (I like it, not sure if the community would). It was here I also started considering the idea of having the logo created as ASCII art, I considered plain ASCII art or using hexadecimal code or binary. When I got that idea into my head I knew I wanted to do it and also have it translatable into real text rather than just being gibberish or random meaningless code.
At this stage, I had my basic idea layed out, keep the crossed wrenches but make them look sleeker, maintain the simple silhouette appearance, replace the skull with a friendly monkey face and finally as an extra bonus, do out a version of the logo as ASCII art converted to binary or hexadecimal code that translated back into real text (I had no idea how I was going to use this in the project at the end, let alone how I was going to make it, but it was a fun challenge).
After playing around in Photoshop, I came out with two versions of the logo as seen above, the only difference being the wrench heads, one version had them attached while another detached. I quickly dropped the detached version as given the logo needed to be scalable to many sizes, large and small while maintaining recognizable detail, the design with detached wrench heads would have lost the detach line when scaled small rendering it pointless to have such a detail.
With the new logo finalized, it was time to figure out how I would go about rendering it as ASCII art, in Photoshop I could have easily created a paragraph of text / binary / hexadecimal code and then cut the logo out from it, actually........I did try that.......this was the result at the edges of the design......
As can be seen in the sample to the left, Cutting the logo out of the binary text resulted in also splitting characters and ruining the edge.......in hindsight if I had thought this through I should have been aware this would happen........then again logic and sleep deprivation when working on a project at 4am - 5am rarely work well together.
After this slight failure I remembered a portable program I had lying around on my laptop, ascgen2.
I imported the solid silhouette of the logo design into ascgen2. Ascgen2 had no facility to allow me to use text in sequence to render the ASCII art so I used its default settings. The following is a screenshot of the outputed txt file I got.
Next was figuring out how to convert this to the binary code I had. The easiest way to do this was to go character by character, if a space is found, skip and proceed, if a character is found, then replace it with the next digit from a binary string until either the logo is finished or the binary string reaches its end. I could have spent quite a long time doing this by hand.........instead though I created a little java program that would do it for me.
Program Explanation
Using java I created a simple program that works from the command line, it takes in two files, the first being a text file with the ASCII art you want to adjust, the second being a text file with the text you want to use in place of the original ASCII art characters. After selecting these two files it will give you 2 options to choose from, one lets you cut the art out from the centre of your text while the other goes sequentially though your text adjusting the art in order. After selecting your choice you provide a name for your output file, it will be saved in the same directory the text file with the original ASCII art is stored. This works best with solid silhouette ASCII art that does not rely on using different characters to define detail.
Source Code
I'm providing the source code here for anyone interested in playing around with it or wanting to improve it. I put this together rather quickly so I'm pretty sure there is plenty of improvement that could be done.
import java.io.BufferedReader; import java.io.File; import java.io.FileNotFoundException; import java.io.FileReader; import java.io.IOException; import java.io.PrintWriter; import java.util.InputMismatchException; import java.util.Scanner; /** * * @author TAIBHSE */ public class ParagraphAsciiArt { private static File art, text, out; private static String artIn, textIn, outIn; private static int method = 0; public static void main(String args[]) throws IOException { intro(); input(); convert(); } public static void removeSpaces(String in) { in = in.replaceAll("\\s+", ""); in = in.replaceAll("\\...", " "); System.out.println(in); } /** * get user input for files to use and where to save output */ public static void input() { try (Scanner input = new Scanner(System.in) //create scanner to read in user input ) { boolean proceed = false; //for controlling loops int attempt = 0; //zero on first attempt, 1 after making mistake while (proceed != true) { //if no mistakes made, attempt =0, print regular message //else print regular message with warning of previous error added if (attempt == 0) { //provide instructions to user System.out.println("\nType Full Path to File With Ascii art, \n e.g. C://someFolder//ascii.txt \n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n PATH >> "); //save input artIn = input.nextLine(); } else { //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println("\n(PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED PATH DOES NOT POINT TO AN EXISTING FILE) \n Type Full Path to File With Ascii art, \n e.g. C://someFolder//ascii.txt \n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n PATH >> "); //save input artIn = input.nextLine(); } if (new File(artIn).isFile()) { proceed = true; attempt = 0; } else { attempt = 1; } } proceed = false; //reset for working with next loop while (proceed != true) { if (attempt == 0) { //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println("\nType Full Path to File With passage text, \n e.g. C://someFolder//passage.txt \n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n PATH >> "); //save input textIn = input.nextLine(); } else { //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println("\n(PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED PATH DOES NOT POINT TO AN EXISTING FILE) \n Type Full Path to File With passage text, \n e.g. C://someFolder//passage.txt \n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n NAME >> "); //save input textIn = input.nextLine(); } if (new File(artIn).isFile()) { proceed = true; attempt = 0; } else { attempt = 1; } } //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println("\nType a name for the output file, \nit will save in the same folder as the passage text \n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n NAME >> "); //save input outIn = input.nextLine(); //get folder to save output from //loop loops backwords through textIn to find and remove file name //in order to only retrieve the directory loop: for(int i = textIn.length()-1; i > 0; i--) { if(textIn.charAt(i) == '\\' || textIn.charAt(i) =='/') { outIn = textIn.substring(0, i) + "\\" + outIn + ".txt"; break loop; } } proceed = false; while (proceed != true) { if(attempt == 0) { //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println("type the number 1 to cut ascii design out of provided text."); System.out.println("type the number 2 to take the passage of text 1 character at "); System.out.println("a time, replacing the characters in the ascii art with them."); System.out.println("\n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n NUMBER >> "); try { //save input method = input.nextInt(); } catch (InputMismatchException e) { } }else { //provide instructions to user System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); System.out.println(" (PREVIOUSLY PROVIDED OPTION WAS INCORRECT) \n"); System.out.println("type the number 1 to cut ascii design out of provided text."); System.out.println("type the number 2 to take the passage of text 1 character at "); System.out.println("a time, replacing the characters in the ascii art with them."); System.out.println("\n PRESS ENTER WHEN DONE"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n NUMBER >> "); try { //save input method = input.nextInt(); } catch (InputMismatchException e) { } } if(method == 1 || method == 2) { proceed = true; attempt = 0; }else { attempt = 1; } } } } /** * print out intro screen, developer credit and instructions */ public static void intro() { System.out.println( "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000000000000 00000 0000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000 00000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000 0 000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000 00 000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000 000 00000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000 0000 0000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000 00 00000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000 000 00 0000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000 000000000000 0 0000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 0 00000 000000 0000 0 000 0 00000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 0000000000000 00 0000000000000 00000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000000 0000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000000000000 00000000000000 0000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 00000000000 000000000000 00000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000 00 000 0 00000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000 000000 00000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000000 0000000000 00000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000 000 000 0000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000000000 0000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000000000 000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000000000 00 000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "000000000000000000000000000 0 00000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "00000000000000000000000000 00 00 0 000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000000000000 00 00000000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n" + "0000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000" + "\n\n" + " CREATED BY TAIBHSE \n"); String notice = " INSTRUCTIONS \n" + "Provided a text file with ascii art in it and another text file \n" + "filled with a passage of text, this program will convert that passage \n" + "into the provided ascii art design and save the output to a new file. \n" + "For best results, ensure the character count of each line in the ascii art \n" + "file and the file with the passage are identical or that the passage file has \n" + "more, also ensure the passage file has an identical number of lines as the ascii \n" + "art file or more than it."; for (int i = 0; i < notice.length(); i++) { if (notice.charAt(i) == '\\' && notice.charAt(i + 1) == 'n') { System.out.println(""); } else { System.out.print(notice.charAt(i)); } } System.out.println("\n\n------------------------------------------------------------------------------"); } /** * FOR METHOD 1 OF CONVERTING * ----------------------------------- * where _ represents spaces * * input ascii art file * art >> _____XXXXX_____ * * input passage file * passage >> hello-world____ * * the following is the output * output >> _____-worl_____ * ----------------------------------- * * FOR METHOD 2 OF CONVERTING * ----------------------------------- * * where _ represents spaces * * input ascii art file * art >> _____XXXXX_____ * * input passage file * passage >> hello-world____ * * the following is the output * output >> _____hello_____ * * * @throws FileNotFoundException * @throws IOException */ public static void convert() throws FileNotFoundException, IOException { System.out.println("\n\n\n"); System.out.print("-------------------------------------------------------------------------\n"); art = new File(artIn); //file with ascii art text = new File(textIn); //file with text to convert to ascii out = new File(outIn); //file to save new ascii art to BufferedReader readArt = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(art)); //for reading file with ascii art BufferedReader readText = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(text)); //for reading file with text you want to convert to ascii art PrintWriter writer = new PrintWriter(out); String lineArt, lineText; //variables to hold the lines of characters from each file temporarily String output = ""; //string to store line of text converted to ascii if(method == 1) { //loop through art file line by line loop: while ((lineArt = readArt.readLine()) != null) { //at same sime go through text file line by line lineText = readText.readLine(); //loop through characters in the line (art line) for (int i = 0; i < lineArt.length(); i++) { //test art line characters for a space or another character if (lineArt.charAt(i) == ' ') //if current character is a space { output = output + " "; //add that space to the output line } else { try //use to catch error in event text file does not have same character line length as art file { //if the testing character is not a space, then get the character in //the same position and on the same line from the text file and add that //character to the output line output = output + lineText.charAt(i); } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.err.println("CHARACTER AND/OR LINE DOES NOT EXIST IN TEXT FILE"); } //this will create a new ascii art file using the characters from the //text pasage you provided } } //print line to new output file/ also print it to console for review System.out.println(output); writer.println(output); output = ""; //blank output, ie erase it before using it to convert a new line } //close readers and writer to prevent errors readArt.close(); readText.close(); writer.close(); } else if (method == 2) { String characters = readText.readLine(); //will be used to store the text file with passage of text int characterTracker = 0; //read text file and save to characters while ((lineText = readText.readLine()) != null) { //at same sime go through text file line by line characters = characters + readText.readLine(); } loop: while ((lineArt = readArt.readLine()) != null) { //loop through characters in the line (art line) for (int i = 0; i < lineArt.length(); i++) { //test art line characters for a space or another character if (lineArt.charAt(i) == ' ') //if current character is a space { output = output + " "; //add that space to the output line } else { try //use to catch error in event text file does not have same character line length as art file { //if the testing character is not a space, then get the character in //the same position and on the same line from the text file and add that //character to the output line output = output + characters.charAt(characterTracker); characterTracker++; } catch (NullPointerException e) { System.err.println("CHARACTER AND/OR LINE DOES NOT EXIST IN TEXT FILE"); }catch(StringIndexOutOfBoundsException e) { System.err.println("CHARACTER AND/OR LINE DOES NOT EXIST IN TEXT FILE"); } } } //print line to new output file/ also print it to console for review System.out.println(output); writer.println(output); output = ""; //blank output, ie erase it before using it to convert a new line } //close readers and writer to prevent errors readArt.close(); readText.close(); writer.close(); } } }
This stage proved slightly tricky, Photoshop doesn't open txt files and copying and pasting the text into Photoshop lost its formatting causing the binary code to get mangled. I moved to attempting to use illustrator to import the txt file, trying to open the file directly in illustrator provided this mess.
At this stage I was ready to give up, until I tried opening a blank document of A3 size and simply just pasting the text in, I had expected to same outcome as when I tried this in photoshop but instead. I got the following.
It was still mangled but now I could actually recognize some of the design. I started asking why it was getting mangled, I realised it was down to the spaces, in the txt file, one space was the same size as one character, but in illustrator it took three spaces to equal the size of one character. All characters share an equal size in illustrator except for spaces. To prove my theory, I opened the binary logo in notepad++ and changed all of the spaces to underscores.
Next was to then copy and paste this adjusted version with underscores into Illustrator, if my theory was right, then the pasted version should look proper, the following is what I got in Illustrator.
My theory was right, with the binary logo successfully in Illustrator (though now with undesired underscores). I could adjust text colour, fonts and save to a png file with a translucent background (if desired). The next step was to find illustrators find and replace feature for text..............wait hold on.............illustrator does not have one..........
At this stage all that was left was to replace the underscores in illustrator with an appropriate number of spaces to keep the binary logo from looking mangled. Since Illustrator doesnt have a find and replace feature (at least googling didn't return instructions on how to find it if its there), I googled around for a script for illustrator that would provide it for me. The following is the code I found (adjusted to find underscores and replace with two spaces).
var active_doc = app.activeDocument; var search_string = /_/g; var replace_string = " "; var text_frames = active_doc.textFrames; if (text_frames.length > 0) { for (var i = 0 ; i < text_frames.length; i++) { var this_text_frame = text_frames[i]; var new_string = this_text_frame.contents.replace(search_string, replace_string); if (new_string != this_text_frame.contents) { this_text_frame.contents = new_string; } } }
</spoiler>After running the script in illustrator, the following is the result I got. Finally, a successful render of the binary logo in illustrator.
This stage is nearing the end of the assignment, after creating the logo, the assignment required me to photoshop the logo onto an existing product and create an A3 Portrait board illustrating how to use said product, the board was also required to be aesthetically pleasing in some form.
Deciding A Product
While I was at this stage of the assignment I was also playing around with my USB rubber ducky creating a script that would automatically download and install all of my programs and configure my settings for me on any future laptop I buy (or when ever I need to reformat my current one). Debating what product I would use in the assignment it quickly hit me, use the Rubber Ducky.
I needed to photoshop four sequential images that would represent instructions on how to use the rubber ducky, first would be unpacking, second scripting, third putting the script on the ducky and fourth running the ducky script on a PC.
the following are the four images I did out.
Admittedly my photoshop skills could do with some major improvements here, but this was the best I could achieve.
This was the final stage, after creating all of the seperate pieces, I needed to bring them together and create the A3 board. It required to look aesthetically pleasing so I decided to make my board look like the HACKADAY website and make the instructional images look like a blog post.
I started by taking screenshots of the HACKADAY website and stitched them together in Photoshop to fill the A3 page, the screenshots were taken in full screen mode. The next step was to blank out all of the material that was undesired and Photoshop out the old logo and replace it with mine (everywhere it appeared on site). I then proceeded to add the four images and descriptive text, making it look like a blog post as best I could. I also added the binary logo faded into the background of the site as an extra piece of aesthetics. The following is the final design.
it can also be viewed at the following link: DEVIANTART POST
So I said quite a while back in this log that the binary in the logo wasnt gibberish or made up code, the binary logo is made entirely from the following binary. You can use any binary to text converter to see what it translate too. I used the following one BINARY TO TEXT CONVERTER.