
X-Wing Alliance Controller Feedback

Provide misc output from game to a controller

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For many people, the pinnacle of early 90s gaming was rolled into the amazing Star Wars simulator titles such as TIE Fighter and X-wing. In 1999 the most recent chapter of the space simulator series was released under the title of X-Wing: Alliance.

Numerous fans have spent much time in updating the graphics of this simulator (compiled nicely at, creating the most comprehensive and nicest looking Star Wars sim game to date.

The biggest area this game is lacking is now in its control scheme, which, albeit iconic for longtime fans, is definitely restrictive by not allowing remapping and not providing feedback in a usable format (I.E. Why is my throttle control changed in the game but still stuck at its current setting on my joystick?)

This project seeks to merge the remapping capabilities of programs like AutoHotkey and to also provide some craft feedback in a usable format for hardware developers or software developers.

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