
OSCAR: The Open Screen Adapter

A super high resolution 9.7" LCD panel with an Arduino compatible adapter that connects to your computer

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OSCAR is an adapter that allows you to connect a super high resolution 9.7” screen, often found in tablets, to your computer. It comes pre-connected to the LCD panel ready to be attached and is compatible will all operating systems using a Thunderbolt or DisplayPort connection. The board is Arduino compatible which makes modifying the behaviour easy and all the software and hardware is open source. The particular display used with OSCAR is the one most commonly found in the iPad 3 and 4, marketed as the 'Retina Display' and has a whopping 2048x1536 pixels. This gives it an amazing pixel density of 264ppi (pixels per inch) and glorious colours. The case we have designed for it in laser cut clear acrylic also enhances the wonderful looking display by putting it in an equally clean looking surround.

Connects to your computer using DisplayPort/Thunderbolt

Takes 12V 1A input (9-12V recommended)

Consumes a nominal 6W

ATmega32u4 microcontroller

TPS61176 backlight drivers

LMZ12001 high efficiency buck regulator

All spare IO pins available on 0.1" pitch headers. This includes 6 analogue pins, 9 digital, I2C, SPI, serial and 5V power

RGB LED for OSCAR status 

  • 1 × LMZ12001 TI SimpleSwitcher power module
  • 1 × TPS61176 Constant current LED driver
  • 1 × ATMega32u4 Microprocessors

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Jasmine Brackett wrote 08/06/2014 at 23:48 point
Hello Freddie, now is the time to add a few more details to your project to give it the best chance of going through to the next round of The Hackaday Prize.

By August 20th you must have the following:
- A video. It should be less than 2 minutes long describing your project. Put it on YouTube (or Youku), and add a link to it on your project page. This is done by editing your project (edit link is at the top of your project page) and adding it as an "External Link"
- At least 4 Project Logs
- A system design document
- Links to code repositories, and remember to mention any licenses or permissions needed for your project. For example, if you are using software libraries you need to document that information.

You should also try to highlight how your project is 'Connected' and 'Open' in the details and video.

There are a couple of tutorial video's with more info here:

Good luck!

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Adam Fabio wrote 06/23/2014 at 04:12 point
Isn't it great when commodity electronics items reduce the price for us tinkerers? Thanks for submitting the OSCAR to The Hackaday Prize. Eventually we'll all have Google Glass brain implants, but for now, I'll settle for a retina display

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Meli_Saelzer wrote 06/22/2014 at 09:58 point
Does this work for the ipad mini 2 retina display?

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Freddie Temperton wrote 06/22/2014 at 14:14 point
Unfortunately not at this time

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coolmail.2002 wrote 05/12/2014 at 16:35 point
i want to buy it :-)

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Decase73 wrote 05/11/2014 at 06:17 point
So, it's a second monitor? I don't get it...

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raznemonade wrote 03/18/2014 at 19:56 point
Will you maybe made that thing for the ipad mini retina display with touch functionality?

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lucas.vanbeneden wrote 03/12/2014 at 23:38 point
Is this project available for purchasing?

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Freddie Temperton wrote 03/13/2014 at 09:32 point
Just on the Kickstarter linked above

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