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Just to confirm, are you describing the system emails?
I just noticed another "intermittent problem", didn't even ping for some minutes. Other french friends reported something similar these last 2 days. Are you being DDOSed ?
I too have experienced this problem lately. wouldn't load or respond to ping while was fine. But it only lasted a few minutes. Chrome showed "Connection was reset" error. Probably some minor server issues..
You mean by a firewall ? Chances are low. Because everything was working fine just before it. I quickly flushed the DNS, cleared cookies and restarted the browser, but didn't help. The browser showed "Establishing secure connection.." and just stuck. I do not know anything more about it.
The ping didn't reply during these periods, so your browser couldn't establish the connection...
I hope HaD's network team can figure what's going on.
Yeah. There was 100% packet loss. I've only experienced it two times.
i hate the next thing on the lists, and things like this suck: GO BACK TO THE INFINITE SCROLL!
I'm not sure about infinite scroll, but the lists pagination is fixed in an upcoming release.
Could you please remove the ---------- more ---------- text in the full article?
I add this so long article or ones with code sample do not clutter the feed, but it looks ugly on the full article page
There is a "projects you may like" column next to the feed, and it consistently shows me my own projects. On one hand, great recommendation algorithm that it profiled me so well, on the other hand, that is kinda useless, isn't it?
I lost my conversation with someone. and i can't reply or review my chat with him
I just had a project that went from 27 followers to 1. I don't think it is likely that 26 people all unfollowed at once. If other people are experiencing this, perhaps there is a bug somewhere. I did have horrible connection to yesterday.
Looking a bit more, a lot of recent HaD prize entries like Teeny and Explog only appear with 1 or 2 followers to me (I know they had more). Did something change?
What if I delete my Github account that I use to access my Hackaday.IO account ?
Can you go to 'edit my account' on and add an email and change the password?
on (opening page) there's a banner "The 2018 Hackaday Prize has started! Check out entries or submit a project.". But the link URLs are swapped.
It's a bit confusing when I want to view the list but asks for login because the "check out" is actually the "add project" link.
muahahahaha :-) I suppose they'll reply "it's an accessibility feature" ? :-P
i got added to a project togehter with a 2nd person but the Update in the Feed reads "
davedarko added You and You as contributors to the project LAMEBOY - another ESP12 handheld.
the 2nd person is featured in the update post
yeah, i got that too:
I can't read draft logs on my projects that were written by team members
why doesn't hackaday have a classifieds? i mean, we have tindie, but that's for projects. I think it would be cool to have a for sale/wanted section for new/used parts
there was something like that, forgot the project name... try searching for garage :D
yeah, but that’s the problem- nobody knows about it so nobody uses it. We need something like the stack, pinned up on the top
There's the tindie flea market, in beta
Or, you could add a hackaday keyword to your ebay listing, but that doesn't support the local economy, i.e. hackaday.
Again lots of spam on the Stack. Maybe it's a good idea to require manually approving submissions to the Stack?
Not a big bug, but still annoying. Whenever I edit my project description and I had line breaks, all line breaks get removed and everything gets put into a single line. Maybe I'm not meant to use line breaks in my project description?
Description does have a shorter max length. It's longer than summary, but the details section is where I would go into more depth.
the list only shows 24 of 31 projects at random
My project was automatically submitted to the open design thing, but that wasn't my intention - I think I only said "add to prize"
It does submit automatically, I think it's like last years anything goes challenge.
I'm not getting comment notifications on my project. This has been a problem for a long time. Please fix it.
Same for me as well.. Not a major issue for me as I cycle through my pages from time to time but for others it should be working better...
Have you received any emails from recently?
Yes I did. I get "like", "follow" notifications. In fact I got notification e-mail for replies to my above comment. But I don't get comment/reply notifications on my project page.
Black background makes this site extremely hard to use.
I signed up with my e-mail address. Then after a while I logged in with Github (same e-mail address) and instead of logging in another account was made...
if you upload a file to your project, then delete it and upload a new file with same name as the previous, the original file is restored. Means you can't make changes to files of the same name.
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It would be good to include the normal plain text body in emails, the html only email has a few issues such as: unreadable mess for those with disabled html (security, anti phishing), tends to be seen as spam and eaten by spam filters