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It's not just that. Adding a few images with descriptions in a row (in a log entry) often just makes it impossible to get the cursor under that last image to add new text.
Deleting that empty line with BACKSPACE between an image and text? Nope, deletes the image. Using DEL to delete the line? Yeah, maybe. Most of the time also deletes the last image.
And so on. Brought up sooooo many times. Nothings happening. Only reason I stick to this place is the awesome community and projects. The editor is a pile of you know what I mean.
Switching to html mode to get more possibilities editing your entry?! Editor adds a hundred empty lines... Also mentioned a few times.
This is not bound to a special browser. Chrome, Firefox, ... all the same mess.
Enjoying hackaday, thanks. How come the thumbnail photo for one of my projects on my projects page, and also on the gallery of the project didn't update even after I uploaded a background photo? It's still showing Photo Coming Soon after a couple of days. There are also a couple of photos in the gallery already. The problematic project is
Hey @Ken Yap the background photo is separate, if you edit the project you can upload photos in the left column. The first position is the project thumbnail.
On the FPGA bootcamps we use Verilog which isn't a choice in the code snippet window. I get that it isn't the usual case to stop the auto detection so I won't complain about that (much). However, it would be nice to give us an option to set a color for unformatted boxes. As it is all the code is gray (with apologies to the Mama's and the Papa's) and it is kind of hard to read. Any chance of being able to set that? I would question if it ought to be global but if not, at least per project or something?
So more contrast between the unformatted text and dark background color? I'll ask what we can tweak there.
I like this site and the color theme. Thanks guys. I used to have a cool but but I lost that and my wallet and ID cards when I was put in a mental hospital recently.
When you are working on instructions (probably other places too) and you select normal text and press Insert Code Snippet, it works like you think it would (that is, it picks up the text you selected). However, at the end you wind up with two copies of the code. A normal copy and the coded copy usually stuck in the middle somewhere.
I see this happening and it may have been intended, there doesn't appear to be an easy way to undo or extract the code from the snippet. Will check some more, thanks.
I could swear this didn't used to happen. The odd part is how it will put the snippet in the middle of the non-snippet. Like:
[CODE SNIPPET starting with foo(bar) and ending with blah_blah_blah(); ]
I don't know if it is picking up some cursor position in the code block. It doesn't seem to follow any pattern. Most often there is exactly one line on top and the rest below, but I have seen it randomly have a different split as well.
I've had complaints from non-members that they can't read / follow my project without signing up for a account... which is a disincentive for me to continue to publish my content here (since I will have to republish for non-members).
i can read your project just fine when i am logged out, but when i click the follow button of caue there is a login requirement because this is a platform specific action
Same here, non-HaD members can see your project. Just not interact but simple enough to join :-)
Thanks for checking on this. The source of confusion is undoubtedly lack of technical savvy and/or fear of the unfamiliar. Maybe only members should see platform-specific options, while non-members see a different set of actions -- like "join" to receive updates about this project, etc. Ultimately, the decision depends upon what wants to be: a smaller community of technically-savvy people, or a larger tech content provider for a diverse audience.
Do you share your profile or a direct link to your project ? I noticed you have a lot of 'THINGS I'VE BUILT' entries, I wonder if they are confusing those for full projects.
I share a direct link to my project, "Hacking Nature's Musicians" :
The other stuff on my profile is just background information that is documented elsewhere on the web.
Spelling Check feature in English would be awesome, to stop copy pasting texts in Word for performing spell checks
Your browser does that for you on text input fields! Its right click "check spelling" or something. You can add languages as you like (at least in Firefox/Vivaldi/I think Chrome too)...
Not all text input fields are checked. Mozilla Firefox only spell checks multi-line text fields, so I didn't notice some misspellings in my components list until I copied and pasted it into an office app. So it would be nice if Hackaday would change all single-line text fields to multi-line.
Yepp. No red notifiers for days. Not that I care but: broken :)
Hey guys.. What's the story with images disappearing? I have multiple images dissapaearing from few projects? How do we get them back? Thanks!
would be cool to get a link to a comment. I wanted to share a response on twitter, but was only able to share the link to the project.
You can get links to comments. The "3 hours ago" is the link, e.g. for your comment that I'm replying to. For some reason it isn't a link in the feed though, just on the actual project page.
oh neat, thanks @Clayton G. Hobbs - wasn't aware of that :D
Yeah it's not easy to find, a 'More' menu for each comment could fill that role. I'll make a note.
About notification : I think that there is no e-mail notification when someone writes a comment to a "blog post" inside one of my project. On "account settings / notifications", I don't see anythink like that.
If it is correct, could you please add this feature?
Thank you.
You may be right, I'm not sure if there is a notification email for a comment to a blog post yet.
i dont like that i have to sign in to the view the site on my mobile or my laptop. Sometimes i just want to browse without logging in and having the annoying signup page. yeah have the sign up page but have it more discrete, you'll get more visitors
You aren't required to sign in to browse projects or other public pages. Is there a signup covering something you are trying to look at? or
it would be nice if offered the ability to use custom URLs and/or Domain names for project and profile pages.
I joined a month ago. I followed exactly two projects. Log in this morning, suddenly I'm somehow following 100+ projects and 100+ people -- which I never did myself. Spent 30 mins unfollowing all the crap, but if it happens again will be deleting my account.
If you have a problem with your account PM me and I can help get it resolved.
+1 same problem here. I needed to "unfollow" lots of projects and lots of users, that I have never ever selected myself.
It seems that lots of accounts receive unfair "following". It's very easy to see that : some users have more than 10 000 followers with almost no contribution.
There is a bug? Or the database has been hacked?
I always thought that my followers come from that "onboarding" process, where you click yes or no if you like something and through that you follow stuff. Even worse when it happens without you "choosing" something.
Onboarding does have a link to show a page of projects/people that will follow, and can be unfollowed before continuing.
@Richard Hogben @davedarko
I have just tested once again the "onboarding process" with a fake account that I will delete in a few days. OK, with my "interests", it has selected less than 10 projects, and not a single person.
It is not comparable with the dozens of people and dozens of projects that I was following on my real account, and which I had never ever selected!
I think that there is a very big problem. If thousands of accounts are forced to follow and forced to "like" people they have never selected, hackaday should treat this issue with high priority.
When I type "micro:gamer" into the search box, I get "0 Results for "micro:gamer"", however, there is this project #Micro:Gamer right there...
Not sure if anyone else has this issue, but for some unknown period of time I've stopped receiving email updates for project posts/messages. Is this a known bug?
Hi @Paul Larson! I'm getting email updates. You can manage your email notifications from here: Be aware that you can get maximum 1 email per hour. Please let us know if the problem persists. Thanks!
Thanks! I actually went to that page yesterday and resaved everything (it was all selected)
I did get an email about you comment though, so I seem to have my issues resolved!
[this comment has been deleted]
That could be a thing. I haven't seen them on other editorial/news websites. Seems like everyone decided on share + comment. Anyone know why?
> (upvotes .. think Imgur/Reddit) work
See for how it actually "works" in real life.
People like voting—it helps us waste time on the Internet. It's evil psychology at its finest.
Hello. Just started using Hackaday for projects and finding it easy and fun to use. Thanks!
My few small suggestions are to consider:
- adding the option to add alt-text to images for improved web accessibility
- adding an image-attribution option (e.g., 'Image by [John/Jane Doe]' *) plus some way of indicating the licence under which it is being reproduced
- adding an optional overlaying of text for images in the image gallery (e.g., 'Here is my first prototype in all its glory')
- adding support to the project description box for rich text (bold, italics, and underlines) and hyperlinks
* Where the square brackets indicate a link.
Thanks, good ideas to improve on images. It's a little hard to find, but if you select an image in the editor a small 'edit' button appears, its modal has a title input which populates the alt and title tag.
The text editor needs some serious love and attention. Now that I am tackling a larger writing project inside the editor, I've uncovered a few areas to improve upon.
A huge one would be auto-save. I lost over 3 hours of work because my browser crashed last night. Also, supporting a standard like Markdown would make everything so much easier. That way, the user could edit their text in any text editor, and then just copy-paste it into the Hackaday editor.
Another mild annoyance is the editor's insistence on making anything with a .py extension into a hyperlink. I'm not sure why it does this, I think it should look for https:// before autolinking. If not, then at least exclude the common file endings, .rb, .c, .py, etc.
Finally, when you switch back and forth between viewing HTML and viewing the rendered text, it likes to insert four newlines between each paragraph in the HTML view. This doesn't affect the output but it makes it so frustrating for perfectionists like me that want the HTML view to be nice and neat. Plus, on larger text files like what I am working on, it takes forever to scroll from the top to the bottom and vice versa. After a few switches back and forth, you end up with a giant mess like this:
To get around the auto-save debacle, I started writing in emacs in Markdown. I would then export this to html and then paste that into the HTML view. It actually works pretty well, but instead of using <pre> for code, it uses <code> by default. This does work in the editor, but longer lines run off the side of the screen instead of wrapping.
I've also heard about the mysterious disappearing images. Frankly, it might just be aliens, in which case there's not a lot you can do. I suppose the entire site could be converted to text only? That would thwart their dastardly plans!
I hope this feedback is of some use! As I spend more time with the editor I will be sure to update my ideas.
EDIT: I just remembered something else. It would be *awesome* if we could embed GitLab snippets into the text. It's just a <script> tag. I tried to add it to the HTML but it was stripped (I'm assuming so users can't run arbitrary scripts!). I know other WYSIWYG editors I've used have an insert GitHub Gist button, so there must be a way to do it without allowing users to insert script tags.
Thanks for bringing these up again + the new feature requests like auto-save. The image and html bug were reported numerous times. Doesn't seem like the editor is all that important to the staff :(
It's by far the most buggy piece of software @ Constant source of annoying bugs which make it really cumbersome to publish (bigger) projects!
>were reported numerous times. Doesn't seem like the editor is all that important to the staff :(
A business that focuses on hosting have to take that kind of issues seriously or it would lose its content producers. That was a big part why I move my hosting among other reasons. I had reported multiples SPAM daily here over a 2 years time frame - they won't even try to incorporate some open source scripts that was available. I shouldn't be doing their work unpaid. Go back and read my pleas here if you don't believe it.
My new host haven't deleted pictures by accident, haven't deleted first character etc. I have done 96 new posts on new site so far, so I would notice. By the way these bugs weren't here in the old days. They were self-inflicted because of code tinkering. New features - resources for QA/fixing things = more bugs
l get to pick the styles. i.e. fonts, colours, who gets to comment, site stats etc. Autosave works - I closed browser window and it was saved as draft,
Thanks, keep the feedback coming, the editor is definitely an important part of the site.
Why not switch to something like Quill or Summernote? Or even which uses the same version of Markdown as Stack Overflow? There are myriad options out there. No need to build it yourself when there are so many amazing, drop-in solutions for free!
Just realized stackedit supports UML diagrams... plus in-line LaTeX... *drools*
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Hackaday is great, but please improve the image handling. The current way to just crop whatever image there is to square is just ugly. And I notice that even if I create a squared image it still gets cropped at the top and bottom. I would really appreciate if images would be scaled to fit the given space instead.