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There may be something wrong in the formatting.
I am adding links to a details section and the link expands to the rest of the copy.
The workaround is fixing it in html, but after an html edit, it is hard to make the other features (bold, bullets etc.) work.
Anyone else?
Not seeing any issue here, was the details text copy and pasted from somewhere else?
In one on my pages I now have an invalid equation where it used to be a valid LaTeX equation when I published ages ago. Has something changed in the website software recently?
Strange, it's started working again. But I noticed when it wasn't working it was a link to a formula generation site, now it's an inline image. Oh well, as long as it works. Thanks.
is a glorified advert for a usb cracking service. not really what I expect from hackaday
Maybe what you expect from Hakaday is worth looking for it?
Do you think it is not completely respectful to focus attention on every post that you are not interested in?
If the post showed how to crack a usb protection dongel id be all for it but advertising a company in which you need to email your legit dump from a usb and then get a quote for the crack from them. Na mate not on.
[this comment has been deleted]
I can't find the way to read messages or start a hackaday account.
The LaTeX equation editor inserts the LaTeX image at the top of the project log rather than at the current cursor location. It would be nice to have it insert at the cursor location similarly to the way that inserting an image works. Being able to have the LaTeX inline would be even better.
This is a bug in the editor that has been fixed in an update, along with the ability to edit equations after they have been inserted.
I can't delete my account. I'm signed in with Github, and when I go to "Edit my account" => "Delete my account" and authenticate through Github (I don't have a password since I'm authenticated through Github), the page changes back to the home screen.
I am having a frustrating experience wanting to post files that are larger than 5 megabytes, since my project is about being able to take large pictures.
Seems like login with a Github account does not work anymore, I tried all the browsers I could on both Linux & Windows, it loops on the Log In page. Thanks for fixing it !
I'll check into this for you, have you previously logged in with that github user?
Is there a way to hide the People you may like panel? I'm a misanthrope. 😉
But seriously I put likes on projects not people. I don't care if the maker is a martian octopus. (That would actually be very handy for soldering.) And the selection it shows me is always the same old same old.
How do you report projects as spam?
Scroll down on the left side to "report as inappropriate"
Pasting (from clipboard) images in a comment works for a split second then changes to a broken image icon. The src url is set to undefined.
It looks like something on the back-end is throw a 403 on upload, the front-end isn't handling the error and assigning the undefined .url to the img.src. hopefully there's a log somewhere....
Is there a way to delete a PM chat? I have one that was initiated by a scammer but when I read his message his account had already been reported and deleted. It's just cosmetic, I like to see that useless chat disappear from the history.
With the conversation selected, click the nearest settings icon in the right column will open a dialog where you can 'block' an account. That will hide the conversation.
ฉันไม่มีความรุ้เกียวกับแผงวงจรเลย..ฉันอยากจะลองทำเครื่อง emp jammer slot ด้วยมือตัวเอง เลยขอรบกวนพวกคุนที่รุ้จะได้ใหม..ถ้าไม่เป็นการรบกวนพวกคุนจนมากเกินไป
Hi! Is there a way to find all comments of a user (yourself or others)? If there's none, I think it would be a useful feature. I always want to keep track on conversations I'm participating in, even when the new messages are not in direct answer to my comments.
Currently there isn't a way to search comment conversations. I'll check into the possibility of a filter by conversations on the search page.
Hi, my friend and I just posted our project on . We noticed that only one of us was listed as an author on the main page. We would love if it could show us as being joint authors since we did it together. Also, we like to share author editing privileges. Thanks!
Currently co authors only show up under Team in the left column. Could probably do something similar to how lists show other curators at the top, for example
Is that what you are describing?
I tried to find the previous discussion on well hidden project creation date but failed but this can be a separate issue anyway.
The rendering of the date, e.g. "This project was created on 10/11/2019 and last updated 9 days ago", is ambiguous. It means October 11, but some people could read it as November 10. It is the former because HaD uses US dates. Implement viewer locale date rendering, or at least display an unambiguous form like 11 Oct 2019
+1 for "UK style" (as I call it) dates, eg today being 25 Dec 2019. I'm an American in America and I write all my dates like that (unless I screw up) because it avoids confusion in a simple and brilliant manner.
I have a project that I would like to add files to but when I choose to edit the project I dont have any ability to upload files (or many other things that could make this a complete project) even though the is 1G of storage alloted for the project. What am I missing?
Before clicking edit, scroll down the page and look for the large 'Add files' gold button. That will take you to an uploader page. PM if you have other questions.
Yes! A little counter-intuitive, I would have guessed all of that would be part of editing a project but with your guidance, I am adding files and instructions! Thank you!
Hi, when a profile page is updated, feed readers see "Somehacker updated the page Blablabla on their profile", whereas the profile owner sees "You updated the page Blablabla on their profile".
Seeing as the content generator can tell the difference between the owner and the rest of the world, should that last sentence be made more grammatical with another conditional: "You updated the page Blablabla on *your* profile"?
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I can't verify my email because a message says invalid token (expired) is always returned. Could you please tell me what to do?