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It's because it is only one line of text :) I just checked by editing the div and make the text longer.
Oh, Step 2's only one line! Yep; replicated. Not my project, though, so I can't do anything about it. And it's still a bug.
Well, the workaround is to just put more text in Step 2. Apart from that I guess you'll have to wait for the website developers to fix it, and I think that may take a while because it's a very low-priority bug, IMO (hardly breaks anything). On the other hand, it could turn out to be very easy to fix, in which case it might be done today.
Well it's not getting done today. Presidents' day. I'm feeding it to the devs.
I don't know if this has already been suggested, but I think it'd be useful to link projects together in a parent/child or master/sub manner. It can get unwieldy to document a larger project or it may be useful to compartmentalize certain aspects according to interests.
Perhaps the the child or master projects could then also be listed in the side bar while viewing the current project.
I guess you could do that with the links section, but I agree it would be better to have a dedicated section for that, to make it clear what's going on.
That's a great suggestion.
Something like a 'folder' at the top level of the 'my projects' page that goes to sub-projects? That's an idea. A master page for the parent, with individual projects below that? I'll feed that to the devs.
I would love to have that! Would be cool tool to organize the projects shown on the hackers page, too, especially when you have more than 5 projects. Make a folder like "projects shown on profile" where you can choose the top 5 (max or less) out of a list of all projects.
I also would use this to post and organize smaller projects I currently post as a page.
and a smaller "bug", now that comments are on multiple pages, when somebody replies to a 4th page comment, you don't get to that by the link from the feed.
Would be cool that, when someone adds bigger pictures to logs like schematics, that there would be a link as well to take a look on the fullsize image. An example: (a PC forum I often frequent) has handled it in my opinion a nice way. When you insert a picture in there the full size one goes to your "personal album" and you can pick three different predetermined sizes of thumbnails into the post, largest of which is 1000 pixels wide. There is also an optional tag of showing it right away in full size but it must be done manually and is not considered a good habit. Granted - some limit on the image size might be reasonable, I just find 2 MB a bit on the low side as when I shoot full size jpg with my camera I get a bit under 6 MB and as such need to manually downscale any picture I want to insert in here.
In terms of new project discovery, the top project page should default to "recently updated", instead of "most skulled", which is a positive feedback loop (this is bad).
So this:
Should actually default to this:
For new project discovery we are going to update it so we remember the last sort preference you selected.
There's been some discussion about this internally, and as All Project page is the landing page for many new visitors, we do want them to see some of the more mature projects. This means that we'll probably stick to most skulled as default. We may add trending projects at the top later on.
Is it possible to share files through hackaday (say, CAD drawings, for example for build instructions) or should some external link used instead to the files located somewhere else, like, for example CrabCAD?
That's not possible, sharing files would be by linking to github or other filesharing sites, like you said.
Sign up with GitHub does not work: "502 Bad Gateway, nginx"
Telling about the bug requires signing up...
Hello Ilkka, we've verified the problem and are working on a fix. Thanks for persevering with the sign up.
Hmmm, this link is supposed to lead me from the feed to a comment on a page I wrote, but instead I see hacker crewls profile.
Yep, I noticed the link was incorrect on my feed too. It should be
I've put in a ticket.
Getting the same with this link in feed: (again in "wrote a comment/reply" items). It goes to @LEDs&Chips's profile. Seems to be the same thing, /hacker/ instead of /page/.
Good evening Hackaday! I had signed up and published our project, the Android IMSI-Catcher Detector, on your site specifically to find one or two hardcore Android coders who would be willing to help us eliminate bugs, add features and polish the code. Turns out that there is no real way to specifically get in touch with a larger group of people who are able to code Android - and this is especially the case when a project (like ours) has not received many skulls yet. Thus, here is my feedback: I would love you to add some "groups" for the most popular skills. Having a group named "Android" where coders could subscribe to and maybe even discuss things in different threads might ease the pain to find some more Android freaks out there. ;-) THANK YOU!
That is a good point. To get this started I did make an entry on the Stack:
I wrote a bit on profile of @davedarko. When he replied,I got notification that he wrote on my profile, though in fact he wrote on his own profile
The link leading errornously to discussion on my profile (visible on bottom part ofthe screenshot) is invalid and leads just to beginning of my profile.
We have a ticket in for this one. Thanks for letting us know though :)
I guess you already know of this, but the links are broken on stack pages
I spotted your stack entry and filed a bug. Thanks.
[bug] the comment counter on the pages are broken - I almost had a heart attack because I thought they were gone :D
Hey Dave,
Thanks for reporting! The fix is already in the codebase and we'll deploy it with the release later this week.
Is there a trick to "break" (Just show them until a "Break") Pages, Logs etc.?
If someone creates lenghty Posts, the Comment Section on the Pages is far down :-D
No trick. There is a auto cut off, but I think it's after 4k+ characters. The person who created the content can manually add a break using the editor (more tag), but there's nothing a reader can do at the moment.
Thats alright :) Just what i searched for ;-)
But it works only on the Profile Page?
On its not "read more" ed.
Can you please resize the images of commenters? I've noticed that there is already a resizing link on your platform, but it is not used often. On hacker pages the profile picture is supposed (?) to be resized by sending get parameters like "r=x&s=400" (sometimes massively repeated) - does NOT work - but the actually working thing seems to be used on gallery pictures of project pages. The team list pictures are not resized on project pages, like the hacker picture below the project title.
Discussion because of speed performances can be found here:
Hi Dave,
Thanks a lot for letting us know. We already started working on fixing this. Last week we introduced CDN, and ~ 80% of the images are now served from Page load time is much better now for east coast US / Europe / Asia. Soon we will have all images served from CDN and as soon as we test we will have css/js served from CDN as well. After that devs will work on resizing images on page itself using /images/resize/XxY/... (for example team members avatars etc). This should all happen in next 2 weeks. I will keep you posted here.
Thank you for your reply! It's good to hear that you are working on this and have a plan :) It seems to be the static server and the main server that are slow now. /s/it3r0cv2w05iiw7/Screenshot%202015-02-09%2013.28.06.png?dl=0 - those images block the whole page and the jquery stuff starts on document ready, so the site is not useable for more than a minute - no quick following/skulling possible.
Hi Dave,
Thanks a lot for your effort ! So in a mean while we moved all images to biggest CDN and they should all be served now from We also did compression (gzip encoding) of all content application/javascript files (this content type was missing from web server gzip config :p). We are still working on having CSS / javascript served from cdn as well as resize of avatars. Hopefully that should be in production in 10 days or less ;-) Thanks for following this up!
Hi Dave,
We are almost done with this phase of optimising content delivery. All static content has been moved to CDN, and image have been resized - also external images (like gravatar). Can you please re-do the speed tests and report us back if something is still slow ;-)
thanks a lot!
Those are the tools we used for the speed tests and they are giving some really helpful information how one can achieve better load times. Great work with the CDN etc., much better loading times now! I'm still wondering why it crashed all of a sudden, when it worked so good before - but that seems to be just a normal day in the life of a developer. Thanks for the update!
[this comment has been deleted]
that's about the loading time I got and now get when I open more than one tab. Sometimes those tabs don't even finish loading the css.
just to make this independent of my computer/connection:!/eMbImL/ might be a bit wrong because of all the big un-cached pics, so here is an url for a non-pic-heavy-page:!/bhUHSb/ (just compare several 100ms per item vs. other domains/servers)
Google PageSpeed is red with 17/100 points, there is some optimization possible ;) But those pictures don't explain the loading time of project pages with less pictures.
Edit: 2 seconds for 400kb on the stack page seems a bit long, too.
Hi, I might find a copycat of
They just moved projects here to their website and change the Designer's name.
Hope you be aware of them.
Wow. They blatantly copied parts of the site, including the Hackaday logo for the skulls counter, as well as the users' content.
Hello rayfone, thanks for letting us know. We'll look into it.
[bug] [comment permalinks]
When I click a link to a new comment from my feed, I usually have to scroll down quite a bit to bring the new comment into view. I suspect this is because it initially loads scrolled to the right position, and then the images load, pushing the comments down, but I haven't observed this directly because I usually open everything interesting in my feed in a new tab and then go through them all. (Out of two new comment links I clicked just now, one with many images in the details/logs required a lot of scrolling, and one with no images but one embedded YouTube video required no scrolling.)
My guess is that this is a chrome problem, not a problem - chrome doesn't wait for the page to be loaded to jump to the anchor.
I see the same behavior on my side, same procedure.
You know, that's quite likely. I thought it worked as I'd like it to a while ago, though—maybe Google changed something? And I've also seen a few where it loads scrolled to a position below the comment. I wonder if there's a way to put placeholders on the page so the browser knows how big they'll be before they load…
I am having a really annoying problem. Whenever I want to see my feed or a global feed, I get "502 bad gateway" error. I don't think it's my local problem, since the problem occours both at my work place and at home. It's really annoying.
Hello David, I've submitted a ticket for this. We'll be in touch if we need more details.
Is anyone else having this problem? If so, do let us know.
I am loving this interface for projects. re: search results
when the result is something like a project log, there isn't any info about who it's published by or what project it's attached to. It would be nice to see that.
Hello Jeremy, I noticed that oversight the other day. The update should be out soon. Thanks for letting us know though.
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[bug] [instructions? formatting? HTML generation?]
Step 3 of #ATTiny85 does NTSC over VHF's instructions is misaligned, both on the main page and on the instructions page. I looked at the HTML and didn't see anything different about it, so I have no idea what's going on.
Chrome 40.0.2214.111 on Mac OS X 10.9.5