All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
Bugs, Feature Requests, Wishlists
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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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I'm not 100% sure, but I think the instructions are meant to be more step by step, so rich formatting isn't supported as well as in the details or project logs. I'll put in a ticket for this anyway. Thanks.
I'd like to be able to reorder the "things I built", projects, and project links so I can better organize things. Anyone else want this?
We've made a note of this. Reordering 'things I've built' & external links is more likely than being able to define the order of projects. Although I can see being able to highlight a particular project or two would be good. Thanks!
hi, my profile project order is stuck with the least important project first. can't seam to change order? any fix for that ?
Hey Ben, there is some algorithm which decides in what they appear. It's something to do with date added/last updated/number of skulls/follows, all with a pinch of pepper for flavor. It should balance out over time.
I edited some photos in a project album (added a new photo, deleted an old one) but when I clicked "Publish" it said my (unchanged) project description was too long. Apparently the server had expanded all the reserved characters to their HTML representation (e.g. """, "&") and was trying to literally put those back into the description, making it too long. Also, at that point, I could only delete text from the description field to make it short enough, I couldn't re-enter those characters after I deleted the expanded strings (hitting a quote on the keyboard just didn't have any effect). I had to click Publish after I finished making the text short enough, and then I could go in again and edit the text properly.
Is this a known problem?
Hey Jac, we'll look into this. Thanks for letting us know.
Google Photos or some other web photo platform integration? Would be nice if I could just load up my google photos colllection and just drag them into posts.
Thanks for the suggestion. I've put it on our wishlist.
Hi, is there a bug with the "project follower list"? My project suddenly jumped in follower numbers. I don't ever remember having 59 followers. It wasn't more than 15... This is the project .
Hello Hasan, we've improved the onboarding process for new signups recently and it means they are following more hackers and projects based on the tags they've chosen. The aim is to get them exposed more quickly to projects that would interest them. Cheers!
Yes, and that's how we also can see people with one project and no activity in the last 6 or more months bubbling to the first pages, just because their project happened to have a fancy search keyword into it's text.
And that's how the most valuable indicator, the number of followers, just turned into nonsense.
davedarko, looks like the latest 180-200 zombi followers were made for you by Google. It's easy to recognize a zombi follower: they are following around 50-70 profiles and have no projects. Google recommends your profile in 2 out of the 28 categories. Considering a new user will chose an average of 7 domains of interest, then half of the newcomers are subscribed to your profile.
I guess it's time for a new statistics project, "Non zombie top 100".
I am spammed again about PCB manufacturing by (Anson Bao).
Hello RoGeorge, we've had numerous reports about this and since we've contacted them and they've not responded, their account has been deactivated.
If this happens again, you can report them by clicking the 'Report as inappropriate' link at the bottom of the left-hand column on their profile page. This is the best way to let us know as we can see all the reports about a member in one place.
Could use an "ignore this person" and "delete thread" option in conversation.
Sometime the feed notification (red number thingy) tells me new events that happened a day ago after I have already click on the feed button and seen them multiple times. I am using Chrome.
The red flags on messages and feed have Never worked if more than one tab is open. Win7 & Firefox.
Is it possible to change the project photo? I uploaded photos to the gallery at the beginning of the project, and now I have better photos.
"Code" needs to be at least 80 columns, no matter what's displayed, practically no matter what screen it's displayed on!
viewed on 1600x1024 resolution, full-screen, lines are wrapped horrendously. I've run into this *repeatedly*. The only alternative seems to be to shrink the window horizontally until it reverts to a single column.
Is the autoscroll down in the message area new? It's really annoying to read older stuff now.
I'm using Win7 & Firefox, and reading previous messages is impossible when anyone is commenting on any channel.
I've let the devs know. We'll see what we can do.
Found something annoying - when I mention someone and hit enter in a comment or message window, then every word written after it will be deleted after hitting enter again. Super annoying.
Dave - I think I saw that same issue during our last hack chat. Which browser are you running?
I am unable to update my profile. Even when I log in, it tells me my username is already taken.
Hi Daniel,
This could typically mean that the username you are trying to set has already been assigned to a different hacker. Could you please try updating with a different username? If it still doesn't work, please let us know.
I'm using the .io site from a few computers, all of them using recent and up-to-date firefox running various OS-es (variants of Linux and windows).
Once I log into the site from particular computer with name/password and then, every time I restart PC/broswer and open the .io site, I'm automatically re-logged again, as expected. However, once I log in from different computer, the login credentials from the first computer are "forgotten" and I have to log in on it.
I don't think it is local computer problem, the behavior is consistent for a months on different platforms. It's not any major annoyance, just a little thing to tune.
Thanks Jaromir - I'll let the devs know about this one.
Most of the icons from the 'Greek' tab in the 'Latex Equations' editor does not correspond with their actual letters.
E.g.: If you press the icon showing the 'pi' symbol, in Latex will be typed the 'tau' symbol instead. As a workaround, if you type '/pi' in the text window, then the correct 'pi' symbol appears in the formula.
That's odd - it used to work. Thanks @RoGeorge - I'll let the devs know.
You seem not so sanitize users' names (and possibly comments) for emails and other stuff.. For example, @er.nick1512@ is extemely broken.
Thanks for the feedback. It's on our todo list to tidy up. Cheers!
Why do only the first ten components show up in my project? The list is much longer.
There should be a button/link to 'see all components' when there are more than 10. If there isn't for you, can you let me know which browser/os you are using? Thanks!
How do I embed vines in my project updates? I can't get the video to show up
I don't think we support them yet. I'll put it on the wishlist.
My exterior links are cutoff short making it look like I can't spell, I don't really care but others who might really be into spelling probably care.
You can also add the links in the details or project logs if you'd like to list references. There's not too much room for long external link titles. Sorry
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Using google chrome the tables on the instructions and anywhere else will delete data when you hover over them with the mouse, not a big issue just don't use the tables. But if you ever want to fix them they don't work.