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Is there a chance that we get some project stats like they have on thingiverse? Something where every update/event, skull and follower is in there from the time of creation.
That would be nice. I'll put it on the wishlist :)
Even a bargraph strip like Github with individual squares having colours indicating activities over the past month would be great.
Using alt-backspace in the message editor results in a word and the preceding space being deleted. The behavior in most other software is that only the word is deleted. Please change this? :)
please add VHDL and verilog syntax highlite support to the code snippet applet
Yahknow what'd be nice...? If the feed somehow grouped things in some sort of category that could, maybe, be "droped-down"... e.g. "updates by author [since you last checked the feed]" a listing of authors with maybe a snippet of their latest/most-verbose update, and a drop-down arrow that would show the remainder of their updates since the last time you checked your feed... could also do updates by project, etc as different categorizations...
A variation on this: Give the user a few categories of notifications (for example: followed projects/users, comments, follows & skulls, other) and have them expand when they're clicked on.
Or maybe something else entirely.
Project logs shown on the main project page don't include author information. This is usually no problem when there is just one author. However, I just wrote a project log where several people contribute, and now that I saw it on the main project page I noticed that author information is important there in order to clarify who wrote it. Currently this information is only visible when the project log is actually opened by clicking on its header.
I've added this to the todo list. Thanks for the suggestion.
In order to let more people know about the .stack, I propose the following changes:
- Stack notifications in the feed should use the same layout as on the stack page. (-> voting arrows should be there, too!)
- If somebody you follow posts a stack page and people give it a lot of points, you should get an email.
- Posts with at lot of points could have the point amount highlighted or bold
I'm not sure how "a lot of points" should be defined, but at the current usage of the stack, it would probably be enough to count all projects that hit the ~90th percentile of points in all the posts from the past week or so.
Good points. Anyone else got suggestions for the stack? I'll compile a list. Cheers!
Anyone else have some private messages disappear? I had 4 or 5 completely disappear today. Thought it was maybe a browser issue, but it's consistent across my work and home laptop and my phone as well as multiple browsers (only tried chrome and opera).
There was an issue, but normal service should have resumed now!
While I love @mentions, it would be great if, in chats, people in the chat would: 1. show up at the top of the list, and 2. be there as soon as you type, without having to wait for the server's response.
In my summary I use "I'm" but the single code shows up like a html code. But this only found it in the hackers who skulled list.
Please add instagram image link support. I regularly post to instagram first and then add the links to my posts, but they don't get "pulled in". :(
Hey Dan, I'll put in a ticket for this. Thanks for suggesting it.
Could you please make the project icons on feed messages for follows/skulls/contributors added a bit smaller?
Hey, can you PM me with a screenshot and let me know which setup you are using? Thanks!
Love the new header, can we get more icons for hosted links other than dropbox and github? perhaps a google drive icon for links to files or docs there, a Youmagine icon for 3D hosting, also other services that folks tend to post here. I bet the folks working on the analysis of the hackaday prize entries could lend some help scraping all the link data off every project page and figuring out the most popular services ;)
I don't like the way it changes color on hover, it should just have the darker color all the time IMO. Otherwise, it's great :)
would love to see stuff like the hackaday logo for .io and .com links and youtube and OSHpark as well.
It would be great if links to projects and users were automatically converted to #- and @- links...
yeah, this would really make the sidebar look better. also, maybe an easy way to reorder sidebars?
First of all, the new header design looks awesome. Thumbs up!
I was wondering why not have pop-ups on the message and the feed notifications so that one can take a peek at them without having to open the projects/messages page. Something on the lines of how search results appear in a pop-up right now.
When I write my project log, I like to insert empty lines to separate elements. But when I publish it, empty lines are removed :( , why ?
Hey, which browser/os are you using? It may also be to do with some browser plugins. Is it just happening for project logs?
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We'll check this out and be in touch if we need more details. Thanks!
I just canceled one of my projects. I see just ongoing and completed status. It would be nice to have a canceled also. I'd like to keep the project there, if somebody wants to build upon, but clearly state as canceled
Hey Suf - You can put 'Cancelled', 'Abandoned', or 'On Hold' in the tags.
here's a thought--in the Messages window, on the righthand side (where it shows all members of a channel), what about a way to only show folks that are currently online?
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I'm following @Mike Szczys and notifications about him giving a badge to a bunch of HaD contestants made about dozen or two boring pages in my feed, just like this
It's probably only once per year, but I'm perhaps not the only from 1,2k of his followers wishing to have option to filter it out :-)