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Hi Paul, we've released some fixes to instructions recently. Do you still have this problem?
I tried again today, and Latex equations are still affected. Some of them just disappear after editing instructions. A small proportion of the HTML snippet still persists, but the equation data is gone.
I found a workaround though: started converting all equations to png files
It would be hella sweet if this site supported HTML5 video. I can already upload WebM videos to my project pages, but being able to embed them in posts using <video> tags would be ideal. I can even do it in the editor, but when I save the post it just disappears.
Works! I played around for a bit to try to find out what attributes are allowed; I see that "muted", "loop", and "autoplay" are all disabled, and "poster" works normally.
Thanks for the feature! I'll plan to add some short videos to a few of my projects soon.
I think it would be a great idea to add a FAQ section on general electronic questions or questions on other "makers" subjects. Everyone could post a question, everyone could answer, and the best answer voted. In a way the "stack" is doing this too but the questions are not organized and is not voted the best answer.
We've been kicking around an idea similar to yours -- thanks for posting.
[this comment has been deleted]
Hello @Stuart Longland ! Are you still seeing this issue? We're not able to reproduce this on our end. Thanks!
Having the same issue on Debian Buster with Firefox 52.3.0
I am also unable to edit any instructions within a project. Adding another step is fine.
@Sproket the instructions issue should be fixed now. Can you try again?
@Stuart Longland send me a PM if this is still an issue for you.
Something funny in the adding code snippit for project log. Chrome 60.0.3112.90 (Official Build) (64-bit). I tried to paste the following as a block code from my source code. There are tab characters before each of the lines. Removing the tabs makes no difference.
Hotkeys.State = HK_Idle;
The cursor is the vertical | cursor (inset mode) for the first line. It turns into a blue block on the 2nd line (Insert mode = off). I cannot change into insert mode at all with the INS key.
This is the html code view:
<pre data-language="cpp" class="hljs cpp"><span class="hljs-keyword">else</span>
Hotkeys.State = HK_Idle;</pre><p></p><p> </p><p><br></p><p><br></p>
I did managed to get it to work, but there is something wrong there.
Uploaded photos do not have their EXIF data or any other metadata stripped. I've picked some random projects which has photos and I can see the camera EXIF data and sometimes even GPS information. Is this intended behavior? If yes, maybe not that on the image upload so users are aware of this.
So... It would be nice if "projects" had a very explicit "Licensing" tab, with choices ranging from "public domain" to "teaser for a proprietary commercial product"
Even better would be some sort of App that lets contributors choose attributes for sharing, and narrows down "typical" licenses to reflect those choices. Sort of like but including OSHW-appropriate choices.
The tab might have to include license info for both the HW design and any SW/firmware components.
This "white on black" website is unreadable during (bright) daylight. I have searched quite a while to find a "black on white" hack, though only could disable custom colours for each and every website in Firefox, and that disables showing the images too. Wish a high contrast "reader" layout (or no color styling at all).
Surely you could write custom CSS for Stylish to change the text and background colors on this site.
Elaborate? Simple the views counter seems no to be refreshed. 100 to 400 views per day but this week nothing? To strange to be normal.
Just a remark, not essential.
No counters on this for example changed in a week.
Is it a big problem?
How can I get list of projects that I liked ?
From your profile page, there is a section labeled "Projects I like and follow":
Major lawyer spam.
on line for FL spam
also should complain to the bar assoication.
For testing purposes (no self-likes, I swear!) I've added an account with my work mail a while ago, then deleted my account. But I've still received the newsletter and had to unsubscribe it. That's probably something someone would whine about :D
Is it possible to move the "Delete project' button somewhere else, please. Talking here about the 'Delete project' button, which is actually more a delete project Bar than a Button, and it is placed just above the 'Save' button which one will normally want to click.
The 'Delete project' it's bigger than the Save button, and I almost click it a few times by mistake. It almost gave me a heart attack each time I wanted to click 'Save'.
There's still a modal that opens after clicking 'Delete project' to confirm deletion, but you're right. We'll try our best to prevent unwanted heart attacks ;)
I don't seem to get email notifications for comments on ZeroPhone project or its worklogs, even though I'm the creator and the one that posts all the worklogs. For example, - I only got the notification for comments by Radomir and Morning.Star, Tor's comments have all went without notifications. This is bad, because if I don't notice a comment, I can't reply to it and questions or potential collaboration opportunities can easily be left unanswered. I don't want to look like yet another site where you can post your questions and never get an answer (or never know that you got an answer), so I do my part on answering the questions I get, but this issue is getting in the way, TBH.
There's a 1 hour minimum for emails, could that be the issue for you?
Yep, that's probably the issue. It's sad there's no way to opt-in to decrease this minimum - if you ever implement a way to do this, please, do notify me =)
I cant seem to edit the instructions on when I make any changes and hit save, nothing happens and the instructions remain as before
Hi! So, the editor appears to have changed. It's all fine by me, but the code blocks are now fucked up - adding a Python code block, then going to HTML view and back fucks the code block up with lots of garbage HTML stuff. I wish I weren't as disappointed about this as I am right now - especially knowing I have at least two long days of waiting to post my worklog =( =(
Are pictures filtered in comments? https //cdn hackaday io/images//6671721500675140577.png"No highlighting" code blocks aren't affected, so it's got something to do with highlighting - as viewing HTML suggests. Unfortunately, there doesn't seem to be anything wrong with HTML =(
Also, when it will get fixed, I have a worklog with code snippets without highlighting - Could you please either enable Python highlighting for all the code blocks, or notify me via PM so that I can convert them when I have the time? The worklog is, unfortunately, not so readable without highlighting =(
Ouch, we'll check this one out. Sorry for the inconvenience.
Should be fixed now @Arsenijs, let me know if it's fine for you.
Thanks to whoever it was changed the buttons on the edit project page for no reason. I used them to line up the right hand edge of the picture when scaling to give my pages a distinct feel, among other little tricks.
It might not seem important to an interface designer, but designer and artist interfaces are relied upon for continuity in ways the designer never intended. It's getting like my mobile phone, which I now hate because they change my desktop monthly without my permission. would be unimpressed. ;-pSeeing some linked picture in my instruction that wasn't supposed to be there. Left side is what's in the editor. Red boxed picture is from someone else's project.
Affected Page: Between instruction 3 & 4
Picture is here:
Looks like on the blog I can't post comments with Facebook anymore. I can login with my facebook account, but when I try to post something, it says it needs eMail and name fields. When I logout from facebook and use eMail and names field, the posting doesn't appear. Login with twitter works (didn't check login with wordpress account).
A recent "feature" has appeared on the pages dedicated to the project description : the bottom of the page shows a "Add a project log" button, yay ! (This shows on the projects I own.)
However the link goes to our beloved flying Bender. Who allowed this bug to go to prod ?...
Yes, I'm a modest guy, I'm even modester than you :-P
Youre right its a mistake and is going to be removed.
It's working for the log pages but not the main "project detail" page still has the dreaded "undefined", it smells like a JavaScript issue...
I still wonder why these buttons had to be added at all.
The "Add a project log" is actaully a great button! I have clicked on it already - otherwise, you needed to go to the main project page and then find the "Add a project log" button down below.
I clicked once :-)
Today I see that the button is removed from the project details page. I can still add logs from other pages though and it's fine :-)
Well, I think that the "details" page is not supposed to have this button anyway, am I right?
"supposed", I don't know.
It didn't have one.
then it had, and didn't work.
and now it's gone.
"At least they tried" :-)
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The "Edit Instruction" section of a project is buggy as hell. Sometimes, when I save my instructions and edit them again at a later point, whole graphics, formulas or else disappear.
Also sometimes submitted changes to instructions do not update at all.