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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Hm, that can get confusing with responses coming out of nowhere :D I think for personal messages that makes sense and is needed, but in group chats there can only be exclusion.
There is no absolute right or wrong. Also, judging in the name of everybody else and start banning/excluding people is not what I am looking for.
Confusing or not, the "ignore user" feature is still needed. Please consider it.
Hey Dave, we're working on a feature to mute unwanted PMs. Stay tuned
I don't want to be responsible that this comment won't be replied to, because I did - so I'm linking @Richard Hogben and @Van Nguyen and @Van Nguyen
Unfortunately, there is no way to hide messages from a user in a conversation at the moment. Foremost, messaging was created for collaboration on projects, and so muting other contributors is not what we're trying to support (however that doesn't apply to more niche scenarios like Hack Chat, as you've evidently noticed).
It's definitely a feature we'll consider for the future. As far as alternative choices go, it is possible to block user messages using a Chrome extension (see this one for Slack: Could be a Hackaday project ;)
Thanks for the honest answer.
Not a Chrome user, but if the need to block users will persist, I'll try to mod the Chat webpage with some JavaScript and GreaseMonkey. Will post any details as a log entry in the
I just liked a project, and then saw it over on the blog's sidebar as "Christopher Bero likes blah".... Can't this just be my username please? I provided my real name so emails from this site can address me, not really for my actions to be broadcast like this.
I shouldn't have just voiced frustration on a feedback channel, sorry.
Actual feedback would be that I don't understand the difference between the username and a profile's full name on this site, and it doesn't seem to match any other forum I've used. That's not immediately bad, just unfamiliar and maybe a bit jarring.
Understandable, and that's what we are discussing. We'll try to clear it up. In the short term, there are currently no private fields on the profile page. Username is referenced in the URL, and 'your name' is referenced elsewhere.
I've got a question, I new to the community, I've created a public project to show it to the world but it is not listed on the Projects section. Why is that? Thanks!
The same thing happens to me. I set it as "public" and it can be found through the search panel but it is not present in the general list.
This same thing seems to be happening to me. I 'm guessing there is a minimum post count that stops spammers putting stuff up to the main pages. No biggie but just wanted to share my project with everyone.
I'm not a member of the #Hackaday API (yet?) project, but I can still see the "join team chat button" at the top of the page. projects needs to have a "help wanted" type section for specific skills and/or tasks. For example, I have project ideas that needs 3d modelling and zero 3d modelling skills and ideas that need analog circuit designs but I'm strictly a digital circuit and software guy. I can talk to people who have the skills but they have no time to be involved. We need a way to direct people to where they are needed.
That's a cool idea @Gravis, I'll note it for the Hackaday team.
Hey @Gravis you can also post on the #Jobs Board project for now
I'd like a list - I'd be happy to help curate it - Homebrew CPUs - for novel CPUs made with chips, transistors, relays or whatever. (Can a user create a list? I suspect not.) There's already a Homebrew Computers list, and that's great, but will have lots of Z80, 68000 and other standard micros - I'd like somewhere to collect and showcase projects which look at CPU design.
Hey @BigEd I cant promise anything, but user curated lists were a recent topic and something we would like to have also.
The site works pretty well for documenting projects. My least favorite thing about is that gallery views show up in the back button history. So it is hard to look at several pictures of a project and then "back" to the description.
Whether to add or not add picture scrolling to navigation history is universally disagreed on and will continue to be :) There are links back to the project description by clicking the titles or the "back to description" buttons, if this is a fair compromise.
I can't upload a profile picture. At the same time, there is no issue uploading pictures for a project. With the profile picture, I get back '{error: null, filelink: "https : // / images / [myid] .png"}'. But when my browser tries to access that file, it gets an "500: Internal Server Error"
Hi did the profile picture eventually upload for you?
Received an email about a private message with had a partial truncated link. It seems the hyperlink is also truncated and in that case it led to a different page. Might want to fix it. (truncate the message either before or after the full link) -> I can't and shouldn't "read more" when I'm on the actual discussion ;) K.C. Lee made a comment and it seems to be shortened like in the feed but on the actual page.
It was
then it was changed to
then, after a couple of days was back to
and now, after a few more days, it is again
In the end, which format will win, please?
it depends *when* it will win ;-)
Maybe there is a script to change every few days ?
use the urls with query params (first and third) :) the url nested routes will redirect to them anyway.
@esot.eric, @hackaday I've just worked out how to add strikethrough text to my project logs, instructions etc. I put the process here in case anyone else wants strikethrough text and was missing the editor button.
google PageSpeed Insights on HaD's feed: Poor 14 / 100
This page is not optimized and is likely to deliver a slow user experience. Please prioritize and apply the recommendations below.
I can't reply to every comment, it's weird having a discussion (on my project) and suddenly it ends because I can't respond.
Look at the post right below this one, I can reply to everything Craig Hissett said except for the "thanks mate - I'm on Android using the chrome app :-)". And the post below that one I can respond to everything ActualDragon said except the "nope, shifted...".
So it appears that I can't reply to comments that are on the third "level". Am I the only one who has this problem?
after a few replies, it stops giving them. try replying to something a comment or two up in the same disscusion. it will still come up at the bottom. not perfect, but we get the gist
I'm unable to search using the textbox in the menu on my phone; when I click into it to type it loses focus and I end up clicking on the jobs board when the keyboard disappears. Always the jobs board. Every time!
I've been waiting to post this on here for around a week now, but being unable to search I've hadone to wait for it to appear in my feed ha ha!
thanks mate - I'm on Android using the chrome app :-)
dont know if it happens to everyone, but check out the followers on #Actual_Dragonś dance hits and the likes. both the exact same, with the same people. i got suspicous, and hecked out their like/follow lists, my project (sadly) was not on them?
but I follow and like it! but you're right, that's the profile list sorted by "influence"
nope, shifted through all pages on their newest, still nothing, that means they never did like it. and it says 5 people, then it turns out to be like 25
that's why I said you're right ;) something is wrong! @ActualDragon
I just encountered this WEIRD issue :
The editor adds tons of empty spans !
It seems to be related to copy-pasting (with the mouse ?) in the WYSIWYG view of the editor.
Is there any way to contribute to the website to fix bugs, etc? The project gallery pushing fragment ids to the history stack when browsing is a frequent pain/frustration since it makes back-button navigation useless. If the code was on GitHub I'd love to contribute!
Unfortunately not, but by posting here we can be more aware of these issues and squash more bugs. We'll look in to the gallery issue! Cheers!
I've tried digging into a few times to use for project management, but it just evades my attempts.
There don't seem to be many/any tools for collaborating with other team members, despite the chat rooms. The chat is great for slack-style shoot-the-breeze, but not really development in the sense of structured planning and collaboration. I feel incapable of properly articulating this even now, but it occurs to me that if these tools would be redundant to write for the site, then perhaps making existing solutions integrated would help (google docs, video/voip meetings, wikis, closer git-hosting integration).
Separately, the lack of versioning on projects makes "display" difficult. Right now the site is OK for churning toward a usable end-goal, but unless there's a way to mark (like git tags) stable zones that people can view and then follow directions to build their own, why even have the social aspect to the site? On the other hand, if the site's only good for displaying the final result, why have team chat or logs?
HALP! I Cannot tag "@philip1"!!! Even if I type it out completely, click the name in the list, it reverts to "@Philip" Help my lovely Australian friend out.
It actually does link to the right profile but the number isn't part of the link
Correct; mentioning creates a link using his screen name rather than his username.
For example: morganrallen doesn't use captain.morgan :)
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Feature request: Ignore list for a specified Hack Chat user.
Is there any way to make invisible all messages from a certain user, please?
If not, this is a MUST have feature, please consider adding this feature.