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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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There are more links here, you probably want this one?
When I see I have a new notification (red number in the notification icon at the top of the screen), is there a way to see what that notification is? I scroll through my feed, but this is cumbersome and still leaves me guessing. Am I missing something?
There is an update coming very soon that addresses this issue!
There is an issue with github atm, can you confirm if you originally signed up to by email or with github?
Signed up by email, I believe. It was only after posting this issue that I learned the feature is meant for those who signed up through github. It seems like this should be clarified if that's the case.
Thanks, it is primarily for those users but it should be working for both. After the accounts are connected should sign you in. Will check into it.
The views and follows are not incrementing despite people looking at it. They are stuck at 0. I mailed it to and they directed me here.
The project link is Looking forward for a resolution?
Hi @Akshay Baweja - View count starts once it reaches over 50 views.
Uploaded an onbgoing project "Surajdroid" yesterday only to find it missing from my project list a couple of hours later .
Had spent some time working on creating a literature for it to upload to hackaday. Came back to complete the inctruction details today but sadly couldn't find it anywhere and links are broken too
Yes i wrote a mail tp and reponse instructed me to put bugs and feedbacks here so here i go . Looking foreard to a speedy resolution . thank you
Can someone please give some direction on where and how to start learning pentesting?
Hi. Why do I get projects in my feed that I didn't like or follow? I really respect all projects on Hackaday, but I would prefer only to be updated about the ones I personally care.
hey, you might have added projects unknowingly with the onboarding process or see them because you're following people that commented on them. Maybe check the projects and make sure that they are not "followed by you". Hope it helps
Hey. Thanks a lot for your response! I will check the people that I am following, I was not aware that this has an influence.
And your profile shows the list of projects you are following.
Thanks for your reply. It turned out that it was because of a 2-3 persons that I followed. So it didn't show up in the list of projects that I followed.
hi, your recent email says hackadayU features a course on "basic circuit theory", but i don't see that course here-
Hi @Johny Radio - This is the link you are looking
Support for national characters is partially broken. I haven't been able to find any Czech character not working, but some of them appear as if they were bold. It's not a big problem since most of communication here is in English.
Example of smashing my keyboard - these are all the accented characters our language has:
aá eéě ií oó uúů yý
cč dď nň rř sš tť zž
[this comment has been deleted]
How do I get rid of the depressing black background?
edit: got it with the browser override
I wrote a page without observing the choice "auto" was making for all my code snippets. Is there an easier way to change them than creating a new code snippet, selecting the desired coloring scheme, and copy/pasting the old one and then deleting it?
Maybe just editign the class in teh <pre class="hljs cs"> will work?
After trying every highlight choice, I'm now curious if I can "contribute" another choice to hackaday for highlighting Forth code?
There may be another option available to turn on if you see it here
Richard, thank you. I'll do some homework and see what I can come up with for forth. The assembler would be a nice add, as I see a lot of folks posting assembly lang bits for their projects. It appears the back-end source for these is highlight.js, so I'll start there.
Are you are having trouble selecting the video? The top left button when in edit mode will toggle source, you can try deleting from there also.
Thanks. Editing the HTML directly worked. I expected a video delete button option when right clicking on the video.
@Richard Hogben I wondered if you guys could devolve some of the spam cop duties by implementing a feature where if more than say 10 long time active users (so that recent signups can't hack this) report a user as a spammer, the account gets suspended and all posts are hidden. Then an admin can take a look at without haste.
Also is it a good idea to allow Github users to login and have no barrier to posting? Maybe have to be a long time active user to be able to post to .stack?
It would be kind of nice if the .Stack were not being completely flooded to High F*ckall with inscrutable Moonspeak bot-spam right now. My "Personal Feed" unread-posts counter was in the low-middle triple digits a few minutes ago, and it's been going up rather alarmingly fast for well over an hour... this is why, and I don't exactly appreciate it.
I'm just sayin'.
...on an ironically positive note, at least the notification thing isn't spamming my email inbox about it.
To whomever came by with electronic mop and bucket: THANK YOU.
...also: while I realize it's something of an arms-race sort of set of circumstances, could we *please* have better anti-bot protections here? It's not like this hasn't been asked about before. It's a continuing issue, and ignoring it is a very bad solution.
It's not being ignored, and it's constantly evolving behind the scenes.
@Richard Hogben Very glad to hear it! I bet a lot of us would like to see how that happens and what affects what -- and, who knows, maybe the more network-y amongst us (not me, I can reset a router and plug in a LAN cable and that's about it!) might see something that others missed and have a useful suggestion as a result.
At the very least, having it tracked publicly would provide idiots like me ( :P ) with both a bit of entertainment and one less reason to assume, when things go all pear-shaped like that, that it's because there's nothing to stop it.
I'm probably missing something but I don't see an easy way to find the projects that I am following on one list.
Go to your own profile and tap on Following and it will give you a page of projects you are following.
Unabel to delete account when authenticating over github. Please fix.
[New user] Way back in 2012 there was talk of a "lights on" switch to change to a light theme. ( Not everyone works in a dark room where the screen is the only source of illumination. My environment is fairly bright and the site is almost unusable.
I didn't see anything in the menus or profile settings to change this, but maybe I'm missing it because I literally can't see it.
I would like to see a high contrast option, are you reading more on or looking for a solution on ?
When posting a new project on, the image sizes used range from square (in the "my projects" gallery), to an extremely wide aspect ratio on the project page when the browser window isn't as wide. For those of us trying to present our projects in as appealing a way as possible, it's impossible to have photos that look good both in the square and widescreen formats. Something inevitably gets cropped in a frustrating way.
From a visual design standpoint this is maddening.
Hey sorry about that, we are working towards standardizing all image aspect ratios to a more friendly 4:3 size.
I finally got an email in less than an hour so was able to verify (re: @cprossu 's post below) .
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can’t find where to sign up for the Linux and Raspberry Pi class.