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Bugs, Feature Requests, Wishlists
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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Hey Peter, hope all is well in Huston. I've added tickets for both of those. Thanks for the feedback!
Hello Hackaday, it's possible to attach Eagle file to project page for offering download ?
We are thinking about file hosting, but at the moment you have to host files elsewhere (often github) and just link to them from your project page.
I wanted to invite [Matt] ( or as a collaborator, but instead the invitation was going to another account,
How it is supposed to add someone? If I simply type Matt, about 20-30 people named Matt appears in a drop down list, but none of them is the one I need to send the invitation.
Is this a bug?
The second question is how do I revoke an invitation to a wrong person, please?
Hello RoGeorge,
We've had a ticket in for finding people by username or id, but it's not been implemented yet. For the time being, I would private message them. If they go to the project page, there is a 'Request to join this project' link under Team (Right-hand column). They can use that.
I'll put a ticket in re: canceling an invite. FYI - the project owner can remove someone once the have accepted.
Glad to see you're collaborating. Thanks for the feedback, it will help us iron out any bugs.
I just cannot find a list of the projects I have decided to follow. I am sure there must be such a button leading to such a list, but where?
Hello Thomas, it's hidden on your profile page. There is a 'view all' under projects I like and follow.
Right now it is like Hotel California, you can add links (as in links on left hand side bars) to your projects any time, but you can't delete. Would be nice to be able to delete your links links inside "Edit Project".
Hello K.C. Lee, which browser are you using?
Usually, if you hover over the links in the External links section of the edit page, you will see a delete symbol appear on the right-hand side (circle with an X in it).
OK, I just tried this on mobile and there is no delete button. I'll raise a ticket.
I have switched over to Chrome as Opera is very unstable in the editor. I see the delete button in Chrome after you have mentioned it. Dark lettering on dark background. No wonder why I didn't notice it before.
"'Every time you try and operate these weird black controls that are labeled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up in black to let you know" - HHGTTG
So I'm still getting emails when people replies to my comments, not respecting my email preferences. This is super annoying for me, and a liability for you. I've mentioned this before a good six months ago.
Hello Jarret, sorry we checked notifications for comments ( I'll get replies to comments plugged as well. Thanks for letting us know.
TL;DR: Only saving a log, not publishing it.
I really love as the idea of people sharing projects, ideas and so on. This could really grow in diversity of projects like
But I have one problem ... I can't just save a log and not publish it, I only have the option to not show it in my followers feed. Wouldn't it be quite easy to implement saving a log to your servers? Yeah, I could write the log in some other program but ugh, then I would have to make the hyper links again and all the other formatting. Think about it, I really miss this feature.
Uncheck "Show update in feed" at the bottom of the Edit... Instant stealth to global feeds. It won't work for stalkers that hits F5 on your projects.
From a menu design point of view, that should be next to the publish/rubbish button at the top.
I've got a few feature requests that might be useful (If these are already in there, I'm on Firefox 39.0 Mac).
1) A notification when you are mentioned in group chat (and a link, perhaps?) - I had a mention in the Hacker Channel I was going to send a message about, but it has scrolled up too far now, haha.
2) A notification when you are mentioned/linked to in another project - or when one of your projects is mentioned. A la pingbacks in Wordpress?
Really love the features we've got though - I'm documenting way more than I otherwise would be!
Hey PK, these should already be showing up in the feed, and you should be sent an email if you have not opted out. However, at the moment if more than one notification is triggered within a minute, you'll only get the first notification. Thanks for letting us know!
If you write "less than"= 6.5mm or similar in a project log update (or in this comment, too), it will think it is html and delete the remainder of the sentence. Might be useful to check for a closing tag before assuming it is html.
if you get an email about a reply to a comment and the small snippet of the reply happens to truncate on a hyperlink, it's still a clickable link but the address of the link is also truncated, taking you to a random page/site (or a 404).
Thanks for letting us know. I'll put in a ticket.
The "members" chat sidebar should list online members at the top.
Project chat should have an option to condense and fit more messages on one screen, similar to IRC chats. Perhaps integration with IRC clients could be useful?
I would suggest that a 'lite' option condense the text, and a 'performance' option limit the backlog to 50 messages. the biggest problem is that the browser is being forced to render hundreds of message directives, so if the backlog is simply capped, this will significantly improve performance
Project chat should have an alternate interface more reasonable for low-power machines connecting to large chats (such as the ones run by the THP collaboratoria) -- under these circumstances, the added overhead of ajax causes people to lag horribly or have problems with input mechanisms, resulting in disruption. It's sort of unreasonable to have this feature be entirely unusable for people on mobile or on old machines with poor connections, since chat is a solved problem and has been for decades.
My specific recommendation is IRC, since it's a straightforward-to-implement protocol with a lot of existing support on a variety of platforms.
This is a great idea. We're still working on group messaging. This feedback is very useful!
I wrote a new project entry good enough to make a grown man weep, and now I can't see it in my projects list. What happened?
you know, i like this hackaday prize collaboration project, but it destroys my feed. So, could you fix that? thanks
I made a suggestion earlier that they should just make just a separate icon for the collaboration from feed and that would kinda solve that issue.
Are we so web 2.0 that we have forgetten about IRC? It works well enough and you can even ignore users and send PM. I have seen web client.
I'm going to sign up right before and then leave the project after, so that my feed isn't all cluttered with stuff.
We've got a ticket in to be able to mute notification for a group chat. Cheers.
+1 for this. I love the group chat, but its pretty spammy! Thanks for getting it sorted.
I think the request for better ways to arrange images came up before but I'd like to bring it up again in the context of @RoGeorge's project #Hack the Hack A Day Editor.
"Injecting" some html formatting sort of works but not quite reliably. Resizing both images to roughly half of the editor width and aligning them left and right doesn't work for all monitor/window sizes since the images seem to be assigned a fixed size in pixels. If it's possible I'd suggest to make it such that when an image is resized in the editor its size is set in relative terms. This would also make logs look more consistent across smaller and larger monitors/windows and might be more feasible than trying to figure out why a <p> is set to 0 height if it contains two images...
When posting to log, if I upload, or link an image all is well, but if I ctrl+v an image into the editor, it works but upon submitting I receive an "error 413" blank white page, this only occurs when pasting an image.
I am running Firefox on windows 8.1 sony vaio laptop. adblock and ublock turned off for, no other plugins.
Is this happening for anyone else? If so, is it just on FireFox? Thanks.
At home now on Chrome, I do not get this error, however pics pasted into the edit box do not show up on the post, here are three pictures, one inbetween words, the other two after, the third one was edited to include text which you can see:
I have "E-mail when I receive a private message" checked on my profile. I just won a stickvise for my project (twice), got a message from Mike with the coupon code (twice), but received no E-mail.
Clicking on "menu" does not show an alert icon that I have new messages, and in the messages pane Mike is not at the top of the list on the left of my screen. I only found his message by accident because I wanted to send him a note.
Also, clicking on "menu" from the messages pane does nothing - doesn't pop up the menu, has no apparent effect.
Using unmodified Chrome on Windows.
Seconded. I think mike's message may have been 'special'? but here's a screenshot showing a message from mike a day ago, while the messaging sidebar shows the last message was 2 months ago
They must be black listing Mike for sending out too many you may have won messages thinking that they might be SPAM. :)
Now this is interesting I got Mike's PM notification on email for joining a vendor list.
@Aleks Clark: I've realized the same issue and probably found out, how does it works. It looks like you get the last message date as YOUR last message date to the partner and not the date of the latest message in the conversation.
Yep, Mike used the API and so it didn't hit some of triggers. We have a ticket in for this. Thanks for raising it though. Glad you found the message.
For the "Astronaut or Astro Not" weekly prize, you can pick a vote instead of a user, as [Iw2] said here, or you can keep picking a user, but if the user didn’t vote, then organize a themed small competition with those $1000, like the sponsor’s or the moving parts competitions.
That way, everyone is incentivised to come up with their ingenious projects/ideas.
This will also level up a little the unfairness of HaD Prize contest.
Don’t get me wrong, HaD Prize is great, but is only for a small niche of makers, or for teams. Most of the people could not afford to put thousands of men-hours in one project.
That's actually a good suggestion, and it's easy to implement.
The thing is, I already said I'd be doing it one way. Can't change it now. I'm going to pick a rando on .io, if they didn't vote, pick a random person who voted. That's what's happening wednestday.
I don't know what we're doing *next* week, but... yeah.... that's a good suggestion.
... some way to *tag* (maybe?) projects-followed... as-to why you followed them (or continue to)... such that they can be browsed-by-tag...? Kinda like bookmarking the project-pages, except there may be *multiple* reasons to do-so... (thus multiple tags). In a way, I suppose, kinda like the "curated lists" except, as-curated by each follower... and, again, multiple-taggings!
Yep, some people have not tagged their own projects, so it would be nice if other members could tag them too.
but also for one's own purposes... e.g. some project contains an idea I could use for my own project... I could tag it, in my follow-list, with my project's name so that I could easily come back to it that way.
At some point we would like to open up member lists, so tags could tie in with that.
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I've got 2 features request / wish lists:
1) Voting Widget: is all about collaboration, and getting feedback is great. Myself and other have requested peoples opinions in comments or I've seen links to voting forms other places on the web. But it'd be nice to have a voting widget that can be inserted into the hackaday editor (or some other way I'm not thinking of). I think more people would be willing to click a multiple choice feedback box than leave a comment responding. Things that would be cool to have with it:
A) Choose if votors can see the results before voting
B) The ability to close the voting
2) A Requested Features list: A list of features already requested. (Maybe in the details section of this feedback page?) When I got to request something I initially hesitate because I'm not sure if someone's already asked for it. I did a search on the top bar and also a search on this page, but not all of the comments are displayed so that doesn't work.
Keep up the great work on the site!