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Major bug: the RSS feed is calling the likes skulls!
This has been resolved now. Thank you for bringing it up!
If there is a separate/better feedback channel for the HAD prize, let me know and I'll use that for those specific problems.
After entering a project into the HAD prize, the user is presented with the list of project domains, viz:
"Projects should fall into one of these domains: Automation, Robotics, Vehicle, Power, Security, Wireless, Automation, Medical, Tools."
Note that "Automation" appears twice in this list...
(Only someone on the Asperger's spectrum would notice this, but then consider your audience... :-)
Perhaps a new "List" item for kitchen appliances could be created - there's a number of coffee and tea maker projects that could be added to it.
I’m trying to upload .scad and .stl files but I’ve got that error : "An error occurred uploading undefined. This file type may currently be unsupported."I was able to upload some files before but not anymore. Is it a bug ?
If you have any formatting such as "unordered list" as your last paragraph, it is not easy/possible from the GUI to remove that formatting as you can't get past it to delete. I had to start a project log to copy/paste the text over to remove that.
Have run into similar... It often seems to take numerous iterations of <enter>, <backspace>, and/or <shift>-<tab>, but eventually it seems to sorta work, on my system. Though, it is quite nasty at times. Once I even got a double-bullet, which boggled my mind (and has been left for its groovy-factor):
Double tab! Pun intended.
If you are lucky, there is an undo option in your browser. I think I usually have to remove all the bullet formatting and retry. Sometimes it is faster to open up new browse, edit the same page and copy/paste over, then discard.
I've encountered similar issues... Fortunately the nastier "space-turned-into-linefeed" "feature" seems to have disappeared :-)
I had a similar problem where it's not possible to write anything after an image on android. Had to save the project log then continue editing on the laptop :/
It seems like there is no "remove" button for the projects background image.
You can probably make a 1 pixel picture in black and use that as a new black drop until they fix it.
But that wouldn't be as easy as having a button ;) that would be me having to "hack" And making 1px pic. Meh. It would be easier to take a picture in the dark. Although my pictures are too big so I still would have to cut and/or shrink it.
You can just use PC paint to do an area fill. The size of picture probably doesn't even matter as long as you match the background colour. 1 pixel is just a precaution that blackground isn't 000 black.
It'll take HaD sometime to implement the changes etc. and meanwhile you can hack this, right? Yes I ran into this annoyance, but managed to find something I own and like as backdrop.
well then you're talking about setting up a virtual machine or getting parallels to run first, finding a windows image and illegally obtaining a serialnumber to use ;)
I'm basically saying that I know how to get around the problem, but sometimes it's just easier to ask someone to make it easier. That's what the feedback is for, right? And sometimes someone has to point that out first. of those 3200+ comments I've made a few already and I know that it takes some time and I'm not at all complaining ;)
hacking, :-)
Like it. Actually I'm also doing it with the project log drafts, if I want to show the publishing date and not he creation date on it.
Start to write, adding things during the days, and just before the publishing copy it to a new log and delete the original.
It would be better to have a calendar control, but I'm getting used to it. :-)
We'll add that to our list of updates to make in the future. Thanks for the feedback, Dave!
I did noticed that a animated .gif in one of my project logs do not work anymore. The image's address give back a 500 error. Also reuploading does not help. Did you throw out the .gif support?
This is the log:
Hi Alex, our QA team looked into this -- the GIF seems to be working again when I just checked it. Let me know if it's working now for you! And we'll see about why that 500 error happened to make sure the underlying issue gets fixed.
Thanks. Now it is working again (At least on one of my computers).
I had the same problem, but now it seems to be working again.
Thank you for the fix, HAD!
HI everyone! All of us here on the team are reading your comments, so don't worry if we don't reply individually. It's super to have you all giving feedback!
I just found a parsing bug !
The sign "less or equal" is written <= and this breaks the formatting of the next words in a project description...
Please can I request a feature: The ability to 'un-submit' from competitions. I submitted a couple of projects before seeing the requirement for making a new project, and also sometimes you just want to stop pursuing an idea and having half-finished entries makes you look like you're just trying to game the system with lots of entries. I am wary of entering my latest project, because it currently feels like a major commitment, and I don't want to waste the judges time :)
Last year someone suggested throwing a big heading in the project description to the judges, something like: "JUDGES: Nothing to see here."
I think there may be a problem with the file upload feature. I uploaded this file, but then deleted it, and re-uploaded it, however the file that is there is the original without the copyright information. I will try to get around this by changing the file name, and uploading again.
This entry on the stack,, got me thinking. It'd be great if users who finds a typos in other's projects could submit changes to the author without being a project member. Then the author could simply accept or reject the suggestions. It'd be another way that the users could collaborate.
Just wrote a reply to Shakipu (says: March 23, 2016 at 7:49 am) in the comment section from
The reply can not be seen, and if I try to reply once again with the same answer, the page returns the message "Duplicate comment detected; it looks as though you’ve already said that!", which is true, except the reply is not displayed in any browser.
Hmmm, the answer is now visible. I don't know why it took minutes to be displayed, but never mind, please forget about this one, thnks!
"500: Internal Server Error" and missing animated pictures
In those two projects, and, there were some animated pictures (i.e. or h_t_t_p_s_:_/_/ - without underscores
), but now they are gone from both the log entry and the Gallery.
The animated pictures were prepared using this method:
1. What does error 500 mean and how can be avoided?
2. Is there any way to put those animated pictures back, please?
Can't help but note the multiple entries of "i liked RollingPi.", "f liked RollingPi.", "g liked RollingPi.", "a liked RollingPi.", "af liked RollingPi.","bern liked RollingPi." on feed started about 35 minutes ago.
2 issues with this:
Isn't there supposed to be some filtering of feed if it were the same person clicking on the button on/off? If that's the case, the un-"like" event and "like" should be neutral after the filtering.
Is this cheating as "like" now has a dollar figure on the contest as there are multiple similar single letter users in a short period of time on same project.
we deleted all the fake likes, cheating is obviously not allowed
Feature Request: Please, add automatic generation of the list of logs on the left of the project page (preferably in chronological order with dates) - this feature is really really really needed!!! Thanks!
Yeah, the discussion of creating a log-TOC has come up a few times, usually with the conclusion that "you can add your own in the description" but that seems to usually end up happening once, and never gets updated, in my case anyhow ;)
Yes, we can add, but size of description is strictly limited (1000 characters) and size of visible part of details is limited too - from some point it started showing ... and you need to go to "See all details" in order to see full list
OK - I exceeded size of the details section and there is nothing to remove - so I "simulated" logs section on the left by adding every log as a link into external links section of the project:
I believe that website could have logic to generate similar lists automatically - it should not be difficult to write...
The possibility of a drop down menu list of the logs entries when you hover the mouse over 'log' on the menu bar would be so cool.
I write my listings myself and it's slow and error-prone. This made me discover weird behaviours of the online editor by the way.
K.C. Lee's drop-down menu is a Brilliant Idea.
I think it's better too see full list all the time - not hidden under drop-down control - left side of the page is mostly blank anyway...
The "trick" is that I use some special formatting that can be parsed by sed and provide a list of log pages for my dump script #HackaDump
When the auto-list feature is done, I'll have to update my script once and for all, instead of keeping my projects manually updated...
Please HaD team, please make this feature at last :-)
Reply-level's not deep enough... Clever solution using the external-links section. Plausibly even automatable via curl, hmm...
Something to think about for #HackaDump ... But then, it could become a mess when actual external links are used.
I recently started to use the draft feature in the project logs. I realized that the project log date will be the date when it is first created and not when published. When I publish it, it will be showing up in the feed days earlier, means if somebody want to follow it probably will miss it.
Can you please change it somehow?
Recently my feed started showing items from the "Stack", there used to be an option to disable that....Has it moved or gone away? I'd like to not see anything from there in my feed if possible..
I didn't get the "why" answered, but they removed the settings for the feed some weeks ago.
That's unfortunate.. The feed was useful before it started getting flooded...
I'm back to injected Javascript to hide stuff I don't want to see...
Are there any easy to delete "code snippet" blocks once you put it in? They are also kind of hard to delete if they happens to be at the very end of a log.
Hi K.C.! You can go to edit project and do it, does this not work?
Depending on where I do the delete, the code snippet box stays, but the text below it flows into the box. If the box is the vary last element, then you can't select past it to delete it.
I actually had to copy/paste and discard the changes a few times because of that. Would be nice to have a close or delete button on it.
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Bug: the GitHub link defined in the external link section of a project does not appear on the left side of the project page.