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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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[this comment has been deleted]
I am missing "like" to my projects on "my feed". I do not have email notification set for this. Is there a new filtering set up that I am unaware of?
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I haven't see any "likes" on "my feed" or "Global feed". e.g. so and so "like" my project. At least that's how they used to work. All I can see are people that "follow" my project.
Not sure how to do a screen shot for things that don't happen. I really don't want to post the past few days worth of feeds only to show that they are not there..
They do show up inside the projects e.g. There are no time stamps, so not sure exactly when they show up.
Still nothing. This is a screen shot just a minute ago.
There was no usual "like" at the feed. I do see "follow" messages right below the feedback post (after my other post elsewhere).
You showed up here:
For the same experiment, I "like" this feedback project just now. Does it show up on your feed or global feed?
My like is here:
No, Freidrich, I was not implying anything about your work, I absolutely believe in what you are doing, I am talking about a lot of "spammers" who creep around here and clogg everything up with their advertizing.
Hope that doesn't apply to my project. It is not open-source, but free to use. There is a little amount of advertising, but only for funding the work to be done...
I am seeing (reported) a few companies advertising on their profile or make fake project for doing so. These are not remotely related to hacking e.g. Real Estate, truck driving, medication, really guys!?
May be should revise the TOC to exclude them or exclude contact info?
Updating the TOC makes it easier to know what the rules are and when users can complain. If there are too much of these type of advertisers to the SNR of the feed, then it distract from the contents, then the users might get annoyed.
Google sort their search result according to how many links are on a site and as such linking their sites on is one way to move themselves up on the search engine ranking. Meanwhile the feed get worse and worse. One of these days, you'll have their customers swarming this site.
There are also the PM SPAM which unfortunately the readers have no way of deleting.
I don't need to read about gambling, astrology, dating tips, investments, real estate, escort service, medication etc here. I don't think the current sponsors of this site are interested to support a site with those kind of SPAM either. (Those are what I have reported so far.)
Some of those wanna be crackers are probably trolls. May be 4-Chan send them over here for luz?
Please continue to report profiles that are pure advertising. We ask the user to take the project down.
I have a feeling that all the advertisers are from the same source as they all showed up today in the feed. Coincident? I think not.
Got to catch them all.
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BTW the same account 460 is spamming again. Seem like all the reporting I did was USELESS. You guys should simply delete these accounts.
WASTE OF MY TIME to fix your problems. Might be easier to host my projects elsewhere.
BTW Can't report because I have already reported. Fix the report button too.
It's the same guy same business same MO coming back each day with SPAM. Surely the first warning for the first time would be sufficient. Any subsequent offenses are dares and do not warrant even a warning shot.
Still waiting for that for a few months now as there are SPAM PM I like to delete.
I'm encountering an error where uploading pictures to one of my logs (just one) causes a dummy video (with no content) to be uploaded to the project gallery. Anyone have any experience with this? I've tried deleting and recreating the log, changing the photos, restarting my browser, and uploading the pictures from a different computer.
Well I've now spent my *entire* time allocated to updating my project trying to figure out how to do decent formatting on your system.
My conclusion is that it simply isn't possible. My only recourse is to throw the text and images in a heap into the description, and hope for the best.
The "HTML" option deletes and modifies tags. It apparently deletes DIV elements altogether, but sometimes it leaves the initial DIV and deletes the corresponding /DIV.
I could discover no combination of float that causes the images to "float" as defined by HTML and CSS, and this includes the left/center/right selections in the image editing *and* adding various float options to the HTML of images or <P> elements.
I could not find any way to clear the float, as recommended by the HTML standard, so that text which goes with a later image isn't promoted to the current image.
My executive summary is this:
Formatting is simply random, don't bother, just throw text and images at the project and be done with it.
I really wish you guys would have implemented one of the standards.
I have come to a similar conclusion. "HTML is complex, let's prevent people from using it to its fullest, or it might change the site's layout from user to user, depending on their skill".
I've since made another attempt and have figured out the magical incantation that works, and more importantly discovered *when* their system steps in and modifies the HTML. I can go into the HTML editor and delete their systems' well-intentioned meddlings and get something that looks ok.
But still, it's been a loooong journey to get to this point.
(Also of note, the HAD system generates formally incorrect HTML.)
Congrats ! I'd like to have a look and I'm sure others would too !
Can you write a page/project about it so it doesn't get lost/buried in the history of this page ?
Indeed, the editor is a mess. Had similar frustrations in the past, and documented a few tricks for a couple of them:
Table editing is almost impossible if the rows are unpopulated.
Add a table with 5 rows, fill the top 2 rows, and save. When you next edit the table, the unfilled rows are tiny and don't align with the cursor for insert (ie - the cursor positioned to insert at the first blank row is not visually "in* that row).
Newly added rows are normal height, but the old rows are still too tiny to use.
Image below shows edited table with original blank rows (tiny) and added rows (normal size).
I can't properly resize images when they're in a table.
I have a table with 2 columns and 5 rows. The rightmost column has images, while the leftmost has rows. (This is the "description" section of my project
Editing the project, I'd like to make an image bigger. When I click on the resize widget in the LR corner of the image, the image immediately "jumps" to minimum size.
I can resize the image as far as I can drag the mouse down my screen, but that's still not full size. Normally, I'd release the mouse, move the image to the top of the screen, and click the widget a second time to make it even bigger.
But when I click a 2nd time, the image first "jumps" to minimum size again. My resize operation is limited by my ability to drag the mouse to the bottom of my screen, which is not full size.
Update to previous.
I added a new row with image and text. Now I can't change the (last row) image size *at all*, and all images have changed their aspect ratio!
I can't seem to undo this - my only recourse is to painstakingly remove all text and images from the table and throw them into the description in a heap.
I really wish you would implement some sort of consistent pagination that articulates with the images so we can make our sites look good. Consider making the left/center/right and sizing controls do something useful - as it is, they take up space and entice the editor into thinking that they do what they mean.
The two (cropped) images below show (1) what my input looks like in the editor: well formatted with text and looking nice, and (2) what that same input looks like on the project page: formatting goes all to hell, text is wrapped in an ugly manner, and the images with <right> selected are *to the left* of other images.
For the record, this has been a problem for most of a year.
Did anyone else get their account locked?
I get even notifications to my emails but can't reset password as the email address (where I get notification about comments etc.) tells: ''We couldn't find your account with this email." I would actually like to get back that my original account or at least claim the username.
Thanks for reporting this issue...I'll see with our developers and let you know...
Now its for sure, there is a problem with the project view counters, they do not work. Could you please check.
Is there any way to see a list of all the projects I follow?
you can find 'view all button' on your profile page under PROJECTS I LIKE & FOLLOW section
I think there is a problem with the view counters. There are projects with 10 or more likes and just 3 or 4 views????
So I'm looking at a project I'd like to follow or like, but I'm not logged into the site.
I log in through the user/password fields at the top of the page.
Presto! I'm at my own feed or home page or something, rather than the project page I was on. Personally I find that pretty annoying.
Thanks for the feedback! I've noticed this, too. We've added it to the docket!
Also found some annoying "features" in the code snippet tool. I pasted in my c ocde, high light it and click the snippet tool. What it does is default to Ruby. I select no high light and when I am done, the code swallows my opening C brackets among other things. This used to work.
PLEASE do not default to any high lights. Do not mess up the user code.
I am seeing formatting bug:
This is the published page looks like. Obviously it doesn't think that I am yelling loud enough?
This is what it looks in the editor and what I wanted.
This is what the html code looks like using the HTML button inside the editor
What I did is to type and format the "Volume Meter" part afterwards as heading 2. That seems to upset the code that automatically changes the he line to normal. It used to work, but this new code doesn't.
I don't have a choice as I am using WYSIWYG editor. It is the editor in this case that choose to keep my paragraph with the P2 tags when it is supposed to be normal. I tried half a dozen time removing the paragraphs and adding them back hoping to remove whatever tags the editors thinks it had. What a waste of time on a buggy editor.
Why is there no way to report spammers on I got a message from someone asking me to back their kickstarter. I'm guessing they sent it to everyone on The username was c.hbard.85. I won't link his website.
there is 'Report as inappropriate' option on profile page.
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what the best dimensions for background photo in project ? this drive me crazy... i can't figure it out how to make something clean and centered where i want