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[this comment has been deleted]
look like that,this server information is said california,pasadena.But never believe everything.
There is an aggressive spam bot on
It creates new users and spam projects.
Right now, the latest 50 or so projects are spam created in the last couple of hours.
They really should automate to remove some of these bots and removing their posts from the feed. Sound like a HaD project/contest.
Another idea: using robot.txt to block off search engine for newly created account profiles and their projects for a week. The extra time give time to clean up the SPAM. This would prevent those that try to abuse search engine ranking.
Pretty evil to spam the "NOW ON HACKADAY.IO" on HaD blog site. May be should consider disabling new sign up from those IP blocks from China, India until the SPAM bots give up.
Even a cool down of 1 week of limiting the new account in those IP blocks to read only status would help a bit.
May be a "Are you human" test designed for hackers -code segment, block diagrams, schematics, general questions that a person that would have a legit project would know to weed out the marketers, CEO C level business types, spammer, bot etc. ?
Watch out SPAMMERS at large !! big time jerkoff spammer wich needs to be punished badly!!!
Did you click on his profile and 'report as suspicious'? (personally i dont'like reporting people, but i guess these are spam-bots from hell... )
[this comment has been deleted]
"keeping on top of spam on a site like this is a full-time job!"
I know what you mean... mayebe it's time for some spam-traps / honeypots, or an extra phase for the account creation ( honestly, it was too easy )
good luck
This user send me a spam message. The account looks suspiciously like it was created by a bot.
(I can report spam comments, but couldn't find a way to report a spam PM. Is there such a feature?)
The only way to do that right now is to report from the user profile.
I got a couple of messages from this dude too... reported.
'Add project log' button needs more prominent placement. If project logs are there to provide a timeline and regular updates to followers, then it needs to be quick and easy to add a log. The logical place would be in the header next to [change background image][Edit project][Team Messaging] after you click My Projects-->{choose project}-->Edit Project. Currently you have to go My Projects-->{choose project}-->Edit project-->Logs--> scroll down through all previous logs to the button right at the bottom.
If you are viewing a single project log or have just created a project log, there is no button to quickly add another one - you have to go back to Edit Project-->logs-->scroll down etc..
I have been getting a few "illegal access" errors tonight when I tried to add a project, detail page, read a project page etc.
I'd like to add my existing project to the Assistive Tech prize, but the menu items inside the project are still showing the Automation prize (and not the Assistive Tech.) Any other incantations needed?
The option to add your project to Assistive should be available now if you try again.
Hello, i am unable to update the list of components in my project. Link:
Uneffective feature:
While writing a log, include a picture.
The pop-up window asks for a file to download but the upper-left tab shows that we can also add a link. Fill this field before selecting the picture.
When the page reappears, the picture points to the picture itself, not the desired link.
One has to edit the page again and edit the link on the picture...
I have a project in the Hackaday 2016 competition:
It's a semifinalist in the Citizen Scientist category, and is entered in the Automation category as well. But I've run into a problem. The last time I tried to save a new instruction step, I got an Error 413 message, and the entire step was missing when I went back. Fortunately, I had saved the text elsewhere before submitting it, so I re-entered the text (had to re-insert the pictures), and tried to save it again. No luck - another Error 413 message.
From researching the message, it's related to the instructions being a message larger than the server can handle. I've actually submitted larger instructions than this one before, so not sure why this is happening. If the problem is that I've hit some kind of limit on the total server space I'm allowed, then I'd like to request a larger server space - I really need it. I'm writing these instructions very explicitly so that someone with minimal maker experience will be able to follow them and have a high degree of success. The main people that would benefit from building this system (archaeologists, paleontologists, numismatists, forensic analysts) are likely to fall into that category. Please let me know what I need to do to fix this problem.
leszekmp at
I would suggest you to split one large step into multiple shorter steps.
Thanks, Ivan. Am in email contact with someone at Hackaday, and they suggested that as well. I tried that using text from previous, shorter instruction steps that had been uploaded successfully, and I also got the same error message. And I've been able to upload instruction steps of comparable or even greater length in the past without problems. Right now the leading theory is either a bug or a server configuration issue.
In the WYSIWYG editor, "Header 2" are rendered as black on grey. They are rendered correctly outside. This seems to be some recent thing. I am on chrome win7 x64.
"‘It’s the wild colour scheme that freaks me out,’ said Zaphod, whose love affair with the ship had lasted almost three minutes into the flight. 'Every time you try and operate these weird black controls that are labeled in black on a black background, a little black light lights up in black to let you know you’ve done it.’" - Hitchhiker's Guide.
I have no memory of this paragraph of H2G2... wow :-D
Error editing description
ReferenceError: /var/lib/hackaday-projects/hackaday-projects/views/dashboard/project.ejs:266
264| <% } %>
>> 266| <% if (_.get(locals, '') && role === 'admin') { %>
any updates on the skulls/likes not showing in the feed?
This looks like a bug. They should be showing up. Will follow up asap.
Confirmed the issue. Fix will be in production next week. Apologies for the slow turnaround on this one.
cool thanks :) thought it could have been a feature because I got too many :D
Hey Dave, this issue has been fixed. Thanks for letting us know!
Yet another annoying editor bug
When writing a comment (like here) or a log, the cursor seems to jump around.
You type and you find that the last letters have been written somewhere else.
Am I alone to experience this ? I've never seen that in any other site.
I get this all the time editing logs. I think it happens when I hit backspace twice quickly, or some similar combination - it jumps my cursor to the top of the text. At first, I figured I was hitting home or page-up or something accidentally (sloppy typist), but eventually realized it's a bug.
I can't see view count on my project. Maybe I don't have enough views?
I've noticed that it also seems only to update once a day - maybe at midnight (somewhere :-)
It looks like, I can't edit this project:
I tried to edit title, subtitle, description. After long waiting, I got back an error message from the browser: ERR_CONNECTION_RESET
I tried it with chrome and IE. The result is the same.
I'll check with our Dev... Is that issue still exists?
When I insert
#include <file.h>
line in code block, the part in <> it gets thrown away after sending the project log. Seems like it is considered being HTML tag - not sure if this is desired behaviour.
All else fails, use #include "file.h". That's also a valid syntax and usually for user header files.
Yes, it works if you know about it.
But if you are not aware of this problem - you paste some code in your project log and it silently becomes crippled. The code blocks usually output the verbatim copy of input data.
Can someone give me a definitive list of what *can* be embedded or added or stylized in the website.
ie What can be embedded for example youtube?
What HTML tags can be used in projects example < iframe > ?
What are the accepted codes for the rich text editor and what plugins are installed for it?
Are there other wordpress plugins in use?
Are there JavaScript modules available (without using JavaScript) via some tags?
I might add that "open loop gain" is what you have when there is *no* feedback. I should have saved that for technically minded people - not here
You've got no idea how hard it is to be invisible.
Some suggested responses:
1) Your request has been sent to aliens - expect a response in 1,834,823,653,840,425 years.
2) You're a tnuc, kcuf ffo
3) I have no idea
4) .. --.- ---.-. -.. .-- --. ..-.
5) 0x0000 FE D7 B3 7A 64 17 F9 B0
6) Lucy is not here right now but if you wold like to leave a message ....
7) My assembler broke.
8) It's still compiling
Non-acceptable responces: ""
Seeing daily SPAM advertizer now. They use HaD to move themselves up on google search. Until these post and accounts are deleted as soon as they show up, they will keep coming back because there is only a 30 minutes or less window before google bot catalog new contents on this site.
If the contents are not removed, then you are just encouraging them and more will come.
Pretty easy way to deter them:
- automated script to ban project title/project log/profile with a 800 number
- cool down period from getting a new account to posts, PM. Make it like 7 days.
- skill test questions that a real hacker would know
- start banning IP blocks. Add verified email for sign up etc.
- hire someone else to do this every day. I can't be the one reporting this. Seriously.
Any business that can't/won't pay money and SPAM to advertize in the right way are probably scammers.
[this comment has been deleted]
You can filter new accounts assuming that older accounts (more posts, more projects) progressively have less risks. So that should cut down on the false negatives. Yes, they can offer cash for old accounts or have dormant accounts to fall back on etc.
Moderate the positives (false or real) caught by filters before they go live etc. Didn't the main blog site have something like that?
I can get new VoIP in about 30 seconds for any area codes in the world, but when you are running a business that relies people to reach you then the numbers can't change every day or they look like a scam. You get get pass filters by changing words, but the ad would look like email from a Nigeria prince.
Yes, it is a pain. If not done right now, it will only get worse. More will come if this is not done quickly. That's the cost of running a popular site. Too lax or lazy will get you.
This is a SPAMMER. Just google the 800 number and you'll see.
1800 656 6115
1 888 846 6939
1855 676 2448
24 7 quickbook support scam call center
800 961 1963
symantec reseller scam
BTW this is likely the SPAMMER himself given the time zone that these SPAM are posted daily. GMT 0 around 12pm.
>SEO techniques can be classified into two broad categories: techniques that search engines recommend as part of good design, and those techniques of which search engines do not approve.
>The search engines attempt to minimize the effect of the latter, among them spamdexing. Industry commentators have classified these methods, and the practitioners who employ them, as either white hat SEO, or black hat SEO.[45] White hats tend to produce results that last a long time, whereas black hats anticipate that their sites may eventually be banned either temporarily or permanently once the search engines discover what they are doing.[46]
Look at the two time stamps below at how close they are. One is posting SPAM, the other one advertizing for these services.
BTW one very telling sign for a SPAM account is that the account shows up, profile updated and right away follow a dozen or more projects right away. Like a regular person can read that fast. So might want to check if they are generating these follow by using random project ID using wget and not from actual "follow" links.
Account: Never Youmind is one of these examples, but no spam so far except a link to the twitter account.
SPAM from the last couple of days wasn't deleted. Can't report because I have already reported and no one acted on them.
Probably the best Tech oriented sharing logging site competing with instructables , But now this is my number 1 favorite, because it's more fun and the interface is amazing
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Some of us are on other timezones than PST. Thanks for the heads up. Hopefully it's mostly dead now :)