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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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Amazon servers are down, which is causing lots of problems everywhere
It seems that image upload is broken right now -- when I try to upload any image to my project, the progress bar reaches 100% and then stops and nothing happens.
I seem to have a bit of trouble uploading pictures to a project log with both Chrome and Opera under Win7 X64. Adding pictures by URL works, but won't help me adding new pictures.
I have uploaded tons in the past, so this is something new.
Send my profile to another hacker on facebook to see what I mean :D
Hi - bug is confirmed. Thanks for the feedback!
How do you promote your projects? Shared on facebook but the photo is not mine, wired video in the gallery, how can I remove it? posting here, does not have photo upload button, are there any accessible projects stats? Thanks
Are you still seeing this issue? We're not able to reproduce this on our end. I'll explain you everything in a PM.
OS X 10.11.6 - Chrome Version 56.0.2924.87 (64-bit)
Whenever I'm sending more than one line of text in the chat fast after another, I always get a spinning wheel and I'm not sure if the line was send or not. When I reload quickly, it seems like it's already send, so I never now if it was read already or not. Confusing experience...
The random listing of the projects in the contest page does not work properly.
The total list, which is now 61 projects long, is split in two pages, in random order. 50 projects on the first page,, and the rest of 11 projects on the second page of the list, The problem is that the second page display does not seem to be aware of the projects already displayed in the first page, but the total number of projects displayed is kept correct.
As a result, some projects are displayed twice, once in the first page, once in the second, but other projects are not displayed at all (since the total number is kept, and some are listed on each page).
You may want to remove the 50 projects per page limit, as I remember it was for the past contests (or to make the random function aware of what projects were already displayed in the previous pages).
okay, i have a lot more projects i'm following than what it shows, and there's no "see all", so a bug? its kinda annoying
Hey @ActualDragon - I have "View all" button on my profile, it will appear only if you following more than 18 projects. If that so then it's a bug. Let me know, thanks!
yeah, since you said that, i randomly followed a couple projects and still no view all
Hi. It would be nice to be able to track our projects using our own Google Analytics ids. What do you think about it?
A problem in the View count?
200 to 300 per day, and since 3 days nothing.... Strange
I can confirm the problem - there have been no views count update for a week or so :-)
Confirmed & resolved. Regular updates should be back on schedule in couple of hours.
In Firefox, using @ puts a hyperlink on all of the following text. Like this. @Sophi Kravitz this is how links get posted when using Hack Chat on Firefox
could you (if it isn't already up and I'm just being an idiot...) create list view for projects that we have subbed to or liked, because it's a bit hard to keep up with the feedback (at least for me) and projects that have been finish could be lost from memory and harder to find
The list is here
Sound notification doesn't seem to work even when enabled and after permission given, on either IE 11 or Chrome 55.0.2883.87 m
Is there an option to.. remove any and all items from my feed that I'm not specifically interested in? I tried unfollowing everybody and every project I followed (for no apparent reason - I have a fresh account and never clicked on a follow button), but my feed is still full of bullshit I don't care about and really cluttered at that. There is a good reason I don't use facebook and twitter.
Same problem here. See if this workaround suits your needs:
Unclutter the Feed pages
It will make the feed looks like this
Also, the AddOn named "Element Hiding Helper for Adblock Plus" by Wladimir Palant helps to create blocking filters by simply clicking the elements to be hided.
Thank You (and thank you everybody else) for following
OK, dear HaD web designers, you win the Internet forever for the most cluttered feed ever:
could you share some screenshots? I have no Idea what you're talking about, but want to :) looks like nothing has changed for the last year or so.
Indeed, nothing has changed, except I was always on the old format of the feed until 3 days ago. The old format where all notifications were just a simple list, sorted descending by time.
Three days ago I saw a notification to try the new feed. My bad, I clicked on it.
Now the feed is opening way, _way_ more slower, with a "Fifty Shades of Gray" scrolling sideways back and forth for a few seconds (on a I7 desktop with 1Gbps fiber net), the filtering criteria for new messages are not working any more (e.g. messages from stack, which I was unsubscribed from, are now present again), and the new messages are embedded inside snapshots of the pages where they came from, mixed with old messages, mixed with all kind buttons and links, and multiple reply boxes, and grouped by some obscure criteria, interrupted here and there by recommendations of what and whom to follow, and so on.
Yes, it's the same feed that most of the people was punished with in the last year or so.
On the first page, not one message is displayed. Even on a 4K monitor with scaling 1.5, I need to scroll down one page in the feed to see some messages.
These are not all the things I don't like about the current myFeed page in comparison the old one, but just the ones that really bothers me.
I don't ask to change the current format that everybody used to use in the last year, I would just like to opt out for myself, and see the feed like a simple list of messages sorted by time, like it was possible for me to see it until 3 days ago.
I pressed the "new feed" by curiosity. I preferred the old feed, ordered by time and not grouped.
How can I go back to the old feed format, please?
that's how they get us! Lemme know if you get an answer :)
Not exactly an answer from HaD, but looking at the myFeed page code, here are 2 workarounds:
Unclutter the Feed pagesI'm sorry, to be blunt, but I've asked before. This needs to change:
This screen is 1280x800, surely it can handle 80 characters without wrapping, nor scrolling sideways.
This site promotes the sharing of code. Would think this to be a priority.
Hello HaD website developers team :-)
I'm adding a new feature to #HackaDump : saving the projects that are contributed to.
So I'm looking for test cases. It's easy to find hackers with no contribution, but harder for high numbers (to check if I have to loop somehow over several pages).
@Sophi Kravitz matches that criterion but I find a BUG in the pages : says "9 projects" on the button below the 6 first projects shows 39 projects !
Why is there such a difference ? How can I trust & use numbers that are displayed ?...
Same with : 10 vs 14
There is a bug !
Somehow I became logged here from my phone as another person! I had ability to change background, edit profile etc. Something is going on here..
How do we know it's really you reporting the issue?
(sorry. it's Friday night)
Anyways - I think it's serious when somebody may accidentally get logged as different user (do you use like CRC16 or something for authentication?) - to whom may I provide details about the incident? Like date and time of the incident, name of the other user etc...
Please ping me on PM with the details. We have identified the time window and made sure to verify data integrity & reset all the sessions right away, but any additional info might help stay on the safe side. Thanks!
Hey Shaos, thanks for reporting! We have rolled out a new caching layer last night that triggered this. We have immediately detected & patched everything up, but a few sessions got impacted in the time window before the rollback. The issue only got triggered under a specific session/browser combo, which is why it got missed in QA and was invisible for other users. Really sorry about this.
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Trying to land a new client, so I pointed him to one of my project blog entries, and half the images are missing.
Specifically, this image (and others) are missing:
These used to work, and other .png images from the same blog entry are OK.