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and also: two comments where on my latest log on #WIFI Game Boy Cartridge but only the first comment is on my feed.
can you elaborate on this one? as in you can't like projects/users anymore?
it's still a problem @Van Nguyen - I missed another skull, yesterday it was 54 skulls, now it's 55. Nothing in the feed.
Feature Request - user timezones, applied to events (Hack Chat).
I don't know when "12pm PST" is, I'm on the other side of the planet. But a few lines of javascript could convert it for me...
Interesting. I crossed paths with @Richard Hogben who is also having trouble with mobile browsing:
Is it running kitkat or has it been upgraded? The edit button or edit window doesn't look like anything close to the attached?
I tried this and was unable to repeat the split frames, making a project called 'Project test' that I then deleted. It worked as it does on my PC and didnt care about the screen orientation.
This has now vanished from my list of projects, but there is a room still floating in Messenger with that title. Should that still be there, and how do I remove it?
Hi, I was just doing a little troubleshooting for you, that image is actually two screenshots I made side by side to show the two steps of clicking 'Edit page' and then 'Publish.' You said you couldn't see one of the buttons, if you could show a screenshot or illustrate that somehow it would help.
Ahh, I see. Thanks for the input, and for clearing that up. It was the messenger I was having trouble with, unable to contact anyone... :-)
Obviously there are still minor problems with parts of the account structures remaining after deletion. I'd not have noticed that either, so thanks.
noone else with words getting deleted problems on the chat? Wrote that here 5 days ago but never got a response. I feel excluded. Wuaaah.
Sophi said they were looking at it already lol, the Devs didnt know about the team messenger issue.
they should check the feedback from time to time and reply with an "ACK" ;)
This has been a reported problem for Android users, we're looking into it :-)
A plaintext editor has been implemented as a temporary fix for our Android users; user and project mentions will disabled for this editor until we reimplement these features shortly.
Please at least make "full featured plaintext editor" an option !
The main chat is laggy again, typing phrases takes 10s to display, you have some dubious code with 0(n²) loops with no timeout, or stupid bugs like that...
If people want the features, they can enable it.
However MANY people don't have the horsepower of your dev rig. Don't push to prod if it doesn't run on a RPi B+, please.
Still having trouble with the messenger. Team messenger works OK as does hackchat. But I cant talk individually with anyone on one of my teams. I can talk individually to others not on any of my teams which is weird.
I just get a spinner and a blank messaging window, and it usually locks the page so when I try another user I have to reload the page.
@Yann Guidon / YGDES and @Mark Nesselhaus also have this same problem, so it isnt just myself.
This issue should be fixed now. If not, please let us know.
Thank you, nice work. I'm back to what serves for normal. ;-)
Invert... Invert! INVERT! There is a bug color invert function and it is killing me. I'm using current Chrome on Linux but it's been observed in other browsers/OSes. Simplest way to reproduce.
Start on the chat tab.
CTRL-1 # switch to first tab
CTRL-Tab # use the keyboard nav back to the chat tab
Boom. Color inverted, captain_morgan dies a little bit. I believe the bug is related to how the color is inverted by either the keyboard or by cookie. Not 100% the code was difficult to follow in its compressed form.
Is YouTube video preview in chat broken? Previews don't show up at all
Previews look fine for me. Can you refresh or verify that the link is to a valid, unprivate video?
i forget who said it, but i think it may be you have to link it in a seperate message (without anything other than the link) looks like a new wave of spam... update your scripts and blacklisted words.
In my personal feed, I can't see any way to filter to conversations I'm involved in.
For example, if I post a comment on someones' project, and they reply, it just gets buried amongst all the other updates. It's very difficult to keep track of conversations because of this.
Suggestion: Have a separate area for conversation notifications vs. project update notifications.
It seems I don't get notification e-mails for comments on my project? I have it *checked* in my account settings. By the way I get e-mails when someone sends me a private message.
I don't get emails all the time
The ISP or other "tubes" might clog, it might happen (IME) when Hackaday is under stress (I noticed when the frenzy of the contest started)
I got notification for this one. But I've missed 3 different comments from different times. Even if it's not a bug I think something needs to be done.
I know.
though nobody can control how emails are delivered :-/
You can get a delivery failure notification if you're the one sending emails, not the recipient.
And for bulk sending companies, it's hard to not look like a spammer...
@Hasan Yavuz Özderya Do you get updates in your feed for comments on your projects?
@Gareth Dsouza I see some of them in my feed. The comments that I didn't get notification for also are not in my feed.
Emails are limited by the hour, so that may be the reason you're not receiving some emails. Are they showing on your personal feed?
As I said above. Some do some don't. This hourly limit you mentioned, is it global or per user? If its per user, I don't think that is the cause. Because I completely missed some comment notifications, not too frequent ones.
Please make it easier to navigate project logs, it's too hard currently when they begin to accumulate. I have 44 something extensive project logs on Metaverse Lab and its way too much to load on every page. Perhaps something like a chronological grid or pretty gallery would make it easier for people to discover the buried content. This is my #1 issue right now.
One thing I find annoying (or I'm blind and can't see how) is that I can't view my likes and follows separately from each other. Am I missing something or is this how it is?
Likes and views on a project are separate and can be viewed by opening the project and clicking the number, which opens a list of likers or followers. Personal followers can be viewed the same. Personal likes are I think an amalgamation of your likes across the profile, and cant be viewed as a list of people. :-)
Oh my bad. I mean when looking at projects I like and follow. To me all I see is them combined into one page.
Ah. Right. :-) I think thats how they are, it makes no sense to me either...
+1 for having separate views for likes vs. follows in respect to other peoples' projects that I like/follow.
I am also locked out from messaging, will not load and keeps spinning :-(
Hey Jez :-) I can post a message by using the Team Messaging tab in the project page but not sure if you can do same.
Hey Jez, Log into the IO project and try a message via Team Messaging, I think it works that way at least, its the only way I could post then read it again.
I appear to be locked out of messaging this morning (5.30amGST). Only the first message in the list loads, and only the first time. I have to reload the page to see the first message if I click anything else...
...And now nothing loads at all, having tried posting to it. Both phone and laptop behave the same... Maximum breakage lol :-)
a set up new project and I did my logs in wrong order. Like 2 log, 1 log. 3 log and I want to make it 1,2,3. Is there any way how can I change them to sort out in right way?
Many thanks for your site ;-).
messaging is getting ridiculous on my Samsung S6 Edge with chrome now. After every space the word before gets deleted! Wuaaah. Id rather have to type an extra character to sacrifce than loose every word.
I hate it when the cursor jumps at random times to the beginning or the end of the textarea after you remove a character.
Please, HaD developers, don't try to be smarter than the browser. Use BBCode or something like that, and simultaneous previews in a separate DIV, but stop messing with the edition window. Sometimes even the HTML view editor can't repair the mess.
When I told here that the website is too heavy...
so my african friend is not alone to complain and UK is not 3rd world. Yet.
I'm using a i7 to browse here, I suspect anything below i3 makes it hard to use the site. It's slow on my old Atom.
But really, honestly, sincerely : why is this simple, lean site so heavy that it can't be displayed on a Raspberry Pi ?
I know you can do much better.
the feed times out regularly on a non 4G connection too.
I could not find any information anywhere about how I get my events or events related to the hackerspace entry that I administer listed on the events pages. Please shed some clarity on this.
Hi @Mark Dammer, please email We will list it for you if you are running a World Create Day event
Hi Joseph! Please email or you can send me project link in PM.
you have to enter your project officially into the Hackaday Prize for it to show up :)
You can do this from the dropdown menu below your project picture
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skulls (likes) disappeared from my feed :(