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All of us who work on are reading your feedback. If we don't get back to you individually, know that we read what you wrote. Thanks for taking the time to give us feedback, we really appreciate it, you help improve the site every day!
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I mostly agree with this. I need to follow up with people, asking "What skills do you have?", so that they actually write something to me.
However, I know that this is an issue that doesn't cover all projects - for example, I'm sure that HackChat doesn't need this kind of barrier, almost anybody can and should be able to get inside. I wonder if there could be either an exception to projects that are serious about participants, or projects that automatically accept anybody that has an account... In the latter case, I guess Sophi would have less mouse clicks to make every day =D
Indeed, it would be awesome to have a setting on the project's page for this, I can think of three options: 1. automatically accept all requests, 2. require acceptance (and require the intro text), 3. don't allow requests at all.
also add the link to that "we're no tv hackers" page to the request facebox for the hackchat - with a text like: "so you wanna hack facebook, click here", and you can remember the number easily because it's 3, 3*2, 2*2 and 3*3 =)
+1 for the idea of three level of project collaboration options.
On a project's main page, when I click on the headline of a project log, I end up on the main page again.
Mine too but the view all logs button works ok. I thought it was a one-off...
Hi Christoph! Thanks for letting us know! We'll make a ticket.
EDIT: Bug description removed - tried to reproduce in this comment, but couldn't. Here's how the post looked: https: images 8882581509402471270.PNG
there's some reloading thing broken. I noticed that too when I tried to add a picture (link only) and after posting it was gone.
Yep, it seems like you need to refresh the page for your picture to appear, which is confusing.
If I go to 'My Pages', I get this:
Error: /var/lib/hackaday-projects/ 26| You do not have any draft pages. 27| <% } else { %> >> 28| <%- include('./_empty-pages') %> 29| This user doesn't have any pages. 30| <% } %> 31| </div>
Could not find include include file. at getIncludePath (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at includeFile (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at include (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at eval (eval at compile (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/, <anonymous>:54:17) at returnedFn (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at tryHandleCache (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at View.exports.renderFile [as engine] (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at View.render (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at tryRender (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at EventEmitter.render (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at ServerResponse.render (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at WebFrameworkShim.applySegment (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at _applyRecorderSegment (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at ServerResponse.render (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at utils.async.parallel (/var/lib/hackaday-projects/ at /var/lib/hackaday-projects/
I have pages and everything looks alright (anti test :) )
Could we have email notifications for PMs *please* go up and stay it, rather than roller-coastering, as in the status quo? I'm tired of up-down-up-down-up-down. I want just the 'up' half of that... and I'm tired of missing PMs until I manually check, usually a day or two *after* a PM was sent... yeesh...
The "Add tools" link on the hackerspace profile[1] leads to a 404.
I created the hackerspace profile almost a week back, so I'm guessing it's not some weird "eventual consistency" thing either.
I'd love to have option to delete messages. Every time I start a new project, there is new message "thread", where I can talk to other members (myself). Also, I'd like to delete messages where some half-anonymous wrote just "Hi Sir" to me and never responded again, so it will not clutter the space.
Bug report:
The projects page also doesn't seem to remember my sort options. Before I messed with it today, it was always sorting by recently updated (my preferred method), but's always feaulting to most liked now.
Feature request:
Add option in the project list to sort by least viewed
any kind of sorting would be nice for the beginning, like the classic sort drop down in normal projects overview
One bug I've been consistently stumbling upon during the Hackaday Prize preparations - when editing, saving and adding instructions or components, their order is getting mixed up. It's super annoying (in fact, I have component order messed up on a projects right now and by now I'm too frustrated to go fix it, since there are no guarantees it will be fixed).
I can record a screencast of me stumbling upon this bug, if necessary - I haven't dug deep enough to see conditions for it to repeat, but it repeats for me in about half of all component/instruction editing attempts, on .
Hey @Arsenijs fix for ordering components and instructions are coming soon. Thanks for the feedback!
Funnily enough, even though you replied to my comment and mentioned me, I didn't get a notification for any of these triggers. =(
@Amar I am still seeing this bug in the sorting of project instructions as of 11/11. It seems to randomly reorder my steps when saved. Not sure if this is a regression or if the fix hasn't rolled out quite yet but just a heads up.
"Last updated" times seem to be busted again. All of the projects, sorted by last updated are old ones that haven't been touched in years. See the last updated time of these projects that showed up in the first page:
Selecting and cutting a block of text which has soft newlines (shift-enter), these get lost when they subsequently get pasted
Hi. I'm trying to register a username 'the.real.retepv'. According to the instructions, I am supposed to be able to use a dot as separator. But my username with dots is not accepted.
"Usernames between two and fifty characters in length must contain only alphanumeric characters. You can use a dot as a separator.
Access at"
Hey hekkadee, this is because only one period is allowed in your username.
For my project, #EVPR: Electric Variable Pitch Rotor, when you view the project overview page, the order of the instructions are out of order (step 6 becomes step 1). However, when you view the instructions by going to:
the instructions are in the correct order
I think feed entries for log updates aren't grouped anymore
The code snippets seem to have all empty lines removed. Example:
When editing project details, I see "Log Entry" at the top, which is confusing
I'm using project logs to split a long project into logical sections - would be nice to have a way to control which order they appear in, and woudl also be good to have an index. the current organisation seems a bit too "linear" to handle large projects nicely.
When I'm in a table and press tab, i expect it to go to the next field , not jump down to somewhere else. Annoying that I can't enter number of rows/columds when creating a table.
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The "Join this project's team" form has a field for the message, but it's pre-filled with a canned message that contains 0 information about why the person is requesting to join and how they want to contribute to the project. It would be nice if that field was empty by default, had a minimum length of the message required to submit the form, and a help text suggesting what to put in there, something like:
"Please explain why you want to join this project's team and what are your specific plans for contributing to it."
Like it is right now, we are only getting requests to join from clueless users who have no idea what that button even does, and often don't even speak English well enough to collaborate.