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Yes it is possible. Edit the project and look for private / public buttons.
“Save changes” doesn’t work in “Edit instructions”: if i edit anything in step's description field, changes are not saved. The bug happens on Google Chrome, Firefox and Safari, latest versions (macOS Sierra).
Step title's change is saved though. And adding another step is saved too.
The dark text is so dark that it's painful to read, especially when it has bright text near it. The contrast is just too low. If you could raise it a bit, that would be great. Even better would be an option to change the main colors to anything we like.
When I add components to my project, the order seems to randomize after I update them.
I would like to use 2FA to login (e.g. Google Authenticator or other app)?
It will rise security for everyone (at least to who decide to use it :) )....
You should have a flag feature for all the spam on the front page this morning ;)
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Really annoying bug. Sometimes Chrome does the same thing for me.
I have to use Firefox now to update my stuff.
Moving a picture to the first slot, so it's the main pic doesn't work with Chrome/Vivaldi as well...
Bug hasn't been fixed yet. Image into project log in Vivaldi? No no not for you ); I am forced to install FireFox again just to write my logs ):
Would it be possible to not receive notifications for projects that I'm a team member of, but not following? Specifically, I want to stop receiving notifications about people being added to the Hack Chat on my feed, since it's quite a bit to scroll past and I see that in the chat itself anyway.
I can't add a component to my project pi-gation -
From the details page I click 'Add Component', enter a component name 'relay' and then a description 'A relay to control the valves.'
I then click 'Add Another Component' and nothing happens.
I've checked the javascript console and no errors are reported however I do see 'javascript:void(0)' appear in the navigation notification (bottom left hand of browser) which from memory suggest that the button doesn't have a url attached to it or the form.
The html for the button shows:
<a href="javascript:void(0)" class="gold-gold-button components-button show" id="add-component">Add another component </a>
I've tried this with both firefox and chrome. I should note that I'm running ubuntu 17.10.
I should also note that the 'Save changes' button takes me to the feed page rather than my project page. I suspect this is by design, but its a really annoying design choice.
Whenever I try to view the projects I am following, it only allows me to see a portion of them. When I click "Next" at the bottom, all it does is refreshes the page rather than allow me to view the other projects I am following
Hi @HParente99 ! Bug is confirmed. Thanks for the feedback!
Hi! i am trying to add images to the steps of my project, and whenever i save, they all disappear. I tried adding both via the HTML and through the button that lets you add a photo from a link
I have a workaround : once you add images and text to your instructions, click on the title box, and modify it - just add a character anywhere and just delete it afterwards - means just "try" to modify the title, you don't need to actually change it. And save. Images will be saved now. I'm not sure if modifying the title is required, instead of just clicking on the title box.
The "My Lists" link in the menu sadly doesn't show co-hosted lists. I wanted to quickly see the lists I'm moderating, but owning.
Are there conditions under which you don't receive email notifications when someone comments on your project? I just randomly found two comments I had never seen (from the past year), and searched my email for notifications - they weren't there.
Hi Ted! Yes there is a condition (maximum 1 email per hour). You can manage your notification settings from here: Cheers!
OK, that could explain it. I can understand you may have reasons to throttle email notifications like this, but in my experience it leads to lost comments. I found one last night from 10 months ago. I could think of a couple of enhancements that might solve the problem:
1. retain the 1-email-per-hour, but include multiple notifications in each email, so none are lost
2. add a "my projects only" filter selection to the feed (in addition to my/global). I follow a lot of stuff, and sometimes messages about my own projects slip through (especially if I have a busy week and return to the site to find hundreds of items in the feed)
HaD[dot]IO email notifications are like tides... they come and they go... I gave up pointing out every time they went down... nobody cares enough to fix it, apparently, or it's something deeply hidden enough that they haven't found it in the code yet. (My money's on the first scenario.)
A nice page with a lot of other teckis all around the globe.
So much good ideas just waiting to realize.
Hot stuff ... i enjoy it ...
any lists or liked/follow project thing i cant go past like the 2nd page
I'm trying to publish my first project here and the instruction tab goes haywire whenever I save my changes. The images disappear, instructions go out of order, or even missing text. I wonder why doesn't this get noticed by the users and developers! Publishing a project on Hackaday seems a pain in the arse now compared to Instructables and
that instructions bug is known for a while now, it's not used that often here, people tend to write logs while in the process of developing. That's probably the reason why it wasn't fixed already, sorry for the bad experience, quite an annoying bug :(
Please fix it ASAP, it's really frustrating. I lost a lot of text I typed. Now I'm typing it somewhere else. Also, the weights and sizes of an instruction's title and actual text seem to be same, means they are indistinguishable. Please also fix that and any other countless bugs! Thanks :)
@Vishnu M Aiea I'm not one of the devs, but you've come to the right place!
The same occurs with the Details tab, so I decided to split the text in 2 parts, adding the 2nd part to a page. I'm wondering if the limit is around 64KB (html+text, not just the text), because the current Details of my project is ~49KB, and the problems start when I paste the second part, which is now around ~30KB.
Are you experiencing problems with Details tab ? I too have been experiencing it. Whenever I modify the Details page and try to save the page, content would disappear from it. This happens each time I save it. Then I found the content HTML had unusually long white spaces. So what I did was copy the entire HTML from the page, paste it into Brackets HTML editor and use the Beautify plugin to format the code. I then copied and pasted it into the HTML box of my Details page and it worked. Try it. I've been experiencing problems with Instructions page too but I nailed the bug there and have reported it. Hope they'll fix it soon.
Some issue with the coloring of the code, why are the comments "brighter" then the code? can you do something about the code vs. comment readability?
BOM and PDF view in the file section doesn't work for me, probably because there's a plus in my file name?
writing a reply to a comment you see in the feed removes all spaces and replaces all non alphanumerical characters with url code. @Van Nguyen
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Funny because i have a nintendo profile pic and no project of my own. the only thing missing is the link
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Is it possible to put my projects in Hidden or Private mode? I am currently not providing support to my projects. Is deleting the project is the only option available?
Sanjay Kumar