Lit. Review Lite 2: Frame Design Continued
08/16/2015 at 19:21 • 0 commentsMy light literature review continues. In this rather short episode I consider more advanced math that I am rather unprepared to tackle. Huzzah for brain-pain!
Park, Sung-Ryung, and Seung-Han Yang. 2010. “Design of a 5-Axis Machine Tool Considering Geometric Errors.” International Journal of Modern Physics B 24 (15n16): 2484–89. doi:10.1142/S0217979210065131.
This paper presents a kinematics drive approach for modeling and predicting volumetric error within a 5-axis mill's movement. Three mill configurations are considered, analyzed, and the critical design factors contributing to volumetric error are identified.
How is this study useful to this project?
This study may represent a way to identify components and assemblies that are critical to precision very early in the design phase. Further, because the math is available it may prove useful during computer driven design revisions for the identification and selection of components that minimize volumetric errors.
What problems will utilizing this research present?
Aside from my distinct lack of training in mathematics the largest challenge will be to appropriately integrate this into some form of computer driven task. A deeper understanding of the method and its outcomes will aid in figuring out where this will fit in the design process and what decisions it will contribute to making.
Lit. Review Lite: Frame Design
08/16/2015 at 01:28 • 0 commentsThis is a lighter literature review than some applications call for. I am excusing myself from anything more deptailed until I understand the math behind most Mechanical Engineering. Currently I lack a background in Physics, Statics, Dynamics, Calculus (differential and partial differential equations), Linear Algebra, and applications there-of.
I am taking steps to rectify these gaps in my knowledge. I have enrolled in a Calculus course at my local community college. I am enrolled in an online course for Linear Algebra and its applications (specifically in programming). I am completing a course in programming (CS50 through edX.org) after which I will be approaching Physics.
And there is probably more that I haven't mentioned. Keeping all this straight is a task unto itself and it can be rather time-consuming.
Complaining aside; here is what you've skipped everything above for:
Hung, Jui Pin, Yuan Lung Lai, Tzuo Liang Luo, and Hsin Chuan Su. 2013. “Analysis of the Machining Stability of a Milling Machine Considering the Effect of Machine Frame Structure and Spindle Bearings: Experimental and Finite Element Approaches.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68 (9-12): 2393–2405. doi:10.1007/s00170-013-4848-6.
Analysis of the Machining Stability of a Milling Machine Considering the Effect of Machine Frame Structure and Spindle Bearings: Experimental and Finite Element Approaches (hereafter "the study" or "the paper") specifically considers the combined dynamics of a vertical milling machine frame and spindle. An application of finite element analysis was used to predict the dynamics of the milling machine and spindle and an experiment was used to confirm the analysis.
How is the study useful to this project?
In the introduction the author's clearly state how this application of experimental and mathematical analysis could be directly useful to an end-user, saying that, "The prediction [...] of the abnormal vibration is of great importance for the selection of the free chatter machining conditions." This study aims to specifically address the dynamic conditions that result from using a high-speed spindle in combination with the mill's frame. A complete solid model is used for the analysis, rather than a simplified model (as other studies have done).
Items that are specifically useful are the mathematics and derived equations, the mathematic modeling methodology used for the spindle unit and mill unit.
The math presented will allow me to not have to experiment to find the modal frequency by experimentation and will thus allow a program to handle the heavy lifting (iterative design via algorithm) once the design phase has begun.
- Huo, Dehong, Kai Cheng, and Frank Wardle. 2010a. “Design of a Five-Axis Ultra-Precision Micro-Milling Machine-UltraMill. Part 1: Holistic Design Approach, Design Considerations and Specifications.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47 (9-12): 867–77. doi:10.1007/s00170-009-2128-2.
- ———. 2010b. “Design of a Five-Axis Ultra-Precision Micro-Milling Machine-UltraMill. Part 2: Integrated Dynamic Modelling, Design Optimisation and Analysis.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47 (9-12): 879–90. doi:10.1007/s00170-009-2129-1.
These studies walk through the design and implementation process of an ultra-precise ("nano-meter finish") 5-axis CNC milling machine. The first article focuses on the existing ultra-precision machines, component options, and the specifications for the proposed "UltraMill".
The second article focuses on the modeling and simulation of the "UltraMill" with an emphasis on machine dynamics. The simulation allows the authors to predict the performance of the machine over its entire performance envelope.
How is the study useful to this project?
The second portion of the paper is far more useful than the first. While the first sheds some light on the goals of the entire project, the second shows the process by which specific design requirements were met analytically.
I will be posting a more in depth review of these last two papers (as well as an outline with my notes) for the purpose of adapting the design process to this project's needs.
Papers, Please.
07/08/2015 at 21:21 • 0 commentsI'm in the middle of a literature review in an effort to do two things. One, I'm looking to see what has been done before, and two, I'm attempting to sort out the math involved with designing machine tools well. Below I've the bibliographic entries for the papers I've pulled for review. I'll need to double or triple the number of papers before I will begin to understand the true nature of my undertaking.
I'm currently working my way through the frame design portion of the list as it is the most pertinent to me right now. The results of my review will be used to select appropriate FEA and FEM software to begin design and analysis based on the design requirements.
Frame Design
- Bamberg, Eberhard, and Alexander H Slocum. 2000. “Principles of Rapid Machine Design.” Mechanical Engineering, 212.
- Darvekar, Sanjay, a. B Koteswara Rao, S. Shankar Ganesh, and K. Ramji. 2013. “Optimal Design and Development of a 2-DOF PKM-Based Machine Tool.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67 (5-8): 1609–21. doi:10.1007/s00170-012-4594-1.
- Garro, O., and P. Martin. 1993. “Towards New Architectures of Machine Tools.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207549308956865.
- GARRO, O., P. MARTIN, and H. MARTI. 1992. “Algebraic Description for Machine Tool Design.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207549208948179.
- Hung, Jui Pin, Yuan Lung Lai, Tzuo Liang Luo, and Hsin Chuan Su. 2013. “Analysis of the Machining Stability of a Milling Machine Considering the Effect of Machine Frame Structure and Spindle Bearings: Experimental and Finite Element Approaches.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68 (9-12): 2393–2405. doi:10.1007/s00170-013-4848-6.
- Huo, Dehong, and Kai Cheng. 2008. “A Dynamics-Driven Approach to Precision Machines Design for Micro-Manufacturing and Its Implementation Perspectives.” doi:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/B978-008045263-0/50007-6.
- Huo, Dehong, Kai Cheng, and Frank Wardle. 2010a. “Design of a Five-Axis Ultra-Precision Micro-Milling Machine-UltraMill. Part 1: Holistic Design Approach, Design Considerations and Specifications.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47 (9-12): 867–77. doi:10.1007/s00170-009-2128-2.
- ———. 2010b. “Design of a Five-Axis Ultra-Precision Micro-Milling Machine-UltraMill. Part 2: Integrated Dynamic Modelling, Design Optimisation and Analysis.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 47 (9-12): 879–90. doi:10.1007/s00170-009-2129-1.
- Kono, D, T Lorenzer, and S Weikert. 2010. “Comparison of Rigid Body Mechanics and Finite Element Method for Machine Tool Evaluation,” 1–26. doi:10.3929/ethz-a-006111492.
- Li, Baotong, Jun Hong, and Zhifeng Liu. 2014. “Stiffness Design of Machine Tool Structures by a Biologically Inspired Topology Optimization Method.” International Journal of Machine Tools and Manufacture 84. Elsevier: 33–44. doi:10.1016/j.ijmachtools.2014.03.005.
- Park, Sung-Ryung, and Seung-Han Yang. 2010. “Design of a 5-Axis Machine Tool Considering Geometric Errors.” International Journal of Modern Physics B 24 (15n16): 2484–89. doi:10.1142/S0217979210065131.
- Zhang, Jianfu, Pingfa Feng, Chuang Chen, Dingwen Yu, and Zhijun Wu. 2013. “A Method for Thermal Performance Modeling and Simulation of Machine Tools.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 68 (5-8): 1517–27. doi:10.1007/s00170-013-4939-4.
Spindle Design
- Liang, Yingchun, Wanqun Chen, Yazhou Sun, Nan Yu, Peng Zhang, and Haitao Liu. 2014. “An Expert System for Hydro/aero-Static Spindle Design Used in Ultra Precision Machine Tool.” Robotics and Computer-Integrated Manufacturing 30 (2). Elsevier: 107–13. doi:10.1016/j.rcim.2013.09.006.
- Liu, Junfeng, and Xiaoan Chen. 2014. “Dynamic Design for Motorized Spindles Based on an Integrated Model.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology, 1–14. doi:10.1007/s00170-014-5640-y.
- Sabirov, Fan, D. Suslov, and Sergey Savinov. 2012. “Diagnostics of Spindle Unit, Model Design and Analysis.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 62 (9-12): 861–65. doi:10.1007/s00170-011-3848-7.
- Salgado, D. R., and F. J. Alonso. 2008. “Optimal Machine Tool Spindle Drive Gearbox Design.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 37 (9-10): 851–60. doi:10.1007/s00170-007-1028-6.
Control Theory
- Ahmad, Rafiq, Stephane Tichadou, and Jean-Yves Hascoet. 2012. “3D Safe and Intelligent Trajectory Generation for Multi-Axis Machine Tools Using Machine Vision.” International Journal of Computer Integrated Manufacturing 26 (4): 1–21. doi:10.1080/0951192X.2012.717720.
- Bi, Qing-Zhen, Yu-Han Wang, and Han Ding. 2010. “A GPU-Based Algorithm for Generating Collision-Free and Orientation-Smooth Five-Axis Finishing Tool Paths of a Ball-End Cutter.” International Journal of Production Research 48 (4): 1105–24. doi:10.1080/00207540802570685.
- Cai, Ningxu, Lihui Wang, and Hsi-Yung Feng. 2008. “Adaptive Setup Planning of Prismatic Parts for Machine Tools with Varying Configurations.” International Journal of Production Research 46 (3): 571–94. doi:10.1080/00207540600849125.
- Chen, Jin Hung, Syh Shiuh Yeh, and Jin Tsu Sun. 2011. “An S-Curve Acceleration/deceleration Design for CNC Machine Tools Using Quintic Feedrate Function.” Computer-Aided Design and Applications 8 (4): 583–92. doi:10.3722/cadaps.2011.583-592.
- Cheng, Xiang, Li Li, Yumei Huang, Shuangjie Zhou, Xianhai Yang, and Junying Liu. 2013. “Study on the Error Distribution and Key Parameters for a Desktop Multi-Axis Micro Milling Machine Tool.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 67 (9-12): 2521–27. doi:10.1007/s00170-012-4669-z.
- Gilles, P., J. Senatore, S. Segonds, F. Monies, and W. Rubio. 2012. “Determination of Angular Fields Outside Low and High Collisions to Mill Free-Form Surfaces on 5-Axis CNC Machines.” International Journal of Production Research 50 (4): 1045–61. doi:10.1080/00207543.2010.549519.
- Kumar, K. Siva, and G. Paulraj. 2012. “Geometric Error Control of Workpiece during Drilling through Optimisation of Fixture Parameter Using a Genetic Algorithm.” International Journal of Production Research 50 (12): 3450–69. doi:10.1080/00207543.2011.588616.
- Lee, Kwang Il, Jae Chang Lee, and Seung Han Yang. 2013. “The Optimal Design of a Measurement System to Measure the Geometric Errors of Linear Axes.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 66 (1-4): 141–49. doi:10.1007/s00170-012-4312-z.
- Lee, Rong Shen, and Mei Ko Ren. 2011. “Development of Virtual Machine Tool for Simulation and Evaluation.” Computer-Aided Design and Applications 8 (6): 849–58. doi:10.3722/cadaps.2011.849-858.
- MACCHIAROLI, R., and S. RIEMMA. 1996. “Design of a Tool Management System in a Flexible Cell.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207549608904933.
- Nie, Y. H., F. Z. Fang, and X. D. Zhang. 2013. “System Design of Maxwell Force Driving Fast Tool Servos Based on Model Analysis.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 72 (1-4): 25–32. doi:10.1007/s00170-013-4968-z.
- Rai, Jitender K., Daniel Brand, Mohammed Slama, and Paul Xirouchakis. 2011. “Optimal Selection of Cutting Parameters in Multi-Tool Milling Operations Using a Genetic Algorithm.” International Journal of Production Research 49 (10): 3045–68. doi:10.1080/00207540903382873.
- Yoon, Joung-Hahn. 2003. “Tool Tip Gouging Avoidance and Optimal Tool Positioning for 5-Axis Sculptured Surface Machining.” International Journal of Production Research 41 (10): 2125–42. doi:10.1080/0020754031000087319.
- Cheng, Xiang, Yumei Huang, Shuangjie Zhou, Junying Liu, and Xianhai Yang. 2012. “Study on the Generative Design Method and Error Budget of a Novel Desktop Multi-Axis Laser Machine for Micro Tool Fabrications.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 60 (5-8): 545–52. doi:10.1007/s00170-011-3630-x.
- Lee, Wonseok, and Young-Bong Bang. 2003. “Design and Implementation of an ISO14649-Compliant CNC Milling Machine.” International Journal of Production Research 41 (13): 3007–17. doi:10.1080/0020754031000106434.
- Liu, Linyan, Barrett S. Caldwell, Huifen Wang, and Ying Li. 2014. “A Knowledge-Centric CNC Machine Tool Design and Development Process Management Framework.” International Journal of Production Research 52 (20): 6033–51. doi:10.1080/00207543.2014.906760.
- Siller, H. R., C. Vila, C. a. Rodríguez, and J. V. Abellán. 2009. “Study of Face Milling of Hardened AISI D3 Steel with a Special Design of Carbide Tools.” International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 40 (1-2): 12–25. doi:10.1007/s00170-007-1309-0.
- TERRY, W. ROBERT, REUVEN KARNI, and YANG-JENQ HUANG. 1992. “Concurrent Tool and Production System Design for a Surface Broach Cutting Tool: A Knowledge-Based Systems Approach.” International Journal of Production Research. doi:10.1080/00207549208942891.
- Vichare, Parag, Aydin Nassehi, and Stephen T Newman. 2011. “Unified Representation of Fixtures: Clamping, Locating and Supporting Elements in CNC Manufacture” 49 (16): 5017–32. doi:10.1080/00207543.2010.518992.
- Xu, Zhengyang, Jia Liu, Qing Xu, Ting Gong, Dong Zhu, and Ningsong Qu. 2015. “The Tool Design and Experiments on Electrochemical Machining of a Blisk Using Multiple Tube Electrodes.” The International Journal of Advanced Manufacturing Technology 79 (1-4): 531–39. doi:10.1007/s00170-015-6815-x.
Organization and Planning
06/13/2015 at 21:27 • 0 commentsI'm taking the time to properly organize and focus this project. This includes setting up project management through Asana, filling out the project files on Github, and calling for help. I'm trying to get this project done by the end of August (before I start into school again) and I don't think I'll make it by myself. There is plenty to do on this right at this moment and I'd love to start assigning tasks to people. Your level of knowledge in machine design doesn't matter as long as you're willing to teach yourself what you need to know.
If you think you might like to help, leave me a comment below.
What I've done:
- Organized project on Asana.
- Filled in the Github repository with the project framework (folders, files, proposal and project overview, etc.)
- Called for help right here.