
dear Mr. 3Dprinter

A project log for R8-D8 - a distant relative of R2-D2

a 12cm radius, 3d printed R2-D2 with some motors, servos and blinky stuff that follows lines, persons or just drives around via bluetooth

davedarkodavedarko 01/15/2015 at 00:311 Comment

We all know that wise words that were once said by a truly wise man: "Never change a running system!" - if your 3D printer is not broken, don't install new firmware! I have to deal with some massive warping and while I'm observing the print, I thought I could tell/yell some bits about the printer. And you can only get the latest firmware - they don't know downgrading.

While the M200 is an outstanding good 3D printer with print heights of 0.09mm and a never before seen way for printing support material (you just peel it off!) its software is pretty weird, written in a .NET framework and looks like crap on a mac. You can't set any temperatures for your prints, there is just an on/%?off option for the fan, but I can clearly hear it. It basically works by selecting your material and it will then generate its custom g-code called z-code.

We from bought it to print our prototype cases for RFid reader, and even used those cases on two locations for a season of water sports (water and sun - those prints didn't look like themselves after that period).

Anyway, I'm printing a second wall part right now and the lifting seems to be fixed. The first one I printed I totally forgot about in a drawer, because while attempting to print the second one, the printer refused to work because the nozzle was blocked. Finishing the sentence I heard a strange cracking noise - the print came off by itself again. I'm clamping it now, but it's not looking good.

Then there are those leg mounts that came out okay, one of them is a bit warped but they should work as a prototype.

Well, that's an update on that, I'm going to rant at some guy now.


davedarko wrote 01/15/2015 at 01:12 point

as it turns out it's quite annoying to contact them and i found a firmware on the forum...

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