Before this clock, my roommate had a cheap quartz clock that drove me insane with that TOCK sound that it makes every second. So I decided to build a decent digital clock that would not produce any annoying sounds.
I also wanted a alarm, but I didn't want it to just to buzz, so I build a audio player into it.
Since I only used components from the local electronic store (i didn't have a paypal/ebay account at that time) the electronics got a bit bulky. It fits a single song 8 bit 8khz in two big EPROM chips. The pic mcu feeds the data from the rom to a diy dac that is a contraption made out of 4000 series logic. And there is also a output amplifier that drives the speaker to a decent level, enough to wake up anyone in the morning. Since the thing uses 5W of power it must be plugged to a adapter all of the time, but in the case of a power failure it has four NI-CD batteries that it will keep it operational for 4 hours before discharging. When powered by batteries it goes in a
Last year(2016) while I was packing for a trip I accidentally tripped the cable twice in a row which caused the bottom to fall off and the supercap(which replaced the NiCd batteries) came off. Since then I did not bother to turn it on again(it still does work) and adjust the time, but rather make a new and better one.
After 4 years of continous operation the clock is still working, and the NI-CD batteries still hold their charge, something I can't say for my netbook batteries.