
Using a Joystick with the Mod

One of the easiest ways to control any device. Joysticks are basically two potentiometers connected to each other.

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Joystick Fun

As we showed in an ealier How-To, hooking a potentiometer knob is one of the easiest ways to control any device. Joysticks are basically two potentiometers connected to each other. These are pretty much just as easy to connect to your Mod, and provide an powerful, intuitive way to control it.

Using the simple code below, you can explore the joystick by moving it up, down, side-to-side, or even give it a twirl!




Create Joystick

Place your potentiometer atop your Parallax. Next, take your joystick controller and affix it to the potentiometer. You will then mount your Parallax to the breadboard.

Attach Breakout Board to Wires

After mounting the Joystick Parallax to the breadboard, place your breakout board to then set your wires to corresponding units.

Placing Wires
  • Connect green wire to D- of breakout board and L/R of Parallax (Left and Right motion).
  • Connect yellow wire to D+ of breakout board and U/D of Joystick Parallax (Up and down Motion).
  • Connect black wire to GND of the breakout board and GND of Parallax.
  • Connect red wire to VCC of breakout board and U/D+ on Parallax. Connect this also to the L/R+ part of the joystick too

Plug In Code

Plug in the Mod's USB to your computer, and click "Run on Arduino" in the embedded sketch below. This will enable the Mod to detect your controls from the Joystick.


After plugging in the code provided above, you are all set to play with the joystick! Explore vibration variation by changing the rotational directional of your joystick to access you or your partner's ideal vibe!

  • 1 × 2-Axis Joystick (from Parallax)
  • 1 × Breadboard Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components
  • 1 × Jumper Wires
  • 1 × USB Breakout Board
  • 1 × USB Cable Electronic Components / Misc. Electronic Components

  • 1
    Step 1

    Create Joystick

    Place your potentiometer atop your Parallax. Next, take your joystick controller and affix it to the potentiometer. You will then mount your Parallax to the breadboard.

    • Materials

    • What the joystick looks like under the knob. Just two Potentiometers

    • Potentiometer Alternative View

    • Place Potentiometer onto Parralax

    • Attach Joystick to Potentiometer

  • 2
    Step 2

    Attach Breakout Board to Wires

    • After mounting the Joystick Parallax to the breadboard, place your breakout board to then set your wires to corresponding units.

  • 3
    Step 3

    Placing Wires

    • Connect green wire to D- of breakout board and L/R of Parallax (Left and Right motion).

    • Connect yellow wire to D+ of breakout board and U/D of Joystick Parallax (Up and down Motion).

    • Connect black wire to GND of the breakout board and GND of Parallax.

    • Connect red wire to VCC of breakout board and U/D+ on Parallax. Connect this also to the L/R+ part of the joystick too

    • Take the Final Small Red Wire & Connect to the Parallax's L/R Horizontally
    • Final!

View all 4 instructions

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