
Hackaday Omnibus 2014

Permanent record of Hackaday's finest writing

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Hackaday has been around for a little more than ten years now, but so far all of our efforts have been confined to ephemeral bits and bytes somewhere on the platter of a hard drive sitting in a data center. These bits will rot, heads will crash, and power supplies will die. Hackaday, with all its contributions from hardware hackers, tinkerers, and even the ‘makers’ we so malign, will eventually cease to exist.

Everything we’ve written – has until now been stored on drives, unreadable without all the modern devices, interfaces, and tools we use to survive in a digital age. Print, however, will continue to exist for centuries. It is the ultimate storage medium, something that will last through power outages and crashes, undeterred against the force of misplaced backups and forgotten login credentials...

It is in print that we dedicate our finest works, to be stored in libraries and collections.

--==[To be published in Feb 2015]==--

Test prints are in!

Leave a note in the comments section if you're interested in getting a (free) "early preview" copy.

We have 20 copies to give out. First come first served ;)

Update [01/16/14 / 11:06AM] : 12 copies left...

Update [01/16/14 / 3:34PM] : 8 copies left...

Update [01/16/14 / 6:09PM] : 6 copies left...

Update [01/17/14 / 4:32AM] : 4 copies left...

Update [01/17/14 / 1:48PM] : 2 copies left...

Update [01/17/14 / 4:22PM] : That's all folks!

Update [01/19/14 / 7:00AM] : Hackaday Omnibus 2014 now available for preorder at:

  • Omnibus 2014 / Sample Pages

    Aleksandar Bradic01/16/2015 at 03:42 1 comment

  • What's all this Omnibus stuff, anyhow?

    Aleksandar Bradic01/16/2015 at 03:37 0 comments

    The whole thing happened quite spontaneously...

    Brian and I have been talking about doing a 'zine' for quite some time now. I had in mind something like old BoingBoing, or perhaps something artistic. Brian was aiming higher - highbrow publication à la New York Review of Books... but for hardware.

    Then one day, couple of weeks ago, we were hanging out in Supplyframe San Francisco office trying to come up with a topic for our monthly hackatlon. New Year was coming, and someone suggested "how about a book with collected best 2014 Hackaday articles?"

    And our first venture into the printed world has started...

View all 2 project logs

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davedarko wrote 01/16/2015 at 08:01 point

Sounds cool, would like one too :)

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/16/2015 at 14:47 point

Hey Dave! Absolutely, just send me a private message with your mailing address and it will be on it's way ;)

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DainBramage wrote 01/16/2015 at 04:19 point

Free copy? Yes please!

** raises hand, jumping up and down in a ridiculous and embarrassing way **

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Aleksandar Bradic wrote 01/16/2015 at 04:32 point

Awesome - can you just send me a private message with your mailing address? Thanks!

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