
Layerone Demoscene Board

Designed for the Layerone Demoparty, the Layerone Demoscene Board is a 16-bit MCU with GFX core and 8-bit Audio DAC

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A USB programmable board which allows you to write graphics & music demos and play them over a VGA monitor and audio jack. There are limited system resources and the goal is to write code and fit spectacular graphics effects with songs. You can write code in either ASM or C. One of the categories for the demo party is the Layerone Demoscene Board. The goal is to fit cool graphics and audio demos and to wow the audience!

Layerone Demoscene Board

- PIC24FJ256DA206
- 32Mhz, 16-bit
- 96Mhz GFX Core (CLUT, Fonts)
- 96K SRAM
- 256K FLASH
- XC16 Compiler, Assembler, Linker

- USB or EXT power (5-15V)
- 4-6 GPIO (configurable to UART, SPI, I2C)
- VGA Port: up to 16bit 5-6-5 DAC, 1-8bpp, up to 640x480
- Audio Jack: 8bit Audio DAC

-Open source
-Programming: USB Bootloader (ds30 Loader) or PIC programmer (PICKIT3, REALICE, etc)
-Windows, Mac & Linux (using Mono)

What's the Layerone Demo Party?

- Lighting talk describing the Layerone Demo Party:

- Demo Party:

- Example Demos:

- LayerOne is a security conference which focuses on a broad range of subjects such as networking, hardware, cryptography, and more. This year we are introducing a new event within the conference, the LayerOne Demoparty. The purpose of this event is to allow hardware and software enthusiasts to create demos and to show them off at the party. The attendees will be welcome to the outside courtyard where we will have couches and chairs set up around a projector and sound system. Attendees can enjoy adult beverages and watch the submitted demos. After all the demos have been presented, winners for the given categories will be announced.

What's the Layerone Demoscene Board?

A USB programmable board which allows you to write graphics & music demos and display them over a VGA monitor and audio jack. There are limited system resources and the goal is to write code and fit spectacular graphics effects with songs. You can write code in either ASM or C.

Want an example? Take a look at this done on an Atmel atmega88 (just to give you an idea):

Example Demo by JKing:

Layerone Demoparty 2017:

Layerone Demoparty 2016:

A few demos from LayerOne Demoparty 2015:

Default example code it comes with (draws rectangles as fast as possible):

Cool demos in the works by others:

Fun demo at the Hackaday birthday party (receives tweets over USB and displays them on screen)(loudish):

We've made it easy to start by providing a framebuffer for video and an 8-bit audio DAC for music. There is a forum and wiki available for support. (Thanks Davo!)

How do I get a Layerone Demoscene Board?


What's the point of this?

To give new comers to the demoscene and the Layerone Demoparty a chance to develop on a simple yet challenging platform. The goal was to build a low cost board capable of displaying a framebuffer on a monitor and to play audio over a simple DAC. It's now up to you to take this simple board and to create great graphical and musical chaos!

  • 1 × PICKIT3 Header Debug/Programmer Header
  • 1 × 3.5mm Audio Jack Audio Jack
  • 1 × VGA Connector DB15 Connector
  • 1 × USB Micro AB USB Connector
  • 1 × LM1117 Power Management ICs / Linear Voltage Regulators and LDOs

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Greg Kennedy wrote 03/05/2015 at 19:12 point

Could I present a demo without being at the party?

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arko wrote 03/05/2015 at 23:00 point

Yes! You may enter a "Remote" entry (judged the same as Attending entries). Details:

  Are you sure? yes | no

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