
DIY SmartWatch

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In this project, I am trying to develop an Arduino based smartwatch. Smartwatches are starting to become really popular these days and making one myself has been on my list for the past few months. The features that I am planning on at the moment are:
1. continuous heart rate monitor - during activity, etc.
2. oxygen saturation monitoring
3. steps taken
4. miles walked
5. activity level (intensity)
6. calories burnt
7. tell time (of course)
8. notifications from tablet/cell phone

These are pretty lofty expectations, but I think I can do it.

1. Continuous heart rate monitor

Being able to non-invasively monitoring heart rate is pretty standard these days. The dominant technique is photoplethysmography and is performed by shining a light through the finger and and detecting the transmitted light with a photodetector. The amount of the light transmitted is proportional to the amount of blood in the arteries which changes with flow of blood through the arteries. By graphing this relationship, we can detect heart rate. But, being able to do this continuously, while the person is moving and active is a little bit difficult. Companies like Mio with their ALPHA have had some success doing this. I am trying to emulate Mio's technique by using an accelerometer to detect movement and therefore cancel noise in the pulse signal due to movement.

  • Placing pedometer on wrist and transmitting data via bluetooth

    Orlando Hoilett01/20/2015 at 01:30 1 comment

    From Sunday, January 19, 2015

    After doing some work on the continuous heart rate monitor and hitting a dead end, I started working on placing a pedometer on my wrist. I had previously written some code for an Arduino pedometer, so I moved my Arduino pedometer from my waist to my wrist. It appeared to work out well. I was a little nervous about decoupling the movement of my arm from the movement of my body. While I am actually walking, this should not be a problem. But, while not walking, but simply moving my arm, the current code will not work.

    There are 5 "zones" in this data. The first is me being still, then walking forward 4 steps without swinging my arms, then me being still, then walking forward 4 steps while swinging my arms, then me being still.

    My accelerometer data is not as clean as I thought it would be and I am not entirely sure why. I may need a new module or something.

      FILENAME:   pedometer_V_0_1_0.ino
      AUTHOR:     Orlando S. Hoilett
      VERSION:    0.1.0
      Calvary Engineering Family Group, USA
        - a group of DIY enthusiasts  
      Version 0.0.0
                  Uses a simplified algorithm to detect steps. Right
                  now, we are using thresholding to determine a step.
                  Right now, that's an AC signal of 40 raw ADC. The
                  sampling period for a step is 600 ms. Used an op
                  amp (MCP6002) in non-inverting configuration with a
                  gain of 1.5.
      Version 0.1.0
                  Changed thresholding to 70 raw ADC and sampling
                  period of 800 ms. A non-inverting op amp (MCP6002)
                  with a gain of 2 was used. Also added Bluetooth
                  functionality to help in ES140 demo.
      This program is the backbone of a pedometer. It detects steps
      by changes in acceleration as a person is walking.
      1.  Jef Neefs ( and Jeroen Doggen
          ( for their AcceleroMMA7361 library.
      2. for Bluetooth code snippets
          DATE:    17/07/12
          VERSION: 0.2
      This code is in the public domain. Please feel free to modify,
      use, etc however you see fit. But, please give reference to
      original authors as a courtesy to Open Source developers.
    //library include
    #include <AcceleroMMA7361.h>
    //initializes pedometer object
    AcceleroMMA7361 myPedometer;
    int x;
    int y;
    int z;
    int maxVal = 0;
    int minVal = 1023;
    int array[10];
    int index = 0;
    unsigned long tCalib = 0;
    unsigned long tOld = 0;
    unsigned long tNew = 0;
    int steps = 0;
    const int CALIB_TIME = 5000;
    const int threshold = 50; //change in Z acceleration
    const int samplingFreq = 600; //milliseconds
    //Code for Blueooth functionality
    #include <SoftwareSerial.h>
    //DIO used to communicate with the Bluetooth module's TXD pin
    #define BT_SERIAL_TX_DIO 10
    //DIO used to communicate with the Bluetooth module's RXD pin
    #define BT_SERIAL_RX_DIO 11
    //Initialise the software serial port
    SoftwareSerial BluetoothSerial(BT_SERIAL_TX_DIO, BT_SERIAL_RX_DIO);
    void setup()
      //sleepPin, selfTestPin, zeroGPin, gSelectPin, xPin, yPin, zPin 
      //functions depending on which version I am using
      myPedometer.begin(3, 12, 5, 4, A0, A1, A2);
      //myPedometer.begin(10, 12, 10, 9, A0, A1, A3);
      myPedometer.setARefVoltage(5); //sets the AREF voltage to 3.3V
      myPedometer.setSensitivity(HIGH); //sets the sensitivity to +/-6G
    //  Serial.println("Calibrating pedometer.");
    //  while (tCalib < CALIB_TIME) {
    //  }
    void loop()
      tNew = millis();
      x = myPedometer.getXRaw();
      y = myPedometer.getYRaw();
      z = myPedometer.getZRaw();
      if (z > maxVal) {
        maxVal = z;
      if (z < minVal) {
        minVal = z;
      if ((tNew - tOld) >= samplingFreq) {
        if ((maxVal - minVal) >= threshold) {
        tOld = tNew;
        minVal = 1023;
        maxVal = 0;
    // Serial.print(x);...
    Read more »

  • Initial tests for continuous heart rate monitoring

    Orlando Hoilett01/20/2015 at 01:09 0 comments

    Combined a basic current to voltage converter circuit for the photoplethysmograph and my MMA7361 acceleromteter and took some data of my plethysmogram and the movements of my arm. I got some data, but do not know how to process them as yet.

    The orange signal is acceleration data (in the z-direction) and the blue signal is the pulse signal. There are a few distinct "zones." The first is me being still, then moving my hand up and down, then being still, then moving my arm left and right, then being still, then moving my hand up and down, then being still, then moving my hand up and down more quickly. The x-axis is time in milliseconds and the y-axis is signal amplitude.

    The second picture is zoomed onto one section.

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