
The Final Key

A hardware-password-manager with encryption

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I got the idea for The Final Key one day punching in a password and thinking about how neat it'd be if my keyboard was able to store the username/password credentials, since it'd work with all existing applications. So I made The Final Key on this premise, it acts as a USB keyboard, and can be controlled through a serial terminal or a dedicated GUI application, it works on Linux, OSX and Windows. I finished building the prototype a day or two after the mooltipass project was announced, so The Final Key could be considered irrelevant, however, it's a slightly different approach to the same niche problem, and the workflow is different enough that I believe there's a place for both in the world.

Logging in is easy:

  1. "Trigger" an action on an account (for example: type all for Facebook)
  2. The device blinks (that' not actually a step)
  3. Focus the username textfield and press the button.

  • 1 × Arduino Pro Micro or a compatible board
  • 1 × 380 Ohm resistor For the LED
  • 2 × 4.7k Ohm resistor For the I2C
  • 1 × 6x6x7 mm tact switch For pressen'
  • 1 × Arduino Pro Micro case from Shapeways

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  • 1
    Step 1
    1. (Optional, but recommended): Burn the FinalKey modified bootloader to the Pro-Micro using an ISP.
    2. Solder EEPROM to Arduino
    3. Solder Pullups to Arduino
    4. Solder LED to Arduino
    5. Solder Button to Arduino
    6. Place in case
    7. Seal with hotglue - This is not tamper protection, but for mechanical stability/durability, the hotsnot holds up well for this, but you can use something more toxic if you desire.

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