
Home automation hub using Pis, Arduino and more!

Jubito is a home automation hub based on the open source jaNET framework. Can link and interface different objects regardless technology.

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All-In-One hub for connecting software and hardware components based on the open-source jaNET Framework.
Jubito provides you with an intuitive platform that enables you to interconnect hardware and software components, as well as publish your projects online. It can be used for interacting with Arduino devices and populating HTML5 pages with custom instructions, such as application launchers, event managers, schedulers and more. Furthermore, you can setup your Gmail connection settings or SMS gateway to receive notifications when you're away.
In other words, a hub for everything, a resolver to the IoT (Internet of Things).

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Valery DJONDO wrote 11/01/2023 at 22:20 point

Hello, is this project still alive ? 

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John Ambeliotis wrote 11/02/2023 at 09:20 point

Hi Valery,

I stopped the development in 2017 but all the resources (tutorials, source code) are still available. This is the official website ( that will lead you on what you need. Feel free to ask if you have any questions.

Best regards,


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Jasmine Brackett wrote 08/07/2014 at 19:20 point
Hey Jambel, now is the time to add a few more details to your project to give it the best chance of going through to the next round of The Hackaday Prize.

By August 20th you must have the following:
- A video. It should be less than 2 minutes long describing your project. Put it on YouTube (or Youku), and add a link to it on your project page. This is done by editing your project (edit link is at the top of your project page) and adding it as an "External Link"
- At least 4 Project Logs
- A system design document
- Links to code repositories, and remember to mention any licenses or permissions needed for your project. For example, if you are using software libraries you need to document that information.

You should also try to highlight how your project is 'Connected' and 'Open' in the details and video.

There are a couple of tutorial video's with more info here:

Good luck!

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DominicM wrote 07/23/2014 at 02:41 point
I have light and motion sensors working, I am just wondering what communication method you app supports and what format it would expect. Data would be stored on the device from there it could be sent to the server. Since it's bluetooth there would probably need to be an intermediary script that could either send it or store it in a plain text or json file for use by your app for example.

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John Ambeliotis wrote 07/23/2014 at 14:04 point
If I understand your mechanism, you need to write/find a 3rd party script (maybe) that push a command to your arduino via bluetooth. Then you can invoke it from jubito with ./ ( Check the example with a bash script that returns a value.

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DominicM wrote 07/23/2014 at 15:36 point
I have already written a working python script to do that. Assuming jubito can handle python scripts sending should work. How would receiving work? How would my python script send data like motion detection to jubito?

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John Ambeliotis wrote 07/23/2014 at 15:56 point
control panel / add new launcher
name: motion
action: ./python

control panel / add new instruction set
name: getmotion
action: *motion

once you call the getmotion instruction set it will run your script (motion launcher) and fetch the result of it. If you call it from terminal you'll see the result. Follow the rest of debugging (terminal) by screenshots here
Check the script that returns 'john'

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DominicM wrote 07/18/2014 at 14:50 point
Interesting, I wonder if your app could integrate with my project? Does it support sending/receiving serial commands?

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John Ambeliotis wrote 07/09/2014 at 08:04 point
I notice you use openHAB, hmm, very interesting!

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John Ambeliotis wrote 07/09/2014 at 07:55 point
Thanks Eric, will you post the software you are currently using and if you have any of yours left on-line? It is always useful to communities study various technologies!

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Eric Tsai wrote 07/08/2014 at 23:51 point
wow, that's quite an undertaking. I'm using a different home automation platform to integrate my Arduinos. Before that, I tried to write my own automation system, but didn't get anywhere.

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