This is a custom mount for a GoPro hero 3 camera that features a motorized panning mechanism attached to a heavy duty suction mount. Operated with a handheld controller and powered by a cars' cigarette lighter outlet, this mount enables 360 viewing while driving (controlled by the co-pilot obviously; don't hack and drive, kids).
I hit a small snag when mounting it up for the first time... the glass of the sunroof is slightly curved which meant the mount could not have both suction cups attached at once. I had tested the mount with only one before however, so decided to go ahead with the test.
With the obvious safety precautions of course. I will always use the leash tho, I doubt that will stop the cop who pulls me over from making me take it down.
This is a Radio Shack (I hate radio shack. just sayin') electrical enclosure with holes opened for the momentary switch, power switch, power cable and Ethernet cable (out to motor). I used a dremmel and a mini mill to cut the holes.
At first I used an arduino to feed a pwm signal to a stepper motor controller and to take the input from the control box, but that seemed like a huge waste (overkill I mean). So I looked into other ways of generating a pwm signal and found 555 timers could do it. I had been meaning to learn about 555s and this was the perfect opportunity. Thanks to [amandaghassaei] via instructables, I set up this simple circuit:
which is a LM555 setup in astable mode. With C=0.1uF, R1=3.3KOhm, and R2 = 68kOhm, it will produce a 50%(ish) duty cycle at 100(ish) Hz (which I found to give a good speed).
Here it is integrated into the rest of the circuit
I setup up a DPDT momentary rocker switch to power the LM555 thus initiating the PWM signal to the stepper controller, but also to pull the DIR pin low when toggled to one side only. The DIR pin then got a pullup resistor to 5v. This enabled the switch to control the direction of turn without the micro-controller.