
Board Size Update

A project log for Bench Power Supply

Designing an open source, modular bench power supply to rule them all.

the-big-oneThe Big One 02/04/2015 at 03:042 Comments

Well, try as I might, I can't fit the thing into a 5x5cm board: there are just too many large components which need thick traces. Part of the problem is that I am trying to overspec the design; for instance, I am supporting both the 3A OPA548 as well as the 8A OPA549 (which have different footprints). This means that the current-carrying traces must be really thick (I am using 120mil traces for OPA549, and 100mil traces for OPA548)

I am currently shooting for a 5x10cm board (so that other designs can be panelized in the remaining space), and I think that this is reasonable. Here's to hoping at least...


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zakqwy wrote 02/04/2015 at 16:08 point

If you run prototype boards through OSH Park (or another service requiring multiples) and want to offload the extras, let me know--I'd love to buy one! 5x10cm would be ~$40 each from the purple guys. Happy to front the cash if that helps you move forward with the build.

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The Big One wrote 02/04/2015 at 16:39 point

Sweet, I'll keep that in mind, although I think I may have all of the first batch accounted for already. I am designing it in a modular fashion, so that each channel is repeated; so, if you need 4 channels, you will use 4 of the boards. This will make for much less wastage.

I am planning on 4 channels, and a buddy of mine is probably going to get another 3 or 4 probably, so we are hopefully already up to 8 boards used.

That said, you can get it from Dirty PCBs for $25 for a 10x10, so I think that is the way to go. I have used them in the past and they are awesome. (I am designing the trace widths with 1oz copper in mind, so we can go the cheap board route rather than ponying up for more expensive 2oz copper).


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