
40MHz, TV reception! A video.

A project log for sdramThing4.5 "Logic Analyzer"

An AVR, 128MB SDRAM DIMM, old laptop LCD, and a handful of TTL chips -- 30+MS/s 32-channel logic-analyzer interface for an analog 'scope

eric-hertzEric Hertz 03/21/2015 at 03:372 Comments

Since my buddy @frankstripod keeps insisting on more pictures and videos, and I keep wanting to spend time improving the thing... Here's a funny state-of-things.

Experiments show:

This only appears to affect channel 13... and only when using the 40MHz oscillator.

Attempting a 40.96MHz oscillator, as we speak... Hey, that AVR Runs! And we're getting random data, again, which is what was happening with the 40MHz... But, no interference with Ch13, which according to Wikipedia is centered around 210MHz... wonder where that's coming from... 40*5=200MHz... maybe some edges somewhere are ringing fast?


frankstripod wrote 03/21/2015 at 11:08 point

Funny indeed! Be careful not to be sidetracked into mounting an antenna on the SDRAM so it can output its data to your neighbors TV, without the processors knowledge or permission.

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Eric Hertz wrote 03/21/2015 at 04:11 point

Oh, 50MHz too! Weird.

The AVR doesn't even run when it's going this fast... (25MHz)

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