
Slide and Negative Digitalizer

Small DIY weekend project to digitalize old slides from my dad's slide's projector and some very old negatives.

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Small DIY weekend project to digitalize old slides from my dad's slide's projector and some very old negatives.
I did it to save some good memories and some historical photos.

This is a very simple project.

It consists basicly of a lamplada, preferably white light to illuminate the slides or negatives of photos.

  • 1 × Scissor
  • 1 × LED emergency Light It can be any light source
  • 1 × Shoe box Or any box
  • 1 × White paper
  • 1 × Negatives or Slides

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  • 1
    Step 1

    Just watch the video, and not that complicated.

    Any questions send me an email!

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Christian wrote 10/06/2020 at 07:09 point

What program did you use for inverting the negatives? I build a similar solution, but currently only for positives.

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Ken Yap wrote 10/06/2020 at 07:37 point

On Linux something like Imagemagick would do the job and can be scripted. Complication is that for colour negatives (and even some B+W negatives where the film base has a tint) you have to subtract the mask and expand the range.

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MS-BOSS wrote 10/10/2020 at 11:47 point

Have a look at Darktable. Recent versions have improved a module which is intended specifically for this job (for both BW and color).

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FORART fe wrote 10/01/2020 at 06:48 point

Hi there, nice project !

It would be great to establish some kind of collaboration with other DIY-digitizers projects:

Hope that helps/inspires.

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davedarko wrote 02/02/2015 at 12:43 point

Your light source does not look that rich in spectrum, are you planning to change them? Taking pictures with a DSLR of pictures and slides/negatives is something I want to try someday, too - so I'm following this.

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GNbyma wrote 02/02/2015 at 15:27 point

I agree, this light source is not very good, I used it just because I have it spare here.

But it provided a cold effect in the pictures that I liked.

In the future I want to put a better lamp and with intensity adjustment to improve the quality of photos.

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