
Smart Night-light

A light that comes on only when needed.

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Currently, I'm building a new bed for the wife. To pay homage to the great Tim Allen, who some would say is the original hacker, I'm not stopping there... The style of bed I'm building is a platform bed with a ledge that goes around the foot and sides. I'm going to put LEDs under that ledge and turn them into a "smart" night light. The idea is to have some pressure sensors on either side of the bed that will detect when someone gets up. The system would then check the ambient light to determine if being on is necessary. I plan on using an arduino to control everything. This also opens up the possibility of monitoring sleep patterns and logging the data.

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PointyOintment wrote 02/03/2015 at 22:39 point

Reminds me of a project I saw on Kickstarter a while ago. It consisted of four pucks that you'd put under your bedframe's legs, and they'd monitor your sleep somehow.

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Trent Wainwright wrote 02/04/2015 at 15:04 point

Now that you say that, I think I may have read about that somewhere. I'm going to look them up to maybe gain some inspiration!

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