
Wiring [Removing A/V jack and TFT connector]

A project log for Portable Raspberry Pi gaming handheld

Made from a Raspberry Pi 2 B, a 4,3" TFT screen, a powerbank and a modified SNES controller.

lumorLumor 08/01/2015 at 17:160 Comments

I've gone back to using my other TFT screen for now because i found out the PiTFT i had bought (the 3,5" version) doesn't really work great with Retropie yet, i think they are working on an update for it.

I'm thinking of buying a bigger screen because i'm using the composite video connection anyways.

I soldered the RPi directly to the TFT screen, the original connections made bad contact. I also soldered the power wires directly to the pi instead of using the micro usb port, both these things save a lot in space.

I would like to desolder the USB ports from the powerbank and solder the wires directly to it, but it's tricky and i don't want to fuck it all up. It would safe up allot of space though so i'm going to look into it.

(I don't know why there are black bars showing when playing games, the main menu is fullscreen.... Maybe some emulator setting.)
