
Analog solar power meter

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Using the Rpi, i've built a system that reads the data from my SMA inverter, and shows live output to an analog meter from the 30's.


Sander Los wrote 06/02/2015 at 13:55 point

Hi SBF: Of course there is no problem linking to this page! Thanks for the thumbs up ;)

In case someone runs into the gridrelay issue, i'll make sure to create a fix in the code so everyone can enjoy day/nicht settings...

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SBF wrote 03/04/2015 at 09:55 point

Hi Sander,

Very nice project! I added a link on the SBFspot project page, I hope you don't mind.

One remark: gridrelay_status is not available on all inverters (e.g. SB 3300), so there it might go wrong. 

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